The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 861 Taiyi Star Palace ‘Bloodline Catalog’ Wang Ziqiu’s Farewell

In the center of the Green Wing Galaxy, there is a blue star that was twisted and created by the power of the sky demon.

When the four life stars in the Qingyi Galaxy have completed their cultivation and promotion, there is no doubt that the 'Qingyang' left in the entire galaxy is the best place to study the 'power of the sky demon' and the creation of the sky demon. place.

In the past three years, the team of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' has built an 'airport' near the star 'Qingyang'. Almost every day, monks from the 'Sky Snake Academy' team come here to comprehend the power of the Qingyang. Extracting the power of the sky demon, doing various research, experiments, etc.

In the team of 'Tian Serpent Academy', there are a large number of mid-level star master monks, all of whom are of ordinary origins and have no star palace inheritance. They rely on their own cultivation and the resources of the Star Alliance to slowly cultivate to the level of mid-level star masters.

For example, the directors of various ministries in Xiu She City, the principals of various universities, and Peng Yue's grandmother are basically like this.

When they participated in this 'Pioneering War', their biggest wish was to find their own path to a high-level star master and increase their hope of advancing to a high-level star master.

And so far, the most promising power in this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' to allow people to break through their limits and find their way to high-level star masters is undoubtedly the 'Celestial Demon's Power'.

After all, the power of this heavenly demon has created an entire star field. If they can gain something from it and create some of their own natal stars, they may be able to find their own path to high-level star masters and be promoted to high-level star master monks.

By then, their status, vision, platform, rights, interests, etc. in the Star Alliance will be completely different.

What's more, advancing to a high-level star master is a direct sublimation and transformation of their own longevity, life, and strength. No one is willing to give up.

Therefore, after the Sky Snake Academy was established in this airport, many Star Lord monks came here to collect the power of Qingyang and study the power of the Sky Demon.

Wang Ziqiu is also one of them, but she is different from those middle-level star masters. Although she is only a third-level star master, she is a student of Taiyi Star Palace. Therefore, in this 'Sky Demon Star Territory', in this 'Qing Yang' 'Before, she could get more benefits.

Therefore, after the airport city was built, almost all of them stayed here to practice within three years.

When Liang Ji arrived at the airport, he could see a 'Star Gate' opening in the void, with 'Sun Feathered Serpents' coming in and out one by one, collecting the power of Qingyang from the surrounding void and sending it into the 'Star Gate'. Among the doors.

He naturally recognized at a glance that those 'Sun Feathered Serpents' were Wang Ziqiu's family members. They were originally the feathered serpent people's family, but after integrating the blood of the indigenous snake people from the outside world he sent, they mutated into the 'Sun Feathered Serpents'. Big increase.

Wang Ziqiu was admitted to the Taiyi Star Palace based on this, and obtained multiple cooperation and sponsorship agreements with the ‘Sky Serpent Academy’.

However, at this time, Liang Ji discovered that these 'Sun Feathered Serpents' like Wang Ziqiu had undergone new changes. They were originally just 'Sun Feathered Serpents' with a pair of golden wings, but now some of them had two pairs of wings. , a new pair of cyan wings appeared under the original golden wings.

The golden wings contain the normal star power of the sun in the star sea, while the new cyan wings clearly contain the power of the ‘Qingyang’ star!

Wang Ziqiu's family member, the Sun Quetzalcoatl, actually mutated and improved again under the influence of the "power of the blue sun".

"Cousin." Upon seeing Liang Ji's arrival, Wang Ziqiu greeted him first.

Liang Ji nodded, looked at the four-winged Sun Feathered Serpents, and asked, "Is there no problem with the mutation of your family members?"

"The power of the heavenly demon contained in Qingyang has not been thoroughly studied yet. Will it affect your natal star?"

"Cousin, don't worry." Wang Ziqiu said with a smile: "Our Taiyi Star Palace has sent a notice a long time ago, encouraging us to try to use the 'power of the sky demon' to make the bloodline of the family members happen before we advance to the fourth-level star master." A mutation.”

"Because after we advance to the fourth level of Star Master, we will be able to cultivate the 'Bloodline Catalog' inherited by the Planet Palace. At that time, we can rely on the power of the 'Bloodline Catalog' to straighten out and purify the power of the bloodline of the dependents, even if there are still some The influence that contains the 'Power of the Sky Demon' will also be purified under the influence of the 'Bloodline Catalog' and integrated into the bloodline of the Familia, becoming the material to enhance the bloodline and strength of the Familia."

"It is also for this reason that our Taiyi Star Palace will encourage all star master students in the star palace to participate in this pioneering war, even those who have not advanced to the intermediate star master level."

"It's because the power of the sky demon contained in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' is of great benefit to us, and it can also be suppressed and purified by the 'Bloodline Catalog', so we don't have to be careful about the negative effects of the 'power of the sky demon' .”

"Taiyi Star Palace! Bloodline Atlas!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but marvel when he heard this. Sure enough, there are specialties in the art industry. The negative impact of the 'power of the sky demon' has always been a difficult problem for him and Peng Yue. However, for the star master students of the 'Taiyi Star Palace', it is just a star. The palace's inheritance 'bloodline catalog' is the foundation for growth and advancement.

It can only be said that there is a reason why the nine major star palaces of the Star Alliance can stand at the top.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji looked at Wang Ziqiu's four-winged 'Sun Feathered Serpent' family members, and asked: "In this case, is it enough for your family members to just integrate the power of 'Qingyang'?"

"I heard that in addition to Qingyang, there are also stars created by the sky demon such as Zi Yang, Bai Yang, Black Sun, etc. in this 'celestial demon star field'. Do you want to collect the power of these stars created by the sky demon?" How many more times will the bloodline of the family members mutate?"

"In this way, after you practice the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Catalog', will you be stronger?"

Wang Ziqiu smiled and shook his head: "Thank you very much, cousin, but it's not necessary."

"After all, I am only a third-level star master. The origin and foundation of my natal star and the family members are still limited. Now it is the limit to be able to withstand the power of a 'Qingyang' and let the family bloodline mutate again."

"Coupled with the power of stars created by other heavenly demons, my family and natal stars may collapse and become distorted before I can complete the 'Bloodline Catalog'."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this and said, "You just need to know the priorities."

As he said that, he changed the subject and said, "You contacted me before and were planning to return to Taiyi Star Palace to retreat and break through?"

"Yes." Wang Ziqiu nodded and said: "My natal star has already been promoted to the third level (100%), and I have been able to carry out reincarnation practice and break through to the third level star master perfection. However, the family members have not been able to achieve the 'Power of the Sky Demon' The bloodline mutation was completed under the influence of the virus, so it was delayed until now."

"Now, my family has successfully mutated and broken through into the 'Four-Winged Sun Feathered Serpent'. All preparations are complete. I am also preparing to return to the Star Palace to retreat and break through to the realm of the fourth-level Star Lord."

"In this pioneering war, only with a higher level and stronger strength can we obtain more benefits and achievements. I don't want to miss the opportunity."

"So I want to say goodbye to my cousin before I leave. By the way, cousin, do you have anything that I need to take back to my family?"

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