The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 915 News about Master Akadama

Liang Ji listened to Junior Liu Xu's compliment and said with a smile on his face: "Fortunately, I gained something from a small gain."

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for introducing Instructor Yuanmu's experimental team."

Hearing this, Liu Xu shook his head and said: "The senior leaders of the Star Alliance have no intention of hiding the news about the experimental team. Even if I didn't tell it at the beginning, you would naturally know it later."

"And with your talent and strength in researching the 'power of the sky demon to create stars', it will be easy to join the experimental team later."

Liang Ji shook his head and said, "Not only will it waste a lot of time and energy, but it will also miss opportunities. Without Xingong's recommendation, you may not have a chance to join the experimental group."

After thanking each other, the two talked about the fusion experiment of the power of the sky demon to create stars, and Liang Ji sighed again:

"It's a pity that I can only fuse the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons to create stars, and the fused 'light of creation' can only act on my own natal stars, speeding up the natal stars' digestion of demon pills, and improving , the speed of advancement.”

"It is difficult to succeed in experiments on other star owners' natal stars."

"Not to mention turning the Death Star into a Life Star and raising the level of other Life Stars."

When Liu Xu heard this, he smiled and said: "However, your success at least proves that there is no problem with your experimental results. The fusion plan of the eighteen kinds of heavenly demons' power to create stars is successful and correct."

"This has given many people in the Star Alliance a lot of hope for success in the 'Celestial Demon's Power to Create Stars' experiment led by Star Master Yuan Jupiter, so they have increased their support a lot over the years."

"Speaking of which, Lord Yuan Mu should really thank you."

Liang Ji smiled and said, "Instructor Yuanmu has given me a lot of support over the years."

"Come on." Hearing this, Liu Xu shook his head and said, "We, brothers and sisters, don't have to tell me these clichés."

"As far as I know, the achievements of the experimental group led by Star Master Yuan Mu over the years are basically due to you, Senior Liang Ji."

"So far, they have not been able to go further on the basis of the eighteen kinds of power of the stars created by the sky demons that you have integrated, and integrate more types of powers of the stars created by the sky demons."

"That is to say, Senior Liang Ji, your current cultivation and strength are too low, so you are suffering."

"As long as you have the cultivation and strength of a seventh-level star master, the senior leaders of the Star Alliance will probably support you in leading the experimental team."

Liang Ji chuckled and shook his head when he heard this, without saying much.

When Liu Xu saw this, he knew that he didn't want to say anything here, so he didn't say much. He changed the subject and said, "By the way, Senior Liang Ji, you are now a fifth-level star master and can apply to graduate from Kunlun Star Palace. "

"After you graduate, are you still preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination and obtain the second star palace inheritance?"

Liang Ji once asked the other party how to obtain the second star palace inheritance, so Liu Xu knew about his preparation for the postgraduate entrance examination, so he couldn't help but ask at this time.

"Not bad!" Seeing the other party changing the topic, Liang Ji also took over the topic and sighed: "I plan to choose one of the Vientiane Star Palace and the Taiyi Star Palace to take the postgraduate entrance examination and obtain the 'Metal Furnace' or the 'Bloodline Atlas' The inheritance is integrated into the inheritance of the natal stars.”

"I still don't know, what is the postgraduate entrance examination process of these two star palaces, and how difficult is it?"

He said this, but he knew that Liu Xu's family had a good status in the Wanxiang Star Palace, and wanted to find out about the test process and difficulty of the Wanxiang Star Palace through the other party.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu smiled when he heard this, looked at him and said: "Senior Liang Ji, if you are still planning to integrate the inheritance of different star palaces, I have good news for you."

"Oh?" Liang Ji couldn't help but look at the other party and asked, "What's the news?"

"According to the monitoring of the 'Celestial Star Array' controlled by senior leaders of the Star Alliance, Master Akadema's natal stars have changed a lot in recent years."

"Teacher, it is very likely that he will be released from seclusion in the next few years!"

"What?" Liang Ji was really surprised this time. He looked at the other party and asked in disbelief: "Teacher Chiyu is going to leave seclusion?"

"Not bad!" Liu Xu nodded affirmatively and said: "According to the monitoring situation of the 'Zhoutian Star Array', Master Chiyu should be able to leave seclusion within one to two years at most."

"Has the mentor successfully advanced to the eighth level Star Master?"

Liang Ji still asked in disbelief.

You must know that Master Akadema has been in seclusion since he was a third-level star master, and he has entered the eighth-level star master realm. It has been nearly a hundred years now, and there has been no news about it.

Liang Ji almost thought that the red jade instructor had failed in the process of attacking the eighth-level star master and died.

After all, he has long known that the realm of eighth-level star master and second-level union can be said to be the biggest life and death difficulty for star master monks. It is more dangerous and difficult than the reincarnation of the stars in the consummation stage of third-level star master. Much.

There are thousands of seventh-level star masters in the Star Alliance, but the number of eighth-level star masters has dropped to only a few dozen, and ninth-level star masters are even rarer.

The biggest reason is the danger of attacking the eighth-level star master. News is passed down almost every once in a while in the Star Alliance, which seventh-level star master failed to attack the eighth-level star master, the second-level Hedao realm, and fell into the natal star. news.

Therefore, there has been no news about Master Chiyu and he has not left seclusion for hundreds of years. Not only Liang Ji, many people thought that he had failed to break through and died.

At least Liu Xu was one of them. Hearing this, he nodded slightly and said, "It should be right."

"Teacher Akama has been in seclusion for nearly a hundred years. Everyone thought he had failed, but they didn't expect that there would be another movement now."

"As far as I know, when the seventh-level star master attacks the eighth-level star master and the realm of Hedao, it is either success or death. Now that there is movement again, if Master Akadema has not died, he must have been successfully promoted to the eighth-level star master. .”

As Liu Xu spoke, he changed the subject and said: "So, Senior Liang Ji, you might as well wait for a year or two until Master Chiyu has advanced to the eighth level Star Master and is out of seclusion. Then ask Master Chiyu to vouch for you, so you don't have to take the high-level exams." You can also obtain new star palace inheritance through difficult postgraduate entrance examinations."

"As for whether Master Chiyu will vouch for you..." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Don't worry about this. With your current achievements in experiments and research on the fusion of the power of the stars created by the sky demon, in fact, among the senior leaders of the Star Alliance, Many people believe that if there is anyone who can integrate the inheritance of different star palaces, this person must be you."

"In fact, if we hadn't known that Master Akadema was about to leave seclusion, our ancestors of the Liu family wouldn't have been able to take over. Otherwise, we would have intentionally come forward to vouch for you, senior, to obtain the inheritance of the Vientiane Star Palace, the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts'."

Liu Xu turned the topic later and said.

Liang Ji's heart moved slightly when he heard this, and he said with a smile: "Thank you, Senior Brother Liu, and thank you, senior, for your respect."

"In that case, I will wait and see. It happens that I also need some time to complete the graduation examination of the Star Palace."

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