The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 884 Orange Sun Galaxy A once and for all solution

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words, took up the 'Star Book' and logged into the frontline 'Star Network', where he called up some tasks issued by Taihao Star Palace. After reading it, he shook his head slightly.

The missions that Taihao Star Palace can issue to outsiders are not simple missions. The mission locations are all on the frontline battlefield.

As for the simple tasks at the rear, they have their own star master monks within the star palace and a large number of forces who are friendly with Taihao star palace to share them, so how can they release them to outsiders.

Liang Ji now has no intention of going to the front line to join the battle. He is already quite close to the front line battlefields in the White Sun Galaxy, Green Sun Galaxy and other places. He often uses the star technique of the 'Star Spirit Pupil' to look at the battlefield situation from a distance and can clearly see the situation. The battle was fierce.

Without the regular combat power of a sixth-level star master, or even the explosive combat power of a seventh-level star master, entering it rashly will only lead to drowning in it, although you may die.

This is naturally not what he wants.

After closing those tasks, Liang Ji asked unwillingly: "Junior, is there any other way?"

"Or, can I exchange it for spiritual stones or even meritorious deeds?"

The junior student from Taihao Star Palace shook his head slightly and said, "I'm sorry, senior, our Star Palace does not lack spiritual stones and meritorious deeds."

Seeing this, Liang Ji felt a little helpless. He suppressed many thoughts in his heart and said, "In that case, please help me apply to open the 'Starlight Gate' teleportation. I need to teleport to the 'Green Wing Galaxy'."

"Okay, senior!"

The disciples from Taihao Star Palace immediately agreed and quickly completed the application. In the center of the Green Sun Galaxy, a ‘Starlight Gate’ opened.

"Thank you so much, junior." Although he failed to achieve his goal, Liang Ji still thanked the other party, went to give him some resources and spiritual objects harvested from the outer star sea, and said: "I have been troublesome for the past two months, junior. I have time. Welcome to the 'Green Wing Galaxy' as a guest."

After receiving the gift from Liang Ji, the smile on the other party's face became brighter and he said with a smile: "It's easy to say, Yong Kong will definitely go."

Afterwards, Liang Ji stepped into the 'Starlight Gate' and teleported away directly, returning to the 'Green Wing Galaxy' he occupied.

Although it is said that in various galaxies occupied by the Star Alliance, there are still two powers of the sky demon to create stars, namely the "power of the black sun" and the "power of the blue sun".

However, the galaxies where these two types of heavenly demon-created stars are located are controlled by the 'Bitter Sea Star Palace' and the 'Guixu Star Palace' respectively. Liang Ji does not have a deep relationship with these two star palaces. It is not easy to collect the power of these two heavenly demons to create stars.

Moreover, after trying the experiment of "Dragon Star Spirit" mastering the power of creation, Liang Ji had already understood a few points about the role of the power of these heavenly demons in creating stars, and he also knew clearly that the power of stars collected in just a few months was not enough. use.

He must find a way to freely collect more types and quantities of the power of heavenly demons to create stars.

Therefore, Liang Ji suspended his plan to collect the 'Power of the Black Sun' and 'The Power of the Blue Sun', and instead returned to the 'Green Wing Galaxy', preparing to find relationships between all parties and try to see if there is any good solution. Method.

Starlight circulated and shuttled through space. Liang Ji stepped out of the 'Starlight Gate' and returned to the 'Green Wing Galaxy'.

This place is located behind the "Sky Demon Star Territory" occupied by the Star Alliance, far away from the frontline battle site, but it has always been peaceful and unchanged.

However, Peng Yue is not here in the Green Wing Galaxy now, but in the White Sun Galaxy occupied by the Vientiane Star Palace, collecting the power of the White Sun.

After Liang Ji tried the spiritual effect of 'White Yang Power', he naturally told Peng Yue about it.

For him, the 'Power of the White Sun' is to enhance the power of the 'Elemental Spiritual Vein' in his natal star, but for Peng Yue, the 'Power of the White Sun' is not only for the development and improvement of his natal star, but also for his family. Very useful.

Therefore, after learning about the effect of the 'Power of the White Sun' from Liang Ji, Peng Yue directly teleported away from the 'Green Wing Galaxy' and went to the 'White Sun Galaxy' to apply for the collection of the 'Power of the White Sun'.

She is a fifth-level star master student of the 'Wanxiang Star Palace', just like the 'Golden Sun Galaxy' occupied by Liang Ji in the 'Kunlun Star Palace'. As long as she applies, the star palace will naturally pass it through and allow her to go to the 'White Palace'. The Yang Galaxy 'collects the power of the White Sun'.

And there is no time limit. She can collect as much "White Sun Power" as she needs in the "White Sun Galaxy".

Cao Chanyue is still in the 'Green Wing Galaxy', but now she is still obsessed with studying the bloodline of the 'Void Serpent' monster.

As for the members of the 'Dragon Snake' team, Wu Shan, Chu Yue and others are also busy. They are either sitting in the 'Dragon Snake Chamber of Commerce' or studying the 'Power of Qingyang'. Although Liang Ji has returned, they are just Say hello and don’t have much time to get together.

Liang Ji didn't care about this. He returned to the "Dragon Snake" starship and logged into the frontline "Star Network" to view various information.

However, there was a new piece of news that attracted his attention.

After the Star Alliance captured an eighth-level void monster clan on the frontline battlefield with the 'Star Map' treasure, they quickly expanded their results and recaptured several galaxies previously lost under the 'Tide of the End of the World'.

The Star Alliance's frontline "Star Network" sent out good news, and introduced a lot about those galaxies.

What attracted Liang Ji's attention was one of the 'Orange Sun Galaxies', which contained an 'Orange Sun' created by the power of a sky demon, which added to the power of different stars created by the sky demons controlled by the Star Alliance. There are as many as eight types.

"According to my calculations, the dragon soul can swallow and digest up to eighteen kinds of power of the stars created by the sky demon. Any more will cause the dragon soul to be affected by the power of the sky demon."

"Among them, swallowing and digesting the power of the nine stars is undoubtedly an important node."

"The Star Alliance has now mastered the power of eight kinds of heavenly demons to create stars. If they can collect and refine them without limit, then I will not be far from this node."

Liang Ji's thoughts became more and more fervent.

Unfortunately, according to the news in the 'Star Network', this 'Orange Sun Galaxy' is occupied by the 'Tai Shang Star Palace', and he also has no deep relationship with the 'Tai Shang Star Palace'. Going to collect the 'Power of Orange Sun' is also a bit troublesome.

"Moreover, collecting galaxies one by one like this is a waste of energy and time. It will be even more troublesome if you still need to complete the tasks of star palaces and large companies that occupy each galaxy!"

"It's best to have a way to solve it once and for all..."

Liang Ji's thoughts were spinning in his mind. He looked through the 'Star Network' and searched for connections that he could contact. In the end, he found one person, which was his junior Liu Xu.

Now, Liang Ji is quite familiar with Liu Xu's background, and there is at least an eighth-level star master behind him.

In the Star Alliance, if the ninth-level star master does not appear, the eighth-level star master is already considered the top level of the star alliance.

If he can get the support of the eighth-level star master behind him through Junior Liu Xu, it will give him some face compared to other star palaces and large companies, allowing him to collect enough power of the sky demon to create stars.

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