The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 949 The third upgrade of the ‘Dragon Snake’ starship

Tianxingyuan, above the designated starport.

Liang Ji saw the 'Dragon Snake' starship again. The places that were severely damaged and damaged by the seventh-level gods on the battlefield of 'Little Void Sea' have been completely repaired in the past few years.

"Captain." Chu Yue met him at this time and said: "The 'Dragon Snake' starship has been repaired, and as per your request, the upgraded parts have been left."

"Now that we are all ready, all we need is the cooperation of your 'Dragon Ball' to upgrade the 'Dragon Snake' starship for the third time."

"When do you think it's convenient to do it?"

Liang Ji has long had the idea of ​​​​upgrading the "Dragon Snake" starship again, especially after his dragon soul condensed into the "Dragon Pearl", he intended to upgrade the "Dragon Snake" starship so that the "Dragon Snake" breath would be powerful. The method of incorporating "Dragon Balls" into the formation will increase its power again.

At this time, listening to Chu Yue's words, he nodded immediately and said: "You can do it at any time."

"Okay!" Chu Yue nodded immediately and said, "In this case, time is tight, let's start directly."

With that said, he called Peng Yue to take control of the 'Elemental Nest' and get ready.

Naturally, Liang Ji and others have also discussed and studied how to incorporate the 'Dragon Pearl' into the 'Dragon and Snake Breathing Formation'.

The best way is to connect the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation' with the 'Elemental Nest', and use the formation to draw the power of the 'Elemental Sea' from the 'Elemental Nest' and gather it into the 'Dragon Pearl'.

In this way, not only can the power of the "Dragon Balls" be increased to the strongest, but also the large formation on the starship can be directly connected to the "Elemental Nest". Unlike before, although they are both on the same starship, they are two by two. Separated and disconnected from each other, if you want to use the power of the 'Elemental Nest', you need Peng Yue to specifically control and operate its power and instill it in the starship formation.

If this transformation and upgrade is successful, the formation on the starship will be able to slowly absorb the power of the 'Elemental Sea' in the 'Elemental Nest' on a daily basis, and slowly in the 'Dragon-Snake Breathing Formation' Gathered and condensed into a 'Dragon Pearl', hidden in the formation.

Then when necessary, directly activate the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation' to spit out the 'Dragon Pearl' contained in it. Its power must be many times more powerful than the ordinary 'Dragon Snake Breath'.

This can also be regarded as Liang Ji and others' own transformation and adjustment of the 'Sky Snake Breath' inherited by the 'Sage of the Snake'.

If they succeed, it means that their understanding and mastery of the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent' will undoubtedly go further and deeper, and they may even be able to use this to find their own path.

At that moment, Chu Yue arranged directly on the "Dragon Snake" starship and activated various large formations.

A roar sounded, and an illusory and real dragon and snake appeared on the starship, shrouding the "Dragon Snake" starship.

"Captain, sacrifice the 'Dragon Ball' and send it into the shadow of the dragon and snake."

Chu Yue immediately raised her voice.

When Liang Ji saw this, he didn't waste any time. He directly summoned the 'Dragon Ball' from the Dragon Soul of the natal star, and sent it into the 'Dragon Snake Shadow' like a small sun shining with the power of eighteen-color stars.

Chu Yue stared at the 'Dragon Ball' that was like a small sun, with a strong look of interest on her face, and said loudly: "Captain, is this the 'Dragon Ball'? It contains the power of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons and stars?"

Liang Ji nodded slightly.

"Captain, I heard that the senior leaders of the Star Alliance are studying the fusion of the power of different heavenly demons to create stars, in order to accelerate the advancement of stars."

"After the upgrade of the 'Dragon Snake' starship is completed, can you give me some of the stellar power integrated in the 'Dragon Ball'? I would like to use it for research."

Chu Yue looked at the 'Dragon Pearl' and asked.

"No problem." Liang Ji agreed directly. He had already provided an unknown amount of the light of creation formed by the power of the stars in the 'Dragon Ball' to Master Yuanmu's experimental team for research and experimentation, and now he is providing some more to Chu Yue. There is nothing wrong with doing research.

However, he knew that Chu Yue had been studying the 'Sun Altar Array' discovered on the 'Yuyang Star' over the years, but the results were limited.

Now that the power of various heavenly demons to create stars was discovered in the 'Celestial Demon Star Field', Chu Yue picked up the research on the 'Sun Altar Array' again and used the power of various heavenly demons to create stars to cooperate with the 'Sun Altar Array' 'After conducting some research and attempts, it seems that there have been some results and gains.

Now if we want to study the power of these fused stars, we will obviously gain something.

"Thank you Captain."

After Chu Yue thanked him, he took full control of the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation' and made subtle modifications and arrangements to the formation according to the influence of the changes in the 'Dragon Pearl'.

Gradually, the 'dragon-snake phantom' that enveloped the starship seemed to begin to change. It became less and less snake-like, and more and more dragon-like, as if it was transforming from a snake into a dragon.

When this change reached a limit, Chu Yue shouted directly: "Peng Yue!"

Immediately, Peng Yue activated the original power of the "Elemental Sea" in the "Elemental Nest" and poured it into the starship formation.

Immediately, a steady stream of brilliant elemental light poured into the 'Dragon Snake Phantom', and gradually converged to the location of the 'Dragon Pearl'. Under the influence of the 'Dragon Pearl' and the 'Dragon Snake Phantom', it gradually gathered and condensed.

It's just that the process of gathering and condensing is not smooth. After a few gatherings, it seems to be affected or interfered by something, and it directly falls apart.

Chu Yue was urging the formation, making subtle adjustments one after another according to the gathering and dispersion of the elemental light.

In the 'Dragon and Snake Phantom', the light of elements gathers and condenses for longer and longer.

At the last moment, the round beads gathered and condensed by the light of the elements were formed in the 'dragon and snake phantom'.

However, this is not considered a 'Dragon Ball', it can only be regarded as a ball or condensation formed by the gathering and condensation of elemental light from the original power of the 'Elemental Sea'.

If you want to truly transform it into a 'Dragon Ball', and completely transform and upgrade the 'Dragon and Snake Breath Formation', so that in the future, even without his 'Dragon Ball' to guide it, you can directly condense the elemental 'Dragon Ball' in the formation, then you can The final transformation still needs to be completed.

At the moment, Liang Ji urged his creation 'Dragon Ball' to merge with the ball condensed with the light of the elements.


In the dark, there seemed to be a dragon's roar that sounded simultaneously in his sea of ​​consciousness and in the 'dragon and snake phantom'.

In the 'Dragon Snake Phantom', the elemental bead condensed from the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' suddenly began to transform, and its light gradually converged with the light of creation of the 'Dragon Bead'.

When it reached consensus, a bright light suddenly burst out from it, filling every part of the 'Dragon Snake Phantom', and in turn affected the changes of the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation'.

Chu Yue immediately understood the changes in the formation carefully and modified the formation on the starship based on the changes.

When the final transformation was completed, Liang Ji took back the 'Dragon Ball', and the 'Elemental Dragon Ball' in the illusory dragon and snake had been completely formed and sank directly into the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation', completely transforming and finalizing it, and integrating it with the 'elements' The nest' is connected, slowly absorbing the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' from it, and integrating it into the 'Elemental Dragon Ball'.

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