The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 929 The God Escapes and the Fatal Reputation


Outside the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’, in the ‘Little Void’ battlefield where the Star Alliance and the armies of the gods fought and fought.

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, starlight and elemental light gathered together, turning into an illusory and real 'Dragon Snake', raising its head and neighing, opening its mouth and spitting out an 'Elemental Breath', which directly hit a yellowish-yellow mountain in the distance. On top of the 'temple'.

The 'Temple' also has a seventh level and is a 'Temple' of the earth god known for its defense, but at this time, under the 'Elemental Breath' of the Dragon Snake Phantom, it also had no resistance and was penetrated directly. Blast.

From the damaged earth-attributed 'temple', several rays of divine light flew out in panic, fleeing towards the camp of the God Realm army outside the battlefield.



In the void, the 'Star Gate' opened, and Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul' shot out of it with the 'God List' and the magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' in one hand, directly blocking one of the escaping divine lights.

Peng Yue, Wu Shan, Peng Yue's grandma and others also acted independently, looking for opponents to fight and fight.

After Liang Ji restored the light of creation in the 'Dragon Ball' in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' and restored the origin of the natal stars, he returned to the battlefield of 'Little Void' and led the trained and recovered 'Dragon Snake' team to continue on the battlefield. Wander around and fight.

Up to now, they have been fighting in this "Little Void" battlefield for several months, and Liang Ji has accumulated as many as seven sixth-level "divine crystals" in his hand.

It is not far away from completing the graduation examination of Kunlun Star Palace.

However, after these months of fighting and fighting, their "Dragon Snake" team has gradually gained some reputation in this "Little Void" battlefield.

On the side of the gods in the God Realm, most of them knew about the "Dragon Snake" starship and knew that they were extraordinary in strength and that it was often difficult to find an opponent in the middle class; even later, the news that they killed the powerful god "Wind Leikar" was also leaked.

Many mid-level gods in the battlefield began to deliberately hide and avoid their "Dragon Snake" starship.

Just like this time, they finally focused on a 'temple'. The 'Dragon Snake' starship had just shown its power and blasted through the opponent's 'temple'. The gods in the temple were confirming that they were the 'Dragon Snake'. After the small team, there was no intention of fighting at all. They abandoned the damaged 'temple' and fled away.

This kind of thing has happened many times in the past few months. Liang Ji was caught off guard at first, so many gods escaped from his hands, so he only managed to get seven sixth-level divine crystals in a few months.

In fact, those sixth-level gods were too good at escaping and did not fight or fight with him at all.

However, with the cultivation and realm of a fifth-level star lord, he was able to scare those sixth-level gods into fleeing for their lives, which was considered a prestigious name.

Although, it seems that this 'famous reputation' has not brought him much benefit at present.

But now, after many sixth-level gods escaping, Liang Ji gradually gained some experience and successfully intercepted an escaping sixth-level god with his 'Dragon Soul'.

"Level 6 Divine Crystal, add another one!"

Liang Ji looked at the god he stopped. He was just an ordinary sixth-level god. He did not have the power and divine light as powerful as 'Feng Leikar'. He was suddenly convinced and regarded the other party's divine crystal as his own.

"The God-Slayer who killed the Son of Wind and Thunder!"

Sure enough, when the sixth-level god saw the 'Dragon Soul' blocked by Liang Ji, his expression changed drastically and he exclaimed in surprise.

As for such exclamations, Liang Ji had heard it from several gods he had targeted before.

It seems that the 'Wind Thunder Karl' who was killed by him was quite famous among the gods, and was called the 'Son of Wind Thunder' by the gods.

And it was because of killing the opponent that he gained his current reputation among these gods. These gods ran away when they encountered him, and few of them fought desperately with him.

Even if most of these gods are at the sixth level, they are one level higher than his cultivation level.


Liang Ji snorted lightly and did not respond to the other party's intention. The 'Dragon Soul' sacrificed the 'God List' to win over the opposite god.

boom! Rumble...

At this moment, terrifying roars and explosions came from the void not far away.

Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul' turned his eyes in shock and saw that the earthy yellow 'temple' that had been blasted and suppressed by the 'Dragon Snake' starship exploded directly at this time.

The terrifying explosion, the force of the impact, the burst of divine light, the fragments of the temple, etc. instantly swept around and impacted in all directions.

Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul' was also within the range of the 'temple''s self-destruction impact.

His color changed instantly, and the 'Dragon Soul' turned into a starlight and fled quickly, escaping from the self-destruction area of ​​the 'temple', and had no time to capture the sixth-level god.

At the same time, the sixth-level god also took the opportunity to turn into a divine light and fly away.

After the turmoil caused by the self-destruction of the 'Temple' on this battlefield gradually subsided, Liang Ji reunited with Peng Yue and others and returned to the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

Checking the situation of several people, it was found that everyone was more or less affected by the self-destruction of the 'Temple', and suffered some injuries, but more importantly, nothing was found in this hunt.

Those gods who escaped from the 'temple' basically escaped when the 'temple' exploded.

On the "Dragon Snake" starship, Liang Ji and the others looked quite ugly.

"Is our reputation already so great?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but said in a deep voice:

"These sixth-level gods, when they saw our 'Dragon Snake' starship, they fled without a fight. Now they even blew themselves up in the 'temple' to escape!"

Under normal circumstances, Liang Ji would naturally be willing to assume such a prestigious position. After all, having a prestigious reputation is always a good thing.

But now, on this battlefield, the prestige of him and the 'Dragon Snake' starship is obviously not a good thing. At least it has caused him to encounter a lot of obstacles and troubles in his hunt for the sixth-order gods and seize the sixth-order divine crystals.

"Captain, I suggest that we give up the battle here for the time being, return to the Covenant position to recuperate for a while, and then come out to fight and hunt the gods depending on the situation!"

At this time, Wu Shan looked a little solemn and said:

"Otherwise, I'm afraid this reputation will kill us."

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words, but immediately understood what the other party meant, and said: "Senior Wu, do you mean you are worried that a high-level god will come to us?"


Wu Shan nodded.

"No way..." Peng Yue's grandmother heard this and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Aren't the high-level gods on the God Realm's army watched by the high-level Star Lords of our Star Alliance?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst!" At this time, Chu Yue on the side also agreed: "We have killed many gods in the past few months, especially the gods with wind and thunder attributes that we killed before. It seems that they are on the side of the God Realm. Quite prestigious.”

"Now this prestige has fallen on us. So much so that when the gods see us, they immediately run away and run for their lives."

"Such an abnormal situation will attract the attention of high-level gods sooner or later."

"A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, so it's better to be careful."

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