The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 817 The Tide of Heavenly Demon’s Power Sea Snake Star

"Tide of the power of the sky demon?" Liang Ji and others looked puzzled when they heard She Yuanjie's words, and asked, "What is that?"

She Yuanjie shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know the specific situation. These are what the principal told me. It is said that the tide of the power of the sky demon is related to the sky demon that created this star field. It seems that it comes from this star field. The black hole in the center of the domain will arise, and it will affect the entire 'Celestial Demon Star Domain'."

"But I haven't experienced it, so I won't know the specific situation until a month later."

"However, according to what the principal told me, when the tide of the power of the sky demon rises, it is the time when the power of creation and destruction of the power of the sky demon is most active in the entire 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. It is when I break the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' "Snake's Road', it's the best time to walk your own path and advance to the fifth level Star Lord!"

When Liang Ji and others heard this, they all had thoughtful expressions on their faces. It could be seen that this 'tide of the power of the sky demon' was probably only known to the top forces and high-level star masters fighting on the front line for the time being. It was not spread to the small teams at the rear.

But no matter what the situation is with this 'tide of demonic power', it can be seen from some information revealed by She Yuanjie that this is probably both a crisis and an opportunity.

When the creation and destruction of the power of the sky demon is most active, the research on the power of the sky demon is undoubtedly the most convenient and clear time.

What's more, She Yuanjie was able to use the opportunity of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon's Power' to break through the limitations of his own 'Way of the Heavenly Serpent', find an opportunity to embark on his own path and break through to the fifth-level star master, but what about the others?

They don't want to be like each other and just go their own way, but if they prepare well, they may be able to get more benefits from the 'Tide of Demonic Power'.

As soon as he thought about it, Liang Ji knew that She Yuanjie should have told them the news deliberately so that they could prepare in advance. If they could seize the opportunity and gain something, it would be a great thing.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist She."

At that moment, Liang Ji and others thanked each other.

She Yuanjie smiled and waved his hands, saying: "There is no need for this. Even if I don't tell you, you will probably get the news in a few days."

"What's more, the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' is both an opportunity and a challenge for us Star Alliance monks, but for the many void monsters in the 'Celestial Demon Star Domain' and even the monster beasts on the living stars, But they are all big opportunities.”

"At that time, under the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power', the void demon clan in the star field and the demonic beasts in the stars are expected to riot, which will be even more dangerous!"

"When the time comes, I will have to rely on all the protectors to prevent the riots of these void monsters and star monsters from affecting my breakthrough!"

Liang Ji and others were slightly moved when they heard this, and they understood that this guardianship mission would not be that simple. Otherwise, the other party would not leave so many monks and teams in the 'Tian Serpent Academy' team without inviting them, but would hire them specifically. To protect the law.

The void demon clan and the star demon beasts are rioting, especially the 'Sea Serpent Star' is still a seventh-level spiritual star. Even if it has been cleaned up by the team of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', the 'tide of sky demon power' will surge, and the fortune will be destroyed. Under the great power, there is no guarantee that a seventh-level monster will not attack.

Unless She Yuanjie invites a high-level star master to sit in and protect the law, the average team may not be as powerful as Liang Ji and his team, and can deal with these seventh-level monsters and even the seventh-level void monsters.

They understood in their hearts, but Liang Ji and the others still smiled and expressed: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist She, since we have accepted the task, we will do our best to prevent fellow Taoist's practice and breakthroughs from being interfered with."

She Yuanjie also said with a smile on his face: "I believe in a few Taoist friends, so I invited a few Taoist friends to come and protect the Dharma."

While he was talking, the starship "Dragon Snake" had already sailed into the void above the "Sea Serpent Star" inside the galaxy, running alongside the airport where the "Sky Serpent Academy" was stationed here.

This 'Sea Serpent Galaxy' was not created by the power of the sky demon. The star in the center of the galaxy is also in a normal state, and there is no residual power of the sky demon on it. Naturally, neither She Yuanjie nor Liang Ji and others went close to the star to conduct research. The meaning is to choose to stay and station outside the seventh-level spiritual star 'Sea Serpent Star' created by nature.

In this galaxy, the seventh-order spiritual vein star 'Sea Serpent Star' is an object of more research value than stars.

"Welcome fellow Taoists, please allow me to take you on a tour of the 'Sea Serpent Star' to show your friendship as a landlord."

She Yuanjie now extended an invitation to Liang Ji and others.

"It's my wish, but I don't dare to invite you!"

Liang Ji and others naturally agreed with a smile.

This is not only She Yuanjie's friendship as a landlord, but he also takes this opportunity to help them understand and familiarize themselves with the situation in the 'Sea Serpent Star', so that they can prepare for their Dharma protection work, possible situations, enemies, etc. one month later. Get a clear understanding.

Naturally, we can't be careless about such an important matter.

At the moment, Liang Ji and others followed She Yuanjie's spaceship in a spaceship and entered the 'Sea Snake Star'.

Since the 'Sea Serpent Star' is named after a sea snake, naturally the ocean occupies the largest area in the entire star, covering almost 90% of the entire star. There are only some islands scattered in the ocean on land.

In the ocean, sea snakes rule the roost. As the most proficient and in-depth study of various snake bloodlines, the 'Sky Serpent Academy' has a special method of searching for traces of snake void monsters in its inheritance.

Liang Ji very much doubted that the fact that the 'Sky Serpent Academy' was the first to discover and capture the seventh-level spiritual star 'Sea Serpent Star' had a lot to do with the dominance of the Sea Serpent among them.

They should have mastered many means to be able to explore and locate the 'Sea Serpent Star' at the first time, so that they could seize this place before so many high-level executives, large groups, and even the Star Palace forces in the Star Alliance. 'Sea Serpent Star'.

After all, the inheritance of saints still has its power.

Although the 'Sea Snake Star' is a spiritual star naturally created by the universe, Liang Ji and others also did not see the 'humanoid alien' natives in this star, only various monsters and giant beasts, including the dominant ones. Sea serpents are also giant beasts and monsters in the sea.

This is very similar to the ecological conditions in the 'life stars' created by the heavenly demons that they had seen in the Qingyang Galaxy and the Chongzi Galaxy. On the contrary, it is very different from the various life stars seen in the outer domain exploration. different.

After all, among the life stars that we saw during our adventures in outer lands, even the 'Behemoth Stars' and 'Tu Yuan Stars', which are also dominated by behemoths or elemental spirits, there are also 'humanoids'. The existence of foreign natives is nothing more than objects of rule.

However, there is no trace of any 'humanoid alien' natives in this 'Sea Serpent Star', which seems abnormal.

I don’t know if it’s due to the influence of the ninth-level heavenly demon in this star field.

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