The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 940 Changes in the natal stars

The inheritance of the nine major star palaces of the Star Alliance can directly serve as the core hub for unifying the origins and laws of the star master's natal stars.

It is undoubtedly most appropriate for a star to have a core hub. Once there are two or even three core hubs, not to mention the conflict of controlling and operating the source of the stars and the laws of the great road, the consumption of the source of the natal stars will more than double.

These are all important factors why no one in the Star Alliance has been able to integrate the inheritances of different star palaces.

At this time, Liang Ji sacrificed and refined the 'Bloodline Atlas', but he had not even sent it into the origin of the natal stars, nor had he integrated it with the power of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'.

It's just that the 'Bloodline Catalog' has just been born, the 'Fengshen List' in the origin of the stars has already instinctively felt the threat, instinctively turned the origin of heaven and earth, gathered the power of thunder and tribulation, and wanted to destroy this newly born 'Bloodline Catalog' .

This shows how dangerous it is.

However, for Liang Ji, this is his natal star, and he is the only and highest controller of the natal star.

Whether it is the ‘List of Conferred Gods’ or the ‘Bloodline Atlas’, they must operate and function under his control. This star must operate under his control.

Therefore, with just a thought, he mobilized the "power of heaven and earth" and "the power of Tao and Fruit" to disperse the storms and clouds gathering in the sky and suppress the "Apotheosis of the Gods" that was about to move in the origin of the stars.

This is something every Star Lord can do. Star Lord monks have absolute control over their natal stars. Even if other Star Lords practice two Star Palace inheritances at the same time, they can also suppress them and make them It will not cause conflict or destruction immediately.

For the star master monks of the star gate, practicing two or even multiple star palace inheritances at the same time has never been a challenge or a threat.

The real problem is to integrate the powers of these different star palace inheritances when advancing to high-level star masters. At that time, the powers of different star palace inheritances explode together, and they all involve the explosion of the origin of the star master's natal stars and the laws of the great road. Without powerful and unique means of suppression and integration, it would be difficult for the Star Lord to resist it alone.

Therefore, in the past few years, no one in the Star Alliance has integrated different star palace inheritances to advance to high-level star masters. Anyone who tried either died or suffered heavy losses. The best thing is to abolish one inheritance and advance to high-level star masters with only one inheritance. .

For Liang Ji, the power of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' is used when the inheritance of different star palaces is integrated.

Now, under normal circumstances, with his own strength, he is enough to suppress the inheritance of different star palaces and start practicing together.

Afterwards, Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul' raised his hand and drove the newly made 'Bloodline Illustration' into the source of his natal stars.

The next moment, the origin of the natal stars began to be continuously injected into the "Bloodline Catalog", refining and strengthening the "Bloodline Catalog", and at the same time, the power of the "Bloodline Catalog" was integrated into the origin of the natal stars and the laws of heaven and earth. middle.

The ‘Feng Shen Bang’, who was also in the origin of the stars, was even more shocked at this moment, but was suppressed by Liang Ji in an instant.

At this time, most of his mind, consciousness, and attention were focused on the influence and creation of the 'Bloodline Illustration' on his natal stars.

The inheritance of the "Bang of Conferred Gods" is to confer ghosts, gods, earth gods, gods, etc. in the natal stars, thereby affecting and controlling the entire natal stars, operating the origin of the stars, and sorting out the laws of the stars.

The inheritance of the 'Bloodline Catalog' is different. Its influence on the star owner's natal stars is subtle, directly through the influence of the origin of the stars and the laws of heaven and earth, thus transforming the stars, the dependents and even the living creatures in the stars.

At this time, as the 'Bloodline Illustration' is integrated into the origin of the natal stars, the power of the 'Bloodline Illustration' begins to circulate and create creation in the natal stars.

Liang Ji could clearly see that in the cities and tribes of the natal star, the bodies of the Ten-line Familia began to grow again, becoming taller and stronger. The power of their bloodline continued to increase, and they mastered the magical power of bloodline and the power of elements. It is also constantly improving.

Not only the dependents, but also the vegetation, spiritual plants, monsters and beasts all over the stars began to change under the influence of the 'Bloodline Catalog'.

Not only did their body size begin to grow larger and their bloodline become stronger, even some signs of dragon veins gradually began to appear on some spiritual plants, monster beasts and birds.

The bark of the spiritual plant gradually grows into the shape of dragon scales, the monster beasts grow dragon horns, the big fish in the sea grow dragon whiskers, the monster birds in the sky grow dragon claws, etc.

As time went by, Liang Ji discovered that the entire natal star was changing towards a wild, powerful, and dragon-like state.

Liang Ji looked at the changes in his natal stars and felt a little familiar. Then he thought of the Dragon Wing Star in the 'Celestial Demon Star Domain'.

The wild, powerful, and demonic state of the newly created 'Dragon Wing Star' is very similar to, or close to, the changing state of his natal star at this time.

He suddenly understood: "Perhaps, the life stars created by the sky demon are the direction of Taiyi Star Palace's 'Bloodline Atlas' practice and creation of natal stars!"

"Even if it is not completely consistent, it definitely has great reference significance."

"No wonder, this time the Star Alliance develops the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', Taiyi Star Palace is the most active and has the most impact on the front line. Many forces in the Star Alliance also say that this time the Star Alliance develops the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', the harvest of Taiyi Star Palace will be biggest."

Various thoughts flashed through Liang Ji's mind, and he continued to understand the changes in his natal stars.

As various barbaric and dragon-like conditions appeared on the stars, some changes seemed to begin to appear in the origin of the stars. There seemed to be some barbaric and dragon-like auras, and they became thicker and more powerful.

In the Jiuquan Underworld and in the mountains, rivers and cities of the Starry Land, many ghosts, gods and earthly figures appeared one after another at this time, and began to circulate the origins of Yin and Yang and sort out the laws of the Star Avenue.

Bring these affected and changed origins of the stars and the laws of the great road back under control and organize them into a state of orderly operation.

Feeling the changes in his natal stars, Liang Ji also gained a deeper understanding of the differences between the two star palace inheritances of the 'Bang of the Gods' and the 'Bloodline Atlas'.

The 'Bloodline Catalog' allows the natal stars to develop in the direction of wildness, grandeur, power, and even demonization; while the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' uses the power of many gods to move the origin of the stars, sort out and control the power of the laws in the stars, and is more meticulous. , development in the direction of absolute control.

One is grand and the other is subtle. If they can be well integrated, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the Star Lord's natal star, the dependent family, and even the Star Lord's own practice.

Liang Ji felt the changes in his natal stars and became more and more confident in the path of integrating the inheritance of different star palaces.

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