The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 903 Yunlai’s investment and the gap between the stars

"What promise?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

"If your experiment is successful because of your contribution, I hope that when you submit the experimental report and apply for a patent, you can add a name to it. You don't need to share all the experimental benefits with you, just 100%. Just a split of one.”

Yunlai said immediately.


Liang Ji looked at the other party with some confusion.

Yunlai didn't hide anything and said directly: "Old classmate, I won't hide it from you either."

"The 'Celestial Demon's Star Creation Experiment' led by Master Yuanmu is highly regarded by the senior leaders of the Star Alliance. It is generally believed by several major star palaces and senior leaders of the Star Alliance to be the best direction to solve the problem of the 'Earthly Immortal Taoism'. .”

"If you complete this experiment and solve the problem of the way forward for the 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage', it will not only represent huge benefits and status, but even countless third-level immortals in the entire Star Alliance will be grateful to you."

"When the time comes, if I add a name, I will not only be able to enjoy huge benefits, reputation, status, but even be famous in the history of the Star Alliance!"

When Yun Lai said this, he seemed to feel that his investment was not enough, and immediately said: "In this way, classmate Liang, if you agree, I will help you solve the problem of the power of other heavenly demons in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' to create stars!"

“There are as many varieties as you want, and as many quantities as you want.”

"You don't need to pay a single spiritual stone or a single meritorious service, just consider it as my investment in your experiment."

"This way, when the experiment is successful, I'll recruit you and share some of the experimental results. It should be no problem, right?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked at the other party and said with a smile: "Classmate Yun, are you so optimistic about my experiment? Are you not afraid that the investment will fail and all the efforts will be in vain?"

Yun Lai smiled when he heard this and said, "If the investment fails, consider it my old classmate's support for you, Classmate Liang."

"What's more, I believe in Classmate Liang's ability."

When Liang Ji saw this, he suddenly understood.

The Star Alliance intelligence department where Yunlai works must have a lot of information about the 'Celestial Demon Star Creation Experiment' led by mentor Yuanmu, and even knows about his experimental results.

Perhaps because he received some information from mentor Yuanmu, he was confident in the success of his experiment and was willing to invest in advance.

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind. Although he understood this, he had no objection.

No matter why the other party invests, as long as it is him who benefits, he can gather the power of the eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars as soon as possible and solidify the illusory 'Dragon Ball', thereby promoting the faster development and advancement of the natal stars, and making them more advanced. It's enough to quickly improve your own strength!

As for other issues, such as the future of the 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage', the huge interests, reputation, leaving a name in history, etc., as long as his cultivation and strength have improved, and he has the cultivation of a high-level star master, it should be him His interests, his status, reputation, etc. will naturally belong to him.

Therefore, Liang Ji immediately nodded and said: "No problem!"

"If classmate Yun can provide me with the power of the sky demon to create stars, if my experiment succeeds and is recognized by the Star Alliance, I will be willing to share the benefits, reputation, prestige, etc. with my old classmates!"

"Okay!" Yun Lai nodded with a smile when he heard this, raised a glass of spiritual wine and said, "In that case, I wish our cooperation a success!"

Liang Ji also raised a glass of spirit wine and responded with a smile: "I wish the cooperation a success!"

After the party ended, the six old classmates dispersed one after another with their own busy schedules.

Yunlai said that he would help contact people to collect the power of the sky demon’s creation of stars deep in the ‘Celestial Demon Star Territory’, and asked him to wait for a few months.

Liang Ji is fine.

He arranged for the returning Wang Ziqiu to join his 'experimental team', giving him permission to go to various life galaxies occupied by the Covenant to collect the power of the sky demon's creation of stars, and then let him leave.

Wang Ziqiu is the Star Master monk of Taiyi Star Palace. After advancing to the fourth level of Star Lord, he has accepted the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Catalog' in Taiyi Star Palace. The next most important thing to do is to accept the 'Celestial Demon Creation Stars' everywhere. The creation of "power", transforming, mutating, and improving the bloodline and combat power of the family members.

Having the authority of the 'experimental group' will make it much easier for her to gather the needed power of the sky demon to create stars faster.

As for Liang Ji, although the transformation and development of the natal stars have caught up with the strength of the star spiritual veins, it is no longer suitable to continue to use the illusory "Dragon Ball" creation to improve and transform the natal stars in a short period of time.

However, the collection of the power of the nine heavenly demons to create stars cannot be relaxed. Now collect and store more. Later, the solidification of the 'Dragon Balls' will also consume a lot of 'Nine Yang Power'.

Moreover, Liang Ji cannot use the 'Dragon Ball' creation on his natal stars for the time being, but he has begun to try to use it in various other researches.

The creation and cultivation of potted branches of the 'World Tree', the creation and cultivation of various spiritual plants, spiritual beasts, spiritual seeds and spiritual roots, even the creation and cultivation of the life star 'Dragon Wing Star', and even the creation and cultivation of the Death Star in the Green Wing Galaxy wait.

What Yunlai said to him still had some influence on him.

Liang Ji also wanted to try and study the effect of the 'Dragon Ball' creation on various other spiritual roots, spiritual plants, and even stars.

Let’s see if we can upgrade the Death Star to the Life Star, or upgrade the Life Star level?

But it turned out that he thought too much.

It is just the illusory "Dragon Pearl" power of creation that gathers the "Power of Nine Suns". At most, it has the effect of creation and improvement in the growth process of spiritual plants, spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, etc.

If he wanted to apply the creation effect of the 'Dragon Ball' to the stars, apart from his own natal stars, the rest, whether they were Death Stars or Life Stars, would undoubtedly be far from enough.

"Even if we gather all the 'Eighteen Yang Powers' and solidify the illusory 'Dragon Balls', the power of creation contained in them may not be able to achieve the effect of creating and improving the stars!"

After several months of experiments, Liang Ji had a vague understanding in his heart.

His eyes couldn't help but turn to the depths of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

"The sky demon created the star field, turned the Death Star into a life star, and even promoted it to the level of a life star in a short period of time."

"If you want to master this kind of power of creation that creates stars, I am afraid that you must at least master the power of the different types of stars in the entire star field of the sky demon and integrate them into one!"

"That's probably at least thirty-six kinds of 'celestial demon's power to create stars' gathered into one!"

Liang Ji recalled his speculation on the number of different types of created stars in the 'Celestial Demon Star Field' after he used the dragon soul to refine the power of the sky demon to create stars.

"This is far beyond the power that Dragon Ball can bear and control."

"The 'Dragon Ball' can carry and integrate at most eighteen kinds of power from heavenly demons to create stars. If there are any more, the dragon soul will lose control."

"Yunlai's investment is probably going to fail..."

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