The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 951 Frontline Battlefield

"Welcome junior fellow students to the frontline battlefield! To the real pioneering battlefield!"

The starship "Dragon Snake" landed in the starport. Liang Ji and others walked out of the starship. Senior Sister Bian Yujiao was already waiting outside with others. When she saw them, she immediately came up to them with a smile.

Listening to the senior sister's words, Liang Ji couldn't help but glance around the star port. He could see various starships coming in and out. Among them, many starships that had been severely damaged or broken were flown back here for overhaul.

Just from these damaged starships, one can see the intensity and cruelty of this frontline battlefield.

Liang Ji couldn't help but said: "Yes, we finally came to the real frontline battlefield!"

"Next, please take care of me, Senior Sister."

He said and bowed to Senior Sister Bian Yujiao.

"Haha, junior, you're so polite." Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said with a smile, "Junior, I still know a thing or two about your strength."

"What's more, you have mastered two Star Palace inheritances when you entered the country. Now I am afraid that even I may not be the one to do it."

"On the frontline battlefield, everyone should help each other."

The two exchanged a few polite words, and then introduced their teams to each other.

Finally, Liang Ji and others followed Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and walked towards the star port.

This is not only a logistics base for the repair and maintenance of frontline starship teams, but also a place for many frontline monks to cultivate and recover. The entire starport is like a city, and there are also various leisure places for eating, drinking, and having fun.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao had already booked a banquet here to welcome Liang Ji and others.

"Junior, there are two main types of combat modes on the frontline battlefield."

At the banquet, after everyone talked about their farewells, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao took the initiative to introduce the situation on the frontline battlefield to Liang Ji and others.

"One is the mission mode, just like the missions you do behind the battle lines."

"It's just that the tasks behind the front are just trivial, and the frontline tasks are the real battles."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao took up the spirit wine and drank twice as much, sighing a little:

"On the frontline battlefield, those star palaces, big companies, big forces, etc. who open up a galaxy will often send out many tasks and recruit various teams to help them clear out enemies and hidden dangers in the galaxy they are developing."

"Teams like yours and ours, which are better than those above, are better than those below. They are the ones these big companies and big forces like to issue missions and recruit for help."

"In the past few decades, most of the teams I led have been doing these front-line battlefield missions in this front-line battlefield."

"Although we have received a lot of resources, benefits, merits and other rewards from various large companies and forces, we have never been able to truly win and master a life star or galaxy that belongs to us."

Speaking of this, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao couldn't help but expressed envy to Liang Ji: "So, your team was really lucky to be able to discover and capture the 'Green Wing Galaxy' and occupy the Life Star Longyi Star."

"On the frontline battlefield, I don't know how many teams like me are jealous and envious of this."

When Liang Ji saw this, he could only toast the other party with a glass of spiritual wine, smiled and said a few words of self-deprecation and compliments, and then put the matter aside.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao didn't care about this, and it was more of a joke. At this time, she drank the spirit wine and continued:

"The second mode is the real pioneering mode."

"This is usually a model chosen by powerful forces such as star palaces, large companies, and the military, or by teams that are strong enough."

"They explore and find suitable life galaxies in the frontline battlefields, and then directly organize teams to attack them. They develop and occupy the selected galaxies and life stars from the hands of the void monsters and the monster natives in the galaxy."

"This is the real pioneering war!"

Bian Yujiao said with some yearning:

"Only this true pioneering model can win the first, largest, and most abundant harvests and benefits in such a pioneering war."

"It's a pity that this kind of development model requires sufficient strength." When Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said this, she couldn't help but shook her head and said: "To be honest, Junior Brother, Senior Sister, I have led my team on this frontline battlefield for dozens of times. This pioneering model was attempted twice in 2008."

"The first time was when I led my team to act alone. I found a life star system on the frontline battlefield and led my team into it. I wanted to capture a suitable life star... but failed."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao couldn't help but shook her head and said in a deep voice:

"Not only did we fail, senior sister, my team also suffered heavy losses. Many teammates died in the battle to open up the galaxy."

"The second time, we no longer act alone, but join forces with several teams to develop the galaxy together."

"The teams we work with are all similar to mine. We have cooperated with each other in decades of battles on the front line, and we all have a certain understanding of each other..."

"I thought it would be successful this time, but in the end..." Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, unable to help but shake her head and said: "In the end, it ended in failure due to the uneven distribution of benefits and the lack of decisive high-level combat power."

"Even junior fellow student, you have seen that one of the three starships under my command suffered heavy damage in this battle in the development mode, and now has to return to this star port base for repair and maintenance."

Liang Ji listened to Senior Sister Bian talking about the history of blood and tears on the frontline battlefields in the past few decades, and gradually gained a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the situation on the frontline battlefields.

"It seems that it is difficult to gain a foothold on the frontline battlefield and truly earn enough benefits and resources!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

Bian Yujiao nodded repeatedly when she heard this, and then said: "Junior, you are new here with your team, and you are not familiar with the environment and battles of the frontline battlefield."

"Senior, I am going to take you through some mission modes first. After you are familiar with the environment of the frontline battlefield, the intensity of the battle, etc., I will also have a sufficient understanding of your specific combat capabilities, junior."

"At that time, we will decide whether to engage in a 'exploitation mode' battle. What do you think?"

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard the words. Bian Yujiao's arrangement was undoubtedly a mature and prudent arrangement, and it was also very beneficial to them. First, they had familiarized themselves with the combat conditions on the frontline battlefield through some tasks, and understood what level their combat power belonged to on the frontline battlefield. Undoubtedly, they could do better. to make choices about subsequent action arrangements.

At the moment, he raised the spirit wine and toasted the other party again, and said: "Thank you, senior. The junior and others are new here and have little experience, so they will act according to the arrangements of the senior. Please take care of me."

"Haha, that's easy to say." Bian Yujiao took a drink of the spirit wine and said with a smile: "Just right, I know there are a few missions that are suitable for newcomers like you, my disciples, to practice and understand the situation on the frontline battlefield, as well as your own strength level, etc. .”

"When the banquet is over, I will take you to see it."

"Thank you, senior sister." Liang Ji toasted again.

A banquet where both the guest and the host enjoy themselves.

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