The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 823 Someone wants to enter the Burning Dao Fruit

In the Sea Serpent Star, before the Sea Serpent Abyss, Liang Ji felt the malice and rejection of the entire star world, and used the fifth-level star master method to summon the projection of his natal star in advance to resist the rejection and suppression of the surrounding Sea Serpent Stars.

Although it cannot fight against the entire star, it can still protect the land thousands of miles around and bless the dependents so that their combat power will not be reduced due to the rejection and suppression of the Sea Snake Star.

"In this way, the source of the natal star is consumed a lot!"

Liang Ji sensed the consumption speed of the source in his natal stars through the 'Bang of Conferred Gods'. His thoughts were whirling in his mind and he made many calculations.

"Although this consumption rate is not as fast as the consumption when the 'Half-Step Yuanshen' and the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' are combined and transformed into the 'Yuan Shen', the difference is limited."

After all, with his current fifth-level star master's power, if he wants to summon the projection of his natal star in advance, he must use the power of the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and the 'God List' with all his strength, which naturally consumes a lot of money.

"If this continues, even if there are twelve outer life stars behind the scenes to provide supply and recovery for the source of the stars, I'm afraid it will only be able to last for about ten days at most!"

“I don’t know if it’s enough for She Yuanjie to break through!”

Thoughts floated in Liang Ji's mind, and he turned to look at the ice soul snake family members of Peng Yue's grandma on the other side.

Peng Yue's grandma has advanced to the sixth level of Star Master, and her ice soul snake family members can reach the highest level of the sixth level. There are even more fourth and fifth level members, even more than the number of Liang Ji's family members.

After all, the other party has practiced for decades more than him, and the sixth-level natal stars are more suitable for the Familia to advance. In addition, he has stayed within the Star Alliance and rarely experienced wars, so the loss of the Familia is also limited.

It is normal for the number of his family members to exceed that of Liang Ji.

However, although the number of the Ice Soul Snake Familia is large, their combat power is far inferior to that of Liang Ji's Dragon Vein Familia.

Especially at this time, the will of the Sea Snake Star is suppressed and weakened. Although Peng Yue's grandmother is a sixth-order star master, she has no way to resist or counterattack. She can only let the Ice Soul Snake Family members suppress and suppress her. While weakening, fight and fight with the incoming sea snakes and various monsters.

Finally, relying on the more complete inheritance and foundation of the Star Alliance, these Ice Soul Snakemen formed battle formations, drove spaceships and starships, and displayed magical and great supernatural powers. However, they were not suppressed by the monsters of the same level in the Sea Serpent Star. It's just that it's hard to tell the winner for a while.

The only thing that attracted Liang Ji's attention was that he discovered that some sixth-level ice soul snake family members actually possessed some methods similar to the 'Heavenly Snake Breath', but they only breathed out ordinary ice breath. The difference between the real 'Heavenly Serpent's Breath' is more than a thousand miles.

But there are indeed some hints of the 'breath of the heavenly snake' in it, and as far as Liang Ji knows, the ice soul snake family members usually do not have similar 'breath' inheritance.

Seeing this, Liang Ji understood something in his heart: "It seems that Peng Yue passed on some of the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' to her grandma."

"However, She Yuanjie wants to break away from the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' and embark on his own path to become a high-level star master; while Peng Yue's grandma is obviously just the opposite. She wants to transfer some of the 'Sage of Heaven' The Snake Saint's inheritance is integrated into the inheritance of the Ice Soul Snake People Family, so as to find his own path to become a high-level star master!"

"One wants to come out, and the other wants to go in! It's quite mysterious!"

"It's no wonder that Peng Yue's grandma insisted on entering the 'Sea Serpent Star' to protect She Yuanjie at close range this time. She obviously wanted to gain experience from the other party."

"Although one is in and the other is out, they seem to be completely different, but there are quite a lot of similarities."

Liang Ji somewhat understood Grandma Peng Yue's plan and path.

"I just don't know if She Yuanjie's breakthrough attempt is of any use to her."

"She Yuanjie wants to use the 'Heaven Serpent' to devour the 'Sea Serpent' to seek a breakthrough. Could it be that she also wants to use the 'Ice Snake' to devour the 'Heaven Serpent'?"

Thoughts were flying in Liang Ji's mind, but he quickly suppressed them and turned his attention behind him.

Two roars and roars came from the 'Sea Serpent Abyss' behind him. One was passionate and decisive, the hissing of a heavenly snake; the other was painful and angry, the roar of a sea snake.

Liang Ji didn't look back, but he could see clearly with his spiritual consciousness. In the phantom of the 'Sky Snake', a star-like fruit made of starlight appeared on top of She Yuanjie. The fruit was burning rapidly and blooming. The bright starlight shrouded his body and filled the phantom of the 'Sky Serpent', quickly solidifying the phantom of the 'Sky Serpent' from fiction, as if it was turning from false to real!

Under the flood and solidification of the burning starlight, the 'Sky Serpent''s body shape and strength increased greatly. In the blink of an eye, its size was almost the same as that of the 'Sea Serpent Phantom'. With its mysterious and high-level nature and methods, it suddenly became ' The sea snake phantom pressed down and gained the upper hand in the struggle and devouring.

"Is that... Dao fruit?"

"Burn the Dao Fruit, consume the source of the natal stars, use this to fill and consolidate the power of the 'Sky Serpent', and want to quickly defeat the 'Sea Serpent'!"

With Liang Ji's current level of cultivation and knowledge, he could identify the methods used by She Yuanjie just at a glance.

Liang Ji was not surprised that the opponent was able to use the means and secret techniques of calling upon the origin of the natal stars at the fourth-level star master stage. After all, it was the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake'. Although there were various restrictions and shackles, compared with the inheritance of the Star Palace, The power and means will probably not be much different.

When Liang Ji was a fourth-level star master, he was already able to mobilize the power of the origins and laws of his natal stars through the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'. It is not surprising that She Yuanjie has such secret skills and methods.

But what he didn't expect was that the opponent's method was so decisive that he could directly manifest the 'Tao Fruit' contained in the natal star, and use the method of burning the Tao Fruit to stimulate and utilize the original power of the natal star to the greatest extent. Thus pushing the phantom power of the 'Sky Serpent' to its peak.

This is a desperate means of survival that cuts off all options and cuts off all options. Failure to do so will lead to failure!

If She Yuanjie fails in this attempt, I am afraid that he himself will burn up together with his natal star and die on the spot.

"However, if you want to break the shackles of the saint's inheritance and walk your own path, I'm afraid you need the awareness and means to risk your life and survive!"

Liang Ji had a clear understanding in his heart. The Heavenly Serpent Academy practices the inheritance of the Heavenly Serpent saint, but the position of principal of the high-level star masters has never been cut off. They definitely know better than anyone else how to break the shackles of the saint and find their own path. Come.

Even the method of burning Dao Fruit is probably not passed down by the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake', but a method developed by the high-level star masters and principals in the history of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' who broke the shackles of the saints and walked their own path.

On the other side, Peng Yue's grandma had already turned around in horror, staring closely at She Yuanjie's method of burning Dao Fruit. She couldn't hide the shock on her face and murmured: "It's so bad!"

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