The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 875: Nourishing the mind and nourishing the soul, the war resumes

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, there are two suns in the sky.

In addition to the stars derived from the "Zhoutian Star Array", there is also a "Golden Sun" emerging in the sky, illuminating the power of a large golden star.

The power of these golden stars falls on vegetation and animals. Although it makes the vegetation and animals become more spiritual, it is far less effective than the previous power of Qingyang and Purple Sun.

But at this time, on the land of stars, in many mountains, rivers, and cities, the imperial ‘Earth Demons’ appeared one after another, bathing in the ‘power of the golden sun’.

Nourished by the 'power of the golden sun', the divine bodies of these earthly beings seem to have become much more solid, their divine light has become brighter, their divine power is stronger, and their spirituality is more abundant.

There is no doubt that the spiritual power of the Golden Sun Galaxy in the Kunlun Star Palace is of great benefit to gods, souls, demon souls, etc.

In various cities, the dependents of the third level and above are bathed in these 'powers of the golden sun'. Their souls will be nourished and improved, and their intelligence and wisdom will increase, which will lead to the growth of their bloodline and strength.

Liang Ji's soul came to the natal star at this time, holding the 'Golden Yang' in his hand, directly passed through the separation of Yin and Yang, and entered the Nine Springs Underworld under the Nine Earths.

Holding the 'Golden Yang' with both hands, strands of 'Golden Yang Power' are scattered in all levels of the underworld. The heroic spirits, ghosts, ghosts and gods living in all levels of the underworld are also contained in these 'Golden Yang Power'. Under nourishment, the soul body and divine body become more solid, the soul power and divine light become stronger, and the strength is greatly improved.

Generally speaking, ghosts and heroic spirits cannot withstand the "power of stars" until their cultivation and strength reach a certain level, and they will be burned or even burned to death by the power of the blazing sun.

But this 'Golden Yang Power' is obviously different. The powerful 'spiritual power' contained in it enables even low-level wandering souls to withstand the nourishment of the 'Golden Yang Power'. They no longer feel It is the burning pain and burning of the 'star power', but it is the nourishment of powerful spiritual power.

Liang Ji was once again amazed by the power of the demon's creation.

However, the 'Power of the Golden Sun' is also the power of a star after all, and there is a limit to what a low-level wandering soul can withstand.

After Liang Ji saw that many wandering souls were about to reach their limit, he stopped shining the "Golden Yang Power" in the underworld, and instead brought the "Golden Yang Power" to the isolated "Experimental Island" deep in the East Sea of ​​the Yang Realm.

Use the 'power of the golden sun' to illuminate the mutated family members, the eggs laid by the mutated family members, and the beast-shaped family members hatched from the eggs.

With the addition of the 'Power of the Golden Sun', Liang Ji could first see that both the mutated Familia and the eggs, as well as the beast-shaped Familia, had grown significantly, and the growth was more stable, with less distortion and loss of control. exist.

This made Liang Ji more and more certain that it was the right choice to collect the power of different heavenly monsters to create stars and use them to illuminate and cultivate the growth of these mutant and beast-shaped families.

It is a pity that Liang Ji intends to increase the illumination and cultivation of the beast-shaped dependents by the 'Power of the Golden Sun'. He wants to use the powerful spiritual power contained in the 'Power of the Golden Sun' to nourish the souls of the beast-shaped dependents and make them They awaken spiritual wisdom and even advance.

But not only was it unsuccessful, it actually caused several beast-shaped family members used in the experiment to lose control and launch attacks of destruction and destruction wantonly.

In order to avoid causing damage to the 'experimental island', Liang Ji had to directly kill these out-of-control beast-shaped family members on the spot.

It was also this experiment that made Liang Ji understand that although the power of different heavenly demons to create stars is very beneficial to cultivating mutant and beast-shaped dependents, , but if it is too much, it will also cause loss of control.

In this way, Liang Ji stayed in the 'Golden Sun Galaxy' for half a year, because these 'Golden Sun Powers' were not only useful for his experiments in researching and cultivating mutant clans, but were also beneficial to the clans, gods, and ghosts of the underworld, so he stayed in The 'Golden Sun Galaxy' stayed for a few more months in order to collect more 'Golden Sun Power'.

During this period, Mentor Jin of the Jinding Lineage who was in charge of the Jinyang Galaxy finally ended the meeting on the frontline battlefield. After Liang Ji learned the news, he immediately went to visit and thank him for his care.

Instructor Jin also seemed very happy about Liang Ji's visit. He asked about his current situation, told him about the situation on the frontline and the battlefield, and revealed some of the latest news.

Just like this time the other party participated in the frontline battlefield meeting, the senior leaders of the Star Alliance have decided to launch a full-scale attack again to regain the galaxies lost in the previous tide of "Sky Demon Power" and continue to move towards the "Sky Demon Star Territory" Attack deep.

Instructor Jin also asked Liang Ji if he was interested in joining the team organized by Xinggong, participating in the battles on the frontline battlefield, and truly seeing what it was like to open up the frontline of the war.

Liang Ji thanked the other party, but declined the invitation.

Now that he has found his own path, it is time to take great strides forward according to opportunities and improve his cultivation and strength, instead of going to dangerous frontline battlefields to experience the scenery of open war.

When he reaches the sixth-level Star Master, or even the seventh-level Star Master, and then goes to open up the front lines of the battlefield, he can see all the scenery, and he can even become the dazzling scenery on the open battlefield.

When Teacher Jin saw Liang Ji's refusal, he felt a little regretful but said nothing. Everyone has their own choice and path, and it was not good for him to interfere too much.

However, after learning from Mentor Jin that the Star Alliance was going to attack again, Liang Ji thought about it and decided to slow down the speed of collecting the power of different stars.

After all, there are several life galaxies containing special stellar power that are very close to the frontline battlefield. If he rushes to collect the stellar power, he may directly crash into the offensive battle launched by the Covenant Alliance.

He slowed down and first collected the special star power contained in the several life systems behind him. It was estimated that the battle on the front line had also yielded results. The front line of the Covenant's expansion war should also have moved deeper into the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' Deeper, further.

When the time comes, it will undoubtedly be much safer for him to go to the galaxies closer to the front line to collect the power of stars.

After having a direction, Liang Ji is now pursuing steady progress without taking too many risks.

This is also one of the reasons why he stayed in the 'Golden Sun Galaxy' for half a year. One of the reasons is to collect more 'Golden Sun Power' that is more useful to him. On the other hand, it is also to see how the situation is on the frontline battlefield.

Half a year later, he had collected enough 'Golden Yang Power', and learned more frontline news through the Star Palace. He knew that the counterattack launched by the Star Alliance had begun, and everything was going well so far.

At the moment, he did not continue to stay here, but teleported through the 'Starlight Gate' to the next target, the 'White Sun Galaxy'.

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