The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 838 Undercurrents within the Star Alliance

After handing over the materials and treasures brought back from the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' to the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' for processing, Liang Ji put the matter aside for the time being and only paid a little attention to it.

After all, the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' is to serve him and Peng Yue, not let them serve the chamber of commerce. The operation, development, and growth of the chamber of commerce still require their own efforts and efforts.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue only need to pay attention occasionally to ensure that the development and direction of the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' are under their control.

At this time, Liang Ji's parents, family members, etc. also contacted him through the "Star Network" to care about and inquire about his situation in developing the battlefield.

And asked about Wang Ziqiu's situation, safety, etc.

Liang Ji naturally reported everyone's safety and comforted them. At the same time, he explained that Wang Ziqiu had gifts for him to take back, and he had asked the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' to handle them on his behalf and prepare to send them to his relatives.

From inquiries from his parents and relatives, Liang Ji learned that the news of the Star Alliance's defeat on the front line in the pioneering war had now even spread to the Star Alliance, and it was quite agitated.

Something is obviously wrong with this situation.

After all, it has only been a few months since the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power'. No matter how fast the news of the Star Alliance's failure in opening up the battlefield spreads, it is considered fast if it can spread in Tianyao City and Tianxingyuan. How could it be so? Quickly spread to the star regions within the Star Alliance?

You must know that the Penglai Star Territory where his parents and relatives are located is not in the same direction as the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' where the Star Alliance is launching the war. On the contrary, it is quite far away. Compared with the Star Alliance's pioneering battlefield, it is considered to be deep in the Star Alliance. The star field inside and behind.

But now, the news of the frontline's defeat has actually spread to the Penglai Star Territory early, and may have spread throughout the entire Star Alliance.

There is obviously something wrong with such a speed of spread. Even if the upper levels of the Star Alliance do not block or suppress it, it spreads too fast, as if someone is deliberately spreading it!

So after contacting his family, relatives and friends to report that he was safe, Liang Ji began to contact some classmates and friends to inquire about the situation.

He was born in the Kunlun Star Palace and had interned in the Star Alliance security department. He still had many connections. Not to mention other things, seniors Qi Changge and Yang Yun were now officially captains of the Star Alliance security department.

He is also aware of the intensity of the Star Alliance's internal surveillance by the Star Alliance's security department.

Therefore, when he contacted senior Qi Changge to learn about the situation, he realized that since the Star Alliance's pioneering war began, there have been many undercurrents within the entire Star Alliance.

Cult organizations such as the Pantheon, the Temple of Demons, and the Pantheon, as well as evil cultivators, traitors, lurkers, etc., all began to become active.

After all, the Star Alliance is currently engaged in a pioneering war, and most of its energy, resources, attention, etc. are focused on the pioneering war. Naturally, the power and suppression within the Star Alliance will inevitably be relaxed and reduced. At this time, it is natural for these cult organizations to , evil cultivators, traitors, etc. are actively active.

At the same time, these cult organizations, evil cultivators, lurkers, etc. are also unwilling to see the victory of the Star Alliance's pioneering war. Otherwise, the Star Alliance will only become stronger and stronger, which will naturally be more detrimental to them.

Therefore, as soon as unfavorable news came out from the front lines of the battlefield, these cult organizations, evil cultivators, traitors, etc. could not wait to spread these unfavorable and shocking news throughout the Star Alliance, trying to cause panic, disrupt the Star Alliance, and involve the Star Alliance. energy, attention, etc., in order to undermine the pioneering war on the front line.

For this reason, the various news spread within the Star Alliance by these evil cult organizations and cultivators are often exaggerated. According to the information Liang Ji learned from senior Qi Changge, among the many news spread within the Star Alliance about the frontline defeat , even five high-level Star Lords have completely fallen, and hundreds of thousands of Star Alliance monks have been slaughtered.

There are even more exaggerations, some say that the Star Alliance's pioneering war has failed, and the enemy has even counterattacked into the Star Alliance and is about to penetrate into the Star Alliance's star fields.

Such rumors seem very ridiculous, but within the vast star territory within the Star Alliance, they are very vital to spread and grow.

Seniors Qi Changge, Senior Sister Yang Yun, and other monks and teams from the Star Alliance's security department have been working closely with the Star Alliance to track down and eliminate the cult forces, evil cultivators, and traitors who spread rumors these days.

Because of the pioneering war, the Star Alliance shifted its energy from leadership to the outside, giving internal cults, evil cultivators, and traitors room to be active. However, this was also the best time for the Star Alliance security department to crack down on and eliminate these cult organizations, evil cultivators, and traitors. opportunity.

After all, it is easier for them to catch active cults, evil cultivators, and traitors, track them down, and then liquidate and kill them.

Just like the opportunity of this frontline defeat, although rumors are rampant within the Star Alliance, Qi Changge, Yang Yun and others have cleared several cult organization strongholds and arrested and killed nearly a hundred people including evil cultivators and traitors.

Such an achievement is something they have rarely achieved in the past few years.

Liang Ji and senior Qi Changge simply contacted each other and ended the call after understanding the situation. The other party was tracking a team from the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' and was about to seize and clean up a 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' team again. At the stronghold, it was not easy for him to disturb the other party too much.

After understanding the undercurrents and rumors within the Star Alliance, Liang Ji felt a lot more relieved. He still had great faith in the strength of the Star Alliance's security department and the strength of the Star Alliance's internal suppression and control.

Not to mention other things, the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" suppresses the entire Star Alliance. As long as there is no problem with this innate spiritual treasure, no matter how many cult organizations, evil cultivators, traitors, etc. jump up and down within the Star Alliance, It's just a scabies disease that can't shake the Star Alliance's internal rule.

Instead, they are just delivering results for the Star Alliance security department and others.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much within the Star Alliance. What needs to be paid more attention to is the situation and battles in the frontline battlefield and the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’.

But despite this, Liang Ji still contacted his parents, relatives, etc., and told them to ignore the rumors and rumors within the Star Alliance, and not to spread those rumors. In everything, they should believe in the Star Alliance first to avoid being used by others. .

With Liang Ji and Peng Yue here, their families, relatives and friends are still very easy to be targeted and taken advantage of by some people and forces.

With the undercurrents surging within the Star Alliance, it was natural that he would inevitably have to give special instructions to his family, relatives and friends.

When Liang Ji was an intern in the Star Alliance's "Security Department", he had seen many similar cases in the department. Some Star Master monks who had a bright future had various problems due to being dragged down and taken advantage of by their families, relatives and friends, etc. kind of problem.

Naturally, he didn't want this situation to happen to him and Peng Yue.

Even Peng Yue, under Liang Ji's reminder, contacted her family and relatives and gave special instructions to her grandmother.

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