The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 877 The improvement of ‘Elemental Spiritual Vein’

In the White Sun Galaxy, above the ‘airport’ built by the Vientiane Star Palace.

Liang Ji was running the pupil technique of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit', looking in the direction of the depths of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', which was the front line of the Star Alliance's battlefield development, not too far from the White Sun Galaxy.

He was running the Star Magic Eye Technique. Although it was difficult to see the specific battles and killings on the battlefield, he could clearly see the movement of large stars in the void, the rotation of galaxies, and the vibration of the void.

Liang Ji knew that it was the sound of the Star Alliance's pioneering army attacking and fighting.

In such an open battlefield, the fighting movements and fighting methods of the Covenant may not be as good as the "artificial star field" he saw in the Void Sea when the Covenant army and the gods of the gods launched a decisive battle; but at least there can be an "artificial galaxy" means and strength.

Using the star port as the base, a large galaxy array was arranged, and even high-level star masters moved the stars, just like galaxies advancing and sweeping through the void, launching attacks on every galaxy created by the sky demon.

The resulting movement can be felt and seen across several galaxies.

While Liang Ji was collecting the 'Power of the White Sun' and conducting experiments with the 'Power of the White Sun', he would often look in the direction of the battlefield with the Star Technique and the Eye Technique, feeling the fierce fighting movements and the intensity of the fighting.

"In such a battle, without the cultivation of a sixth-level star master, it would be difficult to protect oneself; and without the combat power of a high-level star master, it would be difficult to gain much!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but think of senior Bian Yujiao. The senior had contacted him a few months ago. She learned that his team had occupied a 'life galaxy' in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' and contacted him specifically to congratulate him.

At the same time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao is also a matchmaker for her own 'Yujing Tower' caravan, and wants to purchase some resources in the 'Qingyi Galaxy', the power of Qingyang, wild treasures, etc.

Liang Ji naturally welcomed this senior who had always taken good care of him, and directly asked the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' to connect with the other party's 'Yujing Tower' chamber of commerce, and all kinds of goods and transactions were carried out at the highest discount.

Senior Bian Yujiao was also very grateful to Liang Ji, and during the exchange, he could clearly see that this senior who was high-spirited at the beginning now looked tired and sad.

Liang Ji asked a few questions, and Senior Sister Bian Yujiao seemed to have endured it for a long time and couldn't help pouring out her bitterness to him. She said that the battle on the frontline battlefield was difficult. Although she had the cultivation of a sixth-level star master, there were also third-level players in the team. Immortal.

However, such a team can only be regarded as an inconspicuous splash on the frontline battlefield. After several years of fighting, their team has made many achievements on the frontline and acquired a lot of resources and treasures.

However, Senior Bian Yujiao's goal of capturing a life star as the team's base in 'opening up the battlefield' has never been completed.

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but envy Liang Ji's luck. She was lucky enough to capture a life star and occupy a life galaxy while she was behind.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao told him that many companies and organizations on the frontline battlefield were envious of the luck of their "Dragon Snake" team.

If it weren't for the Star Alliance's strict battlefield rules and Star Alliance laws, many people might be tempted to go to the rear to snatch the life stars they occupy.

Listening to Senior Bian Yujiao's envious words, Liang Ji could only change the topic with a few words of humility and learn more about the frontline battlefield.

It was also through Senior Sister Bian Yujiao that Liang Ji became more and more aware of the difficulties in the frontline battlefield without the strength of a high-level star master.

Therefore, in the 'Jinyang Galaxy', Mentor Jin of the 'Jinding Lineage' invited him to go with the Star Palace team to the frontline battlefield to see and fight, but Liang Ji also directly refused.

He knew very well that with Senior Bian Yujiao's strength, the team was exhausted on the frontline battlefield and could barely protect themselves, but the attack was insufficient. He considered that his strength was even worse than Senior Bian Yujiao, so naturally he was even less willing to do so at this time. Going to the frontline battlefield is a waste of time and suffering.


At this time, the sound of dragon roars faintly sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness. This was a notification from the dragon soul entangled in the natal star that it had collected enough 'power of the white sun'.

At that moment, Liang Ji withdrew his 'Eye of the Star Spirit' looking at the front line of the battlefield and turned his mind back.

He entered the 'airport', returned to his room, activated the defensive formations and restrictions, and then his soul left his body and entered his natal star.

At this time, among the natal stars, the phenomenon of double suns volleying in the sky once again appeared, but this time, in addition to the stars derived from the 'Celestial Star Array', the other sun was no longer the 'Golden Sun', but It's 'White Sun'.

Liang Ji had previously conducted various experiments using the 'Power of the White Sun' on an isolated island deep in the East China Sea, and was sure that it would not have a negative impact or damage to his natal stars; so he let go of the 'Power of the White Sun'. The limitation of power allows a large amount of "white sun power" to shine on the natal stars, nourishing all things and dependents in the natal stars.

Now for several months in the outside world and more than ten years in the natal stars, under the illumination and nourishment of the 'power of the white sun', many new changes have occurred in the stars.

As the star master, Liang Ji felt the most obvious changes in his natal stars. The mountains, rivers, and many spiritual plants in the stars have become more beautiful, and their spirituality has greatly increased, but they are still far from being able to generate 'natural spirits'. degree.

He understood the reason just by thinking about it. On the one hand, the collected 'White Sun's Power' was limited after all, and after it was scattered everywhere among the natal stars, even less would be distributed to various places; on the other hand, the 'White Sun's Power' was Many of the spiritual powers in "Power" have been refined by the "Dragon Soul" first, and are much weaker than the original White Sun Power in the "White Sun Galaxy".

However, Liang Ji knew in his heart that there was one last important reason, which was that many beautiful places such as mountains, rivers, and rivers in his natal star had been sealed off by 'terrestrial beings', and these 'terrestrial beings' had occupied these mountains, rivers, etc. The spirituality and origin of the earth basically cuts off the possibility of the birth of a 'natural spirit'.

On the contrary, some of the 'spiritual crystal' fragments that he had planted into his natal star, and the elemental spiritual veins such as earth veins, fire veins, and wind veins derived from the natal star, all appeared this time under the illumination of the 'White Sun'. He has grown a lot, becoming more spiritual and powerful.

Although no 'Elemental Spirit' was born as a result, the power of the various elements in Liang Ji's natal stars was greatly increased. The various bloodline magical powers used by the family became stronger, and the 'elements' originally placed in the stars were greatly increased. The power of the "Wandering Dragon Formation" has more than doubled.

Although this 'power of the white sun' did not allow the birth of a 'natural spirit' from his natal star, it did greatly increase his natal star's foundation, the combat power of his family members, and the power of defensive formations.

It’s quite a harvest.

"It's just that now that the 'Power of the Golden Sun' and the 'Power of the White Sun' have been collected, it is not easy to collect the remaining powers of the stars created by the sky demon..."

Liang Ji thought about it in his mind and couldn't help but frown.

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