The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 857: The Void Serpent Swallows Stars The Cultivation of High-Level Star Masters

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji opened his eyes and looked at the stars below that had been nurtured and promoted to life stars.

Among the newly promoted life stars, it is still in a barbaric state. The changes in the earth, oceans, volcanoes, wind and thunder, etc. are very drastic, making the changes in the stars complete in a short period of time.

In fact, this is still an excellent time to observe and understand the origin of the stars. Being able to understand the initial origins and changes in laws will also be of great benefit to the evolution and development of the star owner's natal stars.

It's just that in the past three years, his mind and consciousness have been almost concentrated on the observation and understanding of the process of stars nourishing life and ascending to spiritual stars. Although the harvest is huge, it also consumes a lot of his mind, consciousness, and energy. huge.

With the filter of the 'God List', the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', and the natal stars, he does not have to worry about the 'Tao Transformation' in this world of stars where he is nurtured and promoted, but the efficiency of his enlightenment and practice will be greatly reduced if he consumes too much. drop.

At this time, it is better to put down your practice temporarily and let your mind and spirit cultivate.

As for the observation and recording of the origins and laws of the stars below, they are first handed over to the ‘God List’ and the many gods enshrined in it.

The most important role of the gods enshrined in the ‘Bang of Conferred Gods’ is to help star owners sort out and operate the origins of stars and various laws and avenues in their natal stars. It is also very suitable for them to observe and record the origins and laws of new stars.

Moreover, with the ‘List of Conferred Gods’ as the foundation, these consecrated gods do not need to worry about the issue of ‘Taoism’.

The only problem is probably that the level of his ‘God List’ is still low, and the highest level can only be canonized to the fifth-grade green imperial deity. What he can observe and record is basically the shallow, low-level laws and original changes in the new stars.

But it was enough for Liang Ji. After all, he was only a fifth-level star master, and the consecrated gods in his natal star only needed to sort out and operate some shallow laws and origins for him.

As for the deep, fundamental laws and origins, he will not be open to these consecrated gods.

hiss! Roar……

At this time, the sound of snakes hissing and beast roaring came from the new life star below. In this new star, because there is no void pterosaur involved in its creation and derivation, although the ecology is still wild and huge. state, but the dominant one is no longer a monster like a pterosaur.

It is a kind of giant snake, which is good at swallowing and breathing. Liang Ji can clearly see the mark of the "Void Sky Serpent" derived from the principal of the "Sky Serpent Academy" on these giant snake monsters.

Obviously, while Liang Ji and Peng Yue each used their own means to observe, sense, and digest the star's cultivation and promotion of life, the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' was not idle either, and his harvest might even be greater than theirs.

He replaced those void pterosaurs and participated in the initial life evolution and vitality creation of this life star. It can be said that he created this life star together with the "power of the sky demon"!

What benefits can be gained and how much growth can be achieved in this process?

Liang Ji's cultivation and knowledge are not enough, so it is difficult to understand, but what is certain is that he will gain a huge amount.

He couldn't help but move his eyes away from the stars below, and turned to the void on the other side of the stars. The 'Star Spirit Giant' body of the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' was sitting cross-legged in the void, and the starlight around him faintly transformed into a 'Void Serpent. 'The image is like a celestial snake swallowing demon pills towards the stars below.

Every time he swallowed, there were strands of starlight flowing and interacting between the stars and the 'Star Spirit Giant', making the starlight around the 'Star Spirit Giant', the principal of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', become more and more brilliant, filled with mystery. The Tao Yun even erodes, affects, and distorts the surrounding void, faintly transforming into a 'starlight field', in which all kinds of life and star images are evolved, and life and death are disillusioned!

Liang Ji only glanced at it for a few times and then had to look away. The cultivation of high-level star masters was not something he could easily observe and endure.

Moreover, as the "innate energy" in the origin of the new stars is exhausted, the practice of the principal of the "Sky Serpent Academy" seems to have entered a new stage. The starlight of the "Void Serpent" swallowing and interacting with the stars becomes more and more bright and powerful. It has even begun to affect the stars and even the origin.

This is one of the reasons why Liang Ji and Peng Yue had to temporarily stop understanding the origin and laws of this new star.

"Fellow Daoist Liang! Fellow Daoist Peng!"

After Liang Ji and the others finished their training in Xinjin Star, She Yuanjie came looking for them soon.

Seeing the other party again, Liang Ji saw at a glance that the other party had achieved a breakthrough in cultivation and advanced to the fifth level Star Master. He smiled and said: "Congratulations to Fellow Daoist She for your breakthrough!"

"I would also like to thank you for your previous guardianship!" She Yuanjie could not hide the smile on his face at this time, and said with a smile: "What's more, I have been delayed in the fourth-level star master stage for decades, and now I have just advanced to the fifth-level star master. I am far away from you. But it’s getting further and further away.”

"Fellow Daoist She's words are too modest." Liang Ji immediately shook his head and said: "This time you broke the shackles of the 'Sky Snake' and found your own path, I'm afraid it will be no problem for you to advance to the high-level Star Master all the way next. , how can it be so short of several decades?”

"I believe that all the Star Lord monks in the Star Alliance are absolutely willing to spend these decades in exchange for the great opportunity to advance to high-level Star Lords."

"Haha..." She Yuanjie also suppressed a smile when he heard this, but still shook his head and said: "I accept your good advice, but it is not easy to be promoted to a high-level star master."

"Furthermore, my method of breaking the shackles can be regarded as a trick inherited by our 'Tian Serpent Academy'. Compared with the high-level star master monks who have truly found their own path, my method is still far behind. Our 'Tian Serpent Academy' 'In history, it is true that seniors who used this method to break through their shackles failed to break through the high-level star masters in the end."

"In comparison, it's Fellow Daoist Liang and Fellow Daoist Peng. The cultivation paths of you Xinggong Tianjiao are considered orthodox."

The two smiled and exchanged a few polite words, and She Yuanjie turned back to the business: "My coming this time is actually arranged by our principal. He said that with the help of the new star, your natal star's spiritual veins will grow faster. It will be greatly accelerated, but the development of spiritual seeds and spiritual roots in the stars may not be able to keep up for a while."

"The principal accepted your love this time and gained huge benefits. Therefore, before the retreat, he asked me to come find you after you finish your practice and provide you with as much help as possible."

"These are some fifth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots that can be purchased through the trade routes controlled by our 'Sky Serpent Academy'. You can tell me directly if you need them."

She Yuanjie said, passing over a list.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue's eyes lit up slightly when they heard this, and they said with smiles on their faces: "The principal is too polite. If it weren't for the principal's help this time, it would be difficult for us to win this 'Green Wing Galaxy', and it would be even harder for us to enjoy what we have now. These benefits.”

Although they said so, the two of them directly took the list and checked it. They were indeed in urgent need of these fifth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots in their natal stars, but this was not the time to be polite.

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