The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 879 ‘Star Map’ Treasure Lingbao Star Palace Inheritance

‘Sky Demon Star Territory’, in the void on the front line of the Star Alliance’s battlefield.

The eighth-order Void Monster Race is like a star flying across the sky. The Star Alliance's star ports, starships, and even the 'artificial galaxies' they form are difficult to stop. Some of them are torn apart and smashed by them. Many monks follow the star ports and stars. The ship was destroyed and fell.

Seeing that it was uncheckable, a seventh-level star master transformed into a 'starlight giant' and presented a 'star map'. The 'star map' spread out in the void and immediately turned into a 'galaxy'.

But this galaxy is a galaxy that is being destroyed. The star in the center of the galaxy is dying, turning into a black hole and swallowing everything around it.

The 'star' transformed by the eighth-order void demon clan fell into the shroud of the 'star map', and was immediately attracted and swallowed by the black hole transformed from the fallen star in the center of the 'star map', and kept approaching it.

The eighth-order void demon race let out a real roar, and the dazzling demon power erupted from its body like a star exploding, distorting the surrounding void and eroding the surrounding chaos, trying to escape from the galaxy where the 'star fell'.

It’s just that the high-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance in the frontline battlefield will naturally not sit idly by and let him get his wish.

Several seventh-level star masters transformed into "celestial spirit giants" gathered around the star map of the "falling star", and each used their own means to stimulate the "star map". Suddenly, the falling stars in the "star map" accelerated their fall. The devouring power of the black hole increased greatly.

The huge devouring power directly distorts and devours the stars, void, chaos and everything in the galaxy, including the eighth-order void demon clan that falls into it.

Although its full power is no less than that of a 'star', it still has little resistance when faced with the power of a black hole that is also transformed by the fall of a star.

With the last mournful roar, the eighth-order void demon race that was rampaging on the frontline battlefield, smashing many star ports and starships, crashed directly into the falling star.

Suddenly, the entire 'star map' shook violently and seemed to be shattered.

Several 'Star Spirit Giants' continued their tactics, and finally even activated the 'Star Map Array' arranged in more than a dozen galaxies occupied in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', condensing large swaths of starlight and suppressing it, and only then did the 'Star Fall' The star chart stabilized and folded again.

"Star falls!"

The battle on the frontline battlefield was fierce and fast. By the time Liang Ji reacted, the battle was over.

It was only then that he took a breath and looked thoughtful.

Liang Ji recognized the 'Star Fall' star map from the eighth-level Void Monster Tribe at a glance. It was the 'Star Fall' galaxy that their 'Dragon Snake' team had previously discovered in the outer star sea.

He still remembered that after reporting the 'falling star' galaxy, the Covenant sent several seventh-level star masters to join forces to refine the 'falling star' area and the fallen stars into a 'star map' Among the treasures.

Now, in this star alliance's pioneering battlefield, he actually saw the treasure of the 'Star Map' being sacrificed and showing its power, which made him marvel in his heart.

"It is said that the method of refining a galaxy or even a fallen star into a 'star map' treasure was developed by Lingbao Star Palace."

"The star master monks of Lingbao Star Palace are the best at using various stars and galaxies as materials to refine spiritual treasures."

"In fact, the Lingbao Star Palace's inheritance of the 'Tongtian Baolu' requires the collection of various star materials and even star cores to be refined."

Liang Ji's mind was spinning. After seeing the power of the 'Star Map' treasure, he suddenly became very interested in the inheritance of the 'Lingbao Star Palace'.

"It just so happens that this trip to the Green Sun Galaxy is exactly the galaxy controlled by Lingbao Star Palace."

"I don't know if I can take a tour of the Green Sun Galaxy under the leadership of my old classmate Lan Yingying and see the inheritance method of Lingbao Star Palace?"

Two of the "life galaxies" occupied by the Star Alliance in the "Sky Demon Star Territory" are the "Green Sun", which are occupied by the Lingbao Star Palace and the Taihao Star Palace respectively.

Among them, the galaxy occupied by Lingbao Star Palace is named ‘Green Sun Galaxy’, while the galaxy occupied by Taihao Star Palace is named ‘Green Sun Galaxy’.

This time, Liang Ji got the opportunity to collect the "Power of the Green Sun" in two galaxies for two months each with the help of two old classmates. Now he is about to go to the Lingbao Star Palace through the teleportation of the "Starlight Gate" 'Green Sun Galaxy'.

It's just that the sudden attack of the eighth-level void demon clan affected the shuttle of the Star Alliance's 'Star Map Array' and 'Starlight Gate', so it didn't work out.

Now that the eighth-level Void Demon Clan has been taken down, stability has been restored on the frontline battlefield, and the 'Starlight Gate' has been reopened. He can just continue to teleport to the 'Green Sun Galaxy' to have a look.

Liang Ji was not interested in the inheritance of the 'Tongtian Baolu', and wanted to join his plan to integrate the inheritance of the Star Palace.

After all, the fusion of the three star palace inheritances of 'The List of Gods', 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' and the 'Bloodline Catalog' is already very difficult. He only had some ideas after discovering that the 'Dragon Soul' could swallow the power of creation of the heavenly demon. grasp.

But it is obviously impossible to integrate more star palace inheritances, or even to catch up with all nine star palace inheritances of the Star Alliance!

Biting off more than he can chew and integrating too much will only cause his originally possible path to success to fail and be cut off.

Moreover, the inheritance he chose from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and the 'Bloodline Catalog' are the ones that are most consistent with his natal star and the situation of his family members. They are the ones he can learn and master, so he made this choice.

The inheritance of the other star palaces, whether it is the "Tongtian Baolu" of the Lingbao Star Palace, the "World Tree" of the Creation Star Palace, or the "Pure Land" of the Bitter Sea Star Palace, are undoubtedly different from his natal stars and dependents. Calculating the fit and forcing learning and mastering will not only waste time, energy and the origin of the natal stars, etc., but may even fail to master and directly fail.

Even if he mastered it by luck in the end, he would not be able to fuse it, and it might even become an obstacle for him to fuse the three inheritances of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and the 'Bloodline Atlas'.

Naturally, he would not do such a thankless thing.

However, if one could see the inheritance of the Lingbao Star Palace's 'Tongtian Baolu', it would also be necessary for him to refining his natal magic weapon, the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth', as well as the development of the artifacts of the family members, the construction of spaceships, etc. How beneficial it is.

If I have the chance, I would naturally like to see it.

Liang Ji was thinking in his mind, and after the "Baiyang Galaxy" stabilized the "Star Map Array", his application was re-approved. Starlight gathered in the center of the galaxy, and the "Star Map Array" was running to connect other The grand array of galaxies opens a 'starlight gate' for transmission between galaxies.

He once again thanked the Vientiane Star Palace Master monk who was responsible for receiving him in the White Sun Galaxy, and then stepped into the Starlight Gate and teleported to the Green Sun Galaxy.

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