The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 863 Spiritual Root Cultivation Test Familia Mutation Test


A dragon roar sounded, and a meteor fell from the sky and was planted into Liang Ji's natal star.

Liang Ji's soul entered the natal star, and held up a ball of blue light with both hands, just like holding up a blue sun. The power of the bright blue sun shined down, focusing on the place where the 'spiritual root' had just been planted.

The natal stars rotate, the sun rises and the moon sets, but this round of 'green sun' shines in the sky like the sun that never sets.

However, under Liang Ji's deliberate control, this round of 'green sun' only shined in a specific place and would not have much impact on the light and darkness, yin and yang, timing, etc. of the entire natal star.

Since the star master's natal star has been promoted to the life star, it also needs to operate according to basic laws and regulations.

Although the star master monk is the 'Emperor' of the natal stars and can master the origin and laws of the natal stars, if he messes around, interferes indiscriminately, and changes the basic and normal operating rules of the natal stars, he will also bring destruction to the natal stars. blow.

In the end, it is the Star Lord himself who bears the consequences and disasters.

Therefore, when developing natal stars, star master monks let the natal stars move and develop on their own most of the time and under certain conditions. They only intervene to guide them when needed and at critical times, but they will not violate the basic laws of star movement.

Just like at this time, he has collected a large amount of Qing Yang's power in the 'Green Wing Galaxy' and can use it in his natal stars at will, but he must also use it according to the normal operation rules of his natal stars.

He did not let the 'Qingyang' shine on his natal stars all the time and wantonly, but only where he limited and needed it.

Soon, the sun rises and the moon sets for hundreds of days in the natal stars, but in the outside world, it only takes more than three days.

Liang Ji used the 'power of Qingyang' to shine on the spiritual root under that kind of light for a hundred days, and finally a green jade-colored spiritual bamboo could be seen growing out of the ground.

Fifth level spiritual root, jade spiritual bamboo!

This is a cherished fifth-level spiritual root cultivated in the Star Palace of Creation. It is planted into the natal star of the star master. Not only can it multiply a sea of ​​'green jade spiritual bamboo', but it can also change the surrounding land. Underground Gather a 'jade vein' to produce a spiritual jade resource.

It can be said that planting this spiritual root is equivalent to planting a spiritual root and a jade spiritual seed of the same level at the same time, doubling the benefits.

For this reason, spiritual roots like this are not only produced in small quantities, but are also extremely popular among the Star Alliance. Creation Star Palaces are often booked by all star masters as soon as they cultivate spiritual roots.

If you don't have enough connections and connections, you can't even think about getting involved and grabbing one.

This time, Liang Ji also relied on the business routes and connections of the 'Sky Serpent Academy' to be able to order the spiritual root of such a fifth-level 'Jade Spiritual Bamboo' to be planted into the natal star.

It can be said that most of the spiritual roots and spiritual seeds that Liang Ji and Peng Yue purchased through the 'Tian Serpent Academy' trade route this time are similar things. They are found in various star palaces, large companies, and specialized associations in the Star Alliance. Medium, precious spiritual roots and spiritual seeds that can only be cultivated in some special places, precious things that cannot be bought without enough connections.

Although the 'Tian Serpent Academy' is only a school on a star, its tens of thousands of years of operation and the inheritance of the 'Tian Serpent Saint' have made it a popular place among the top officials of these star palaces, large companies, associations, and even the Star Alliance. Have their own connections and relationships.

Liang Ji checked the new spiritual roots of the 'Blue Jade Spiritual Bamboo' again and confirmed that their growth was normal and that they could produce a sea of ​​spiritual bamboos. Only then did he feel relieved.

"Sure enough, this 'power of Qingyang', which is full of vitality, is very effective when used to cultivate these spiritual roots. It is equivalent to accelerating time for the growth of spiritual roots!"

"If we can find some way to increase the speed of the growth and evolution of spiritual seeds, they can quickly derive corresponding spiritual minerals, resources, etc. in their natal stars."

"Then the foundation, resources, etc. of the natal star can quickly catch up with the growth of the star's spiritual veins."

The electric thought in Liang Ji's heart turned around and dispersed the 'power of Qingyang' gathered in his hand.

After this period of research, he has already tried to understand that after using the 'Power of Qingyang' to accelerate the cultivation and growth of spiritual roots, it is necessary to pause for a period of time to prevent these spiritual roots from continuing to contact the 'Power of Qingyang', and It is to let the spiritual roots shine and refine with the power of the stars that are originally in the sky of the natal stars and derived from the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Only in this way can the cultivated spiritual roots grow normally and multiply the necessary spiritual plant resources.

Otherwise, if the power of Qingyang is used too much, these 'spiritual roots' will be distorted, mutated, and eventually self-destructed.

After all, these 'Qingyang Powers' are eventually integrated with the 'Celestial Demon Power'. Although they are relatively mature and stable, if they exceed the limit, they will also become like the 'Purple Sun' in the 'Double Purple Galaxy'. The power of vitality and creation is the power of mutation and destruction.

For this experimental result, Liang Ji also used the 'power of Qingyang' to directly destroy two precious spiritual roots purchased through the 'Tian Serpent Academy' trade route, which can be said to be extremely distressing.

He shook his head. Liang Ji's soul did not stay here for a long time. Next, just let the 'green jade spiritual bamboo' grow on its own. The spiritual roots have been nurtured, and the bamboo forest and even the bamboo sea will grow quickly. On many.

Basically it looks the same every year.

His soul rode the wind and soared in the sunshine, and soon came to the depths of the East China Sea, an island blocked and isolated by tsunamis, storms, thunder and other forces.

The islands are stocked with the dependents who mutated in the destroyed 'Double Purple Galaxy'.

Over the years, many of these mutated family members have died. Some died of collapse due to being unable to withstand the changes during the mutation, and some simply died of old age.

Regarding the research, improvement, and advancement of these mutated family members, Liang Ji has basically not gained much in the past few years, and he does not have much power and means to use on these mutated family members to help them move toward benign mutation, improvement, and advancement.

After all, the main cause of the mutation of these Familia is the 'power of the sky demon'. This is not a power that he can study and master now, and naturally it is difficult to intervene in it.

Over the years, more and more of these mutated family members have been sealed and isolated here, providing them with the necessary conditions for survival and growth, allowing them to grow and develop on their own, choosing to believe in 'natural selection' and 'bloodline selection'. Let them survive the fittest.

Those who fail to mutate will slowly die, and those who remain will be those who succeed in mutating. Then we will select the mutated family members that meet the requirements for research, and try to see if we can stabilize the mutated bloodline and power, and then turn them into The power of his family and natal stars.

This is the most basic and most commonly used research method.

But last time, after he heard Wang Ziqiu talk about the function of Taiyi Star Palace's "Bloodline Catalog", he had some ideas in his mind. He wanted to try to learn some inheritance of "Bloodline Catalog" and use these mutated members of the family. middle.

It's just that he still has a lot of worries in his heart, so he hasn't made up his mind yet.

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