The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 945 Sixth Level Familia Different Paths

After advancing to the sixth level, Liang Ji's natal star expanded again, the two continents above it became larger, the mountains became higher and deeper, and even the grass, trees, spiritual plants, birds, animals, etc. It was bigger and more barbaric.

The influence of the 'Bloodline Catalog' on the creatures in the natal stars also becomes stronger and more influential as the stars advance.

Groan! Roar……

At this time, Liang Ji's newly refined soul was standing in the air, and he could hear the roars of various dragons in the clan cities above the stars.

He activated the 'Eye of the Star Spirit' and could see that in various cities, the families of various clans that had reached the fifth level were undergoing astonishing changes.

Their bodies continued to grow, approaching a hundred feet in height. The blood on their bodies transformed and improved, and the power of various elements around them gathered and blended with their blood, almost turning their bodies into semi-elements.

This is the performance of the fifth-level family members advancing to the sixth level!

One of the manifestations of the sixth level of many void monsters and Familia is their semi-elemental transformation. And after they advance to advanced levels, they can even achieve complete elementalization.

This also shows that his family's background, talents, and strength in the power of elements are fully capable of cultivating and mastering the inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas'.

Liang Ji's natal star, as well as the dependents on the star, have already reached the limit of the fifth level after two baptisms and transformations created by the 'Dragon Ball', and there is no more.

Therefore, after his natal star advanced to the sixth level, these dependents who had already reached the limit of the fifth level had almost no buffer or pause, and began to transform and advance to the sixth level as the stars advanced.

Unlike his previous star advancement, it often takes a period of time for the dependents to adapt and even fight before they can advance along with it.

hold head high! Roar……

As these fifth-level family members advanced to the sixth level, a dragon-veined family member who was about a hundred feet in size let out a roar and rose into the sky, transforming into various animal forms.

With the help of transformation and the great magical power of 'Fa Tian Xiang Di', Qi Niu, Ya Zhen, Chao Feng, Chi Kiss, etc., have a size of about ten thousand feet, and are flying in the sky with all kinds of wind, rain, thunder, fire, golden light and blue light.

Liang Ji Yuan Shen stood in the sky and looked at these huge beasts of the clan, which were no less impressive than ordinary starships.

"No wonder, even some star master monks in the Taiyi Star Palace do not pay attention to the development of spaceships, starships, etc. After these changes, their body shape, combat power, etc. are not much worse than ordinary spaceships, starships, etc. ”

"This may not be a development direction."

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji's soul reached out and made a move. The projections of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the 'Bloodline Catalog' in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly appeared on his hand. With a wave of his hand, golden light and blood light suddenly fell from it. Integrate into those families.

The golden light contains the sixth-level inheritance of the 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade' and the 'Nine Cauldrons to Build Strength'. The blood light also contains the sixth-level inheritance of the 'Blood Refining Record' used by the Taiyi Star Palace for the cultivation of the dependents.

As the dependents who advance to the sixth level acquire and practice these sixth-level inheritances, their combat power will be able to gain more and greater improvements.

Of course, it’s not just the Star Palace inheritance, but also various other sixth-level inheritances, such as ‘star ship construction’, sixth-level runes, weapon refining, alchemy, and even sixth-level inheritance from all walks of life.

Now with the birth of the sixth-level family members, Liang Ji also needs to start collecting and preparing them so that the development of the family members can keep up with the advancement and growth of the natal stars.

Even sixth-level spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, etc. have to be collected and prepared.

And whether it is the inheritance of the sixth level, or the spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, etc. of the sixth level, the spiritual stones and meritorious deeds required are undoubtedly far more than those of the fifth level, and the gap is usually ten or dozens of times.

Purchasing an ordinary fifth-level spiritual seed may only require a few thousand mid-grade spiritual stones, but purchasing an ordinary sixth-level spiritual seed will basically require tens of thousands of mid-grade spiritual stones.

As for many cherished and rare inheritances, spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, etc., they often require meritorious deeds.

"I just finished paying off my past loans, successfully graduated from the Star Palace, and successfully advanced to the sixth level of Star Master!"

"As a result, we have to face more and larger demands for spiritual stones and meritorious deeds... Sigh."

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh.

The cultivation of the Star Lord Taoism consumes the most resources. If not for this, the Star Alliance would not be so keen on exploring outer regions and developing star regions.

There are more and more Star Lord monks, but the resources and spiritual objects within the Star Alliance cannot support its development.

"Fortunately, in the past few years, I have helped various star regions clean up the mid-level void monster clan, and I have earned some spiritual stones and meritorious deeds. It should be enough to purchase some ordinary, basic sixth-level inheritance, as well as spiritual seeds and spiritual roots."

Liang Ji looked at his gains in the past few years and felt a little relieved. This was one of the reasons why he had helped various star regions clean up the Void Monster Clan in the past few years.

In fact, generally speaking, although the cultivation of Star Master monks requires a large amount of resources, spiritual objects, etc., as long as the Star Master monks are willing to slow down the speed of cultivation and advancement, rely on the production of their own natal stars, and do some settlement and pursuit. Through hunting, exploring and other tasks, you can still earn enough spiritual stones and meritorious deeds to satisfy your own cultivation.

This is also the path taken by most ordinary Star Lord monks in the Star Alliance, slowly accumulating resources over time, and then slowly improving their cultivation.

The reason why Liang Ji has always felt that his spiritual stones and meritorious deeds are not enough is entirely because he pursues to improve himself and his family's strength as much as possible, and now he wants to complete training and advancement at a faster speed.

Stronger strength, faster speed, and less time naturally require more spiritual stones, meritorious deeds, etc. in exchange.

Otherwise, if he spends time and slowly cultivates like ordinary people, he will still need to spend hundreds of years in the fifth-level star master stage. With these hundreds of years, he can still earn money even if he leads a team to explore the outer star sea. With enough spirit stones, meritorious deeds, etc., one can not only complete one's own practice, but also repay the loan from the Star Palace.

But as a result, he would naturally not have the strength he has now, and many opportunities would not be available to him.

You can't even practice the second star palace inheritance at the same time.

These are the gains and losses of different choices.

Many ordinary Star Lord monks in the Star Alliance are often trapped in a certain level. Even if their life span is finally exhausted, it is difficult to break through. As for those who can attack the seventh-level Star Lord, there are very few.

There may be some reasons why they made this common choice.

Liang Ji aspired to become an immortal or even a saint, so naturally he did not want to make this ordinary choice.

So he could only jump repeatedly between sudden wealth and sudden poverty.

Liang Ji's thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he saw that the sixth-level dependents in the stars had begun to digest and cultivate the sixth-level inheritance of two star palaces, and more and stronger changes occurred in his body.

The body shape has exceeded the limit of ten thousand feet, and the power of blood and elements in his body has transformed again, becoming stronger!

He was somewhat looking forward to it. He wondered if after the promotion of the 'God List' and 'Bloodline Catalog', these sixth-order dependents would be able to cross-level and fight against seventh-order opponents?

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