The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 832 A small confrontation between the saint’s methods and the power of the demon

boom! Rumble...

There was a roar, and bright starlight burst out from the 'Sea Serpent Star' below, illuminating the void in all directions.

It's just that this time the starlight erupting from the 'Sea Serpent Star' is no longer just the pure source of the stars and the power of the spiritual veins. It also contains the power of the sky demon, but it is also being chased by the void demon clan, causing the surrounding The besieging void demon tide became even more violent.

The 'Sea Serpent Galaxy' star map array, Tian Serpent Academy Airport, 'Dragon Snake' starship, etc. have all experienced a great increase in pressure. Even stars in the outer reaches of the galaxy have been destroyed by the void monster tide, thus tearing and damaging stars. Picture array.

However, at this time, Liang Ji's attention was not on the increasingly powerful and pressure-increasing Void Monster Tide attack. He was staring at the Sea Snake Star below, and his mind and consciousness were almost immersed in the 'Fengshen List' and ' The "Feng Shen Bang" is being projected.

As he had speculated before, after being downgraded to the sixth-level star, the sea serpent star was promoted to the seventh-level spiritual vein star again under the power of the sky demon in a short period of time.

It's just that this newly upgraded seventh-level star is obviously no longer the original sea snake star.

Among the stars, the continents rising from the bottom of the sea began to continue to rise, turning into plateaus and even mountains; the earth began to tear apart, and the seawater that had previously poured into the depths of the earth began to emerge from it, and began to spread on the earth again, again The image of evolving the mulberry field and the sea.

"Sure enough, as long as you have enough strength, you can knead and transform even a star field, let alone this small spiritual star!"

"The body left by the Heavenly Snake Saint can make this Sea Serpent star fall from the seventh level to the sixth level, and turn the sea into a mulberry field; now, just the invasion and creation of some heavenly demon power can make this Sea Serpent star fall from the sixth level again. The level has risen to the seventh level, and the mulberry field has turned into the sea!"

"In a short period of time, the little sea snake star has become a plaything that can be manipulated by the saint's methods and the power of the demon!"

"Is this a battle between the saint's methods and the power of the demon?"

Liang Ji looked at the 'Sea Snake Star' that had been demoted and then promoted in a short period of time, and had undergone tremendous changes. He felt so shocked that he could not calm down for a while.

"Moreover, the Star Alliance has been researching for so many years, trying to find a way to quickly upgrade and advance the spiritual pulse stars to solve the problem of the "Earth Immortal Dao Lineage", but they have never found a suitable method."

"But now, it is just a tidal surge of the power of the sky demon, which invades the origin of the star and raises it to one level in a short period of time!"

"It's no wonder that the Star Alliance wants to open up this Sky Demon Star Territory..."

Thoughts flashed through Liang Ji's mind, but his hands did not stop at all. He even did not hesitate to waste the origin of his natal star again, activated the body of the 'Feng Shen Bang', and projected the 'Feng Shen Bang' into the origin of the 'Sea Snake Star'. All changes are recorded and stored.

This drastic change caused by the power of the sky demon, which promoted the sea snake star from the sixth level star to the seventh level, is no longer something that Liang Ji, a fifth-level star master, can directly understand and digest with his own cultivation and Nascent Soul.

Even if he combines the 'Dragon Star Spirit' with the 'Half-step Soul' and temporarily becomes the 'Dragon Soul' again, it will be difficult to comprehend and digest these changes. If he tries to comprehend and comprehend them forcefully, he will only be overwhelmed by the turbulent origins. Swallowed, or twisted and swallowed by the power of the demon.

Therefore, he did not dare to accept and comprehend them all at this time. He could only use the 'Feng Shen Bang' to record and store these changes, leaving them to be slowly understood and digested in the future.

These will be important materials for studying the advancement of stars and the creation of the power of the sky demon. They are far more important than the exotic treasures and foreign objects harvested from the Sea Snake Star that contain the origin of the stars and the power of the sky demon.

Time slowly passed, and as the Sea Serpent Star advanced again, the power of the sky demon gradually gained the upper hand in the star's origin, distorting and transforming the entire Sea Serpent Star, but also tearing away the parts of the Sea Serpent Star's origin that had been 'saint's means'. A piece of replenishment, repair.

Therefore, after the Sea Snake Star was upgraded again this time, it gradually stabilized, and all kinds of doomsday scenes like natural disasters gradually disappeared. The earth fissures, abyss, volcanoes, cracks, etc. that revealed the origin of the stars and the power of the spiritual veins also disappeared. They were gradually re-blocked and repaired.

There is no more original starlight escaping from the Sea Serpent Star. Although the tide of 'power of the sky demon' is still raging, the attraction to the surrounding void demon clan has been reduced a lot.

The waves of void demons attacking from all around the 'Sea Serpent Galaxy' dispersed a lot because of this, and even the seventh-order void demons that attacked had all left.

Therefore, it greatly alleviated the offensive pressure on the 'Sea Serpent Galaxy'.

In the short period of time when the stars were downgraded and advanced, the power of the Void Monster Tide continued to increase sharply, and it had even penetrated into the galaxy, tearing apart and breaking through less than half of the 'Star Map Formation'.

At this time, when they saw that the demonic wave in the void had dissipated, most of the pressure was immediately reduced. Whether they were in the airport of Tian Serpent Academy or in the "Dragon Snake" starship, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

However, no one dared to relax completely. After all, the tide of the ‘power of the sky demon’ had not dissipated yet, and no one could guarantee that something would not happen again in the future.

Even, taking advantage of the opportunity when part of the demonic void tide dissipated and the pressure was greatly reduced, starships flew out from the Sky Serpent Academy's "airport" and began to fly to various parts of the "Sea Serpent Galaxy" to begin repairs. , rearrange the torn and destroyed 'Star Map Array'.

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji also withdrew his mind and consciousness from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' at this time, and couldn't help but reach out and rub his eyebrows.

Although, later on, he did not dare to directly observe and feel the changes in the origin and power of the demon in the Sea Serpent Star, and almost always recorded them using the 'Apotheosis of Gods List', but the intense changes and high-level nature, even if he only stimulated , running the 'God List' also made his mind and energy reach the extreme of exhaustion and consumed a huge amount of money.

Liang Ji couldn't help but look to the other side, but saw that the illusory and real 'Nest of Elements' appeared in the main control cabin of the starship. Peng Yue was sitting cross-legged in the 'Nest of Elements', with the magic weapon 'Wan' The Forge of Law floats directly in front of him and is closely connected to the Nest of Elements.

She is still immersed in observing and recording the origin of the Sea Snake Star and the power of the Sky Demon!

With the protection of the seventh-level 'Elemental Nest', Peng Yue was able to observe, record, and study the changes in the origin of the Sea Snake Star even more deeply than he was. He could also persist for a longer period of time, and naturally gained more.

This is the benefit of high-level origin treasures.

Liang Ji looked envious, wondering when he would be able to obtain a high-level origin treasure from the God Realm!

As thoughts were swirling in my mind, the starship "Ship Spirit" suddenly sent a notification sound. It was a communication request from the "Airport" of Tian Serpent Academy.

Liang Ji opened it directly, but when he saw She Yuanjie's figure appearing on the light screen, he couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Fellow Daoist She, did you succeed?"

She Yuanjie showed a wry smile, nodded and shook his head, saying: "It's mostly successful. Although the cracks were opened in the 'Heavenly Serpent's Shackles', I didn't expect the follow-up 'Sky Demon's Power' to The influence of the Sea Serpent Star is so severe that it actually directly distorts and enhances its origin, promoting it to the seventh-level star again."

"This has interrupted my original promotion plan. I will need to spend a lot more time on my own to break through the crack and complete the breakthrough and promotion."

When Liang Ji heard this, he congratulated: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, there is a direction and path, and subsequent breakthroughs are just a matter of time. Even high-level star masters are expected after this, fellow Taoist, but it is enviable."

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