The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 909 Submitting Experimental Results

Liang Ji has now condensed the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars into a real dragon ball. If anyone in the Star Alliance is the most familiar with the power of these heavenly demons to create stars, it is naturally him.

Even the high-ranking star master Yuan Mu Tutor who led the experiment of ‘Celestial Demons Creating Stars’ did not know as much as Liang Ji about the power of these Celestial Demons to create stars.

Therefore, Liang Ji could easily give answers and guidance to Wang Ziqiu's request.

He even gave a detailed list of the specific effects of the power of nine kinds of sky demons to create stars in various life galaxies in the Sky Demon Star Territory occupied by the Star Alliance and handed it to the other party.

The information, effects, etc. are much more detailed and accurate than those published in the Star Alliance Frontline's Star Network.

It even exceeds the information held internally by the Star Palace, large groups and other forces that occupy various life galaxies.

After all, those star palaces and large groups are still studying the mutation effects and power of creation of the power of the sky demon to create stars in the life galaxies they occupy.

But it is far less than what Liang Ji understood through the creation of the 'Dragon Ball'.

After handing the information to Wang Ziqiu, Liang Ji told him not to leak the information and to use it only for his own use.

Wang Ziqiu is now also a fourth-level Star Lord born in the Star Palace. His status, vision, knowledge, etc. in the Star Alliance are not low. Naturally, he is also very aware of the preciousness and importance of these materials, so he immediately responded directly.

Then he took the information and left, preparing to study the remaining nine powers of the heavenly demons to create stars, and choose the power of creation that is more suitable for the mutation and development of his family's bloodline.

Even the information Liang Ji gave her contained detailed information about the power of Qingyang and the power of Ziyang, as well as the bloodline training, growth, and mutation of her now mutated and improved 'Six-Winged Sun Feathered Serpent' family members. , all of them are of great guidance and reference significance.

Wang Ziqiudu needs to study it carefully.

As for Liang Ji, after coaching Wang Ziqiu, he also made a decision in his heart.

He took out a 'round bead' prepared by the experimental team, poured the power of creation from the eighteen-color stars in the 'Dragon Ball' he had into it, and then prepared an experimental report and sent it directly through the 'Starlight Gate'. 'Qingyang Galaxy'.

He wants both immediate and long-term benefits, but with his current strength and situation, he can only focus on immediate benefits first.

Liang Ji decided to hand over the fusion plan and experimental report of the eighteen kinds of celestial demons' power to create stars, in exchange for enough power to create stars and the source of stars, so that his own stars and cultivation could be improved as soon as possible. Advanced.

As long as his cultivation and strength can be improved quickly, he can also master the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Atlas' and 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' and integrate them into his natal stars as soon as possible.

Then, he may not have the opportunity to go further in the experiment of the sky demon's power to create stars and seize the long-term benefits.

After all, the sky demon has at least thirty-six kinds of power to create stars. Now he has only integrated eighteen kinds. Just to hand over the experimental results, the experimental team led by Master Yuanmu wants to combine the remaining eighteen kinds of powers to create stars. I don't know how much time and energy it will take to integrate the power.

If after spending decades or hundreds of years, he successfully integrated the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Catalog' and 'The Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and advanced to a high-level Star Master, the Dragon Soul and Dragon Ball would definitely be stronger by then, and it might not be possible to The remaining power of the sky demon's creation of stars was integrated into it.

Even if the experimental team led by Instructor Yuanmu completed the fusion experiments of all the powers of the sky demon's creation stars first, as long as he can successfully integrate the inheritance of the three star palaces and advance to the high-level star master.

Then he will definitely be able to occupy a place among the senior members of the Star Alliance. When the time comes, with his cultivation as a high-level Star Master and his status as a senior member of the Star Alliance, it will naturally be no problem to fight for half of the rights, interests, reputation, etc. in the experimental group.

Even Master Yuanmu was unable to stop him.

After all, his contribution is enough. As long as his strength is sufficient, he can even seize control and leadership of the experimental group from the other party.

Even among the Star Alliance, strength will ultimately speak for itself.

Therefore, the most important thing for him now is to seize the opportunity and improve his strength as soon as possible.

In the Qingyang Galaxy, in the star port of the ‘Creation Star Palace’, in the experimental group.

Liang Ji found mentor Yuan Mu and showed him the effect of the fusion of the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons' created stars, which was indeed far superior to the previous 'power of nine-color stars'.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Instructor Yuanmu looked at the results of the experiments and detection of the Eighteen Color Stars in the 'Experimental World'. Although it still failed to make the 'Experimental World' grow and advance, the movement it caused has already It was larger, and the center of the 'Experimental World', the 'World Tree' supporting the heaven and earth, also had significant creation and growth under the illumination of the eighteen-colored stars, which made him praise it repeatedly.

"Liang Ji." Instructor Yuanmu looked at the results in the 'Experimental World' and couldn't help but turn to him and said: "You have made great contributions to our experimental group!"

As he said that, the other party couldn't help but sigh: "Since our Creation Star Palace and Taiyi Star Palace have jointly formed this experimental group to study the power of various heavenly demons to create stars, we have obtained the support of various star palaces and the top leaders of the Star Alliance. With support, you can freely enter the life galaxies occupied by various star palaces and large groups, and have the power to collect various heavenly demons and create stars."

"In fact, even the front lines of the Star Alliance battlefield are fighting against the void demon clan while collecting for us the power of the stars created by the sky demons in the galaxy battlefield."

"Later, the monks from the intelligence department of the Star Alliance ventured into the depths of the Sky Demon Star Territory and collected for us the power of the stars created by the Sky Demon in various unoccupied areas."

“It looks great, but the support is also very strong!”

"But the more prestigious it is and the greater the support, the greater the pressure our experimental group is under."

Instructor Yuanmu couldn't help but shook his head and said:

"Thankfully, in the past few years, with the 'nine-color star' fusion plan provided by Liang Ji, we have researched a lot on this basis and found a variety of ways for the Star Alliance to use the power of different heavenly demons to create stars. .”

"It can even speed up the growth and evolution of the spiritual roots and spiritual seeds in the Star Lord's natal star, which is barely worthy of the support of the Star Alliance's senior leaders."

"It's just that the ultimate purpose of our experimental team was to turn the Death Star into a life star and raise the level of the life star."

"Now, Liang Ji, you have successfully integrated the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars. Although you have not yet been able to ignite the Death Star and promote it to the Life Star, you have finally given us some hope."

"With this result, our experimental team will be able to seek more and greater support from the senior leaders of the Star Alliance!"

Instructor Yuanmu said, looked at the other party and asked:

"Liang Ji, if you need any rewards or support, just ask."

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