The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 966 The demonic tide is coming. The strengths of Liang Ji and others

Compared with Liang Ji who quickly killed the seventh-level void shadow mink, Senior Bian Yujiao also quickly captured and captured the seventh-level void shadow mink. Senior Chen Zhao on the other side was undoubtedly a little behind.

But this does not mean that he is weak. Senior Chen Zhao lacks a decisive trump card, nor does he have any special means or arrangements to restrain the seventh-level Void Shadow Marten.

But Senior Chen Zhao also had his own methods and trump cards. However, he saw the figures of gods appearing on the starships he dispatched, and they combined with the formations and restrictions on the starships, combining all kinds of divine light with the power of the seventh-level formations and restrictions. Fused together, the power that explodes is equally astonishing.

Although it does not have the ability to block and suppress a void like the 'Elemental Sea', it also does not have the restraining effect of the 'Zhao Ming' starship like the blazing white light of the sun.

However, the divine light emitted by Senior Chen Zhao's starship also fought and fought with the seventh-level void shadow mink without falling behind.

And more importantly, although Senior Chen Zhao's starship failed to suppress the seventh-order void shadow marten with only those divine light formations and restricted attacks, it was able to contain it and make it want to escape. Not even in the void.

And this is undoubtedly enough.

Liang Ji immediately contacted Senior Chen Zhao's starship and asked if he needed help.

But at this time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao intervened and said: "Senior Chen, you first contain the third Void Shadow Marten, and my 'Zhaoming' starship will immediately go to help and capture it. "

But on the other side, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's "Zhaoming" starship had completely suppressed and captured the opponent's seventh-order void shadow mink, and was eyeing the third seventh-order void shadow mink.

The seventh-level void demon clan is a very rare commodity even among the Star Alliance, especially the void demon clan like the Void Shadow Sable that involves the power of the void. It is very rare in the Star Alliance. If it can be captured, , and it can be sold for a big price if sent to the Star Alliance.

At the same time, on the flagship "Yujing Tower" starship, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao once again communicated with the starships and issued an order: "The counterattack front of the Void Monster Clan has arrived, everyone forms an array to resist it!"

Liang Ji saw Senior Sister Bian Yujiao taking the third seventh-order Void Shadow Marten, and he didn't care at the moment, turning his gaze to the depths of the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.

Just as Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, their raid here severely damaged the Void Shadow Marten group, and even captured three of the seventh-level Void Shadow Marten.

But it also completely alarmed the Void Demon Clan in the Rose Sun Galaxy. At this time, countless Void Demon Clan from the depths of the Rose Sun Galaxy were organized and driven by more than a dozen seventh-order Void Demon Clan of various types, and they transformed into... All kinds of demon tides and various elemental natural disasters are overwhelmingly attacking everyone.

"Array! Array!"

"Prepare to attack!"

"The 'Dragon Snake' starship returns to its position..."

At the moment, under the command of Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, more than a dozen starships quickly formed an array according to the pre-planned and rehearsed attack, forming a starship with Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's flagship starship "Yujing Tower" as the center. The ship battle line faced the surging waves of monsters and elemental disasters.

With their previous fighting experience in the 'Qingyu Galaxy', Liang Ji and others are already quite familiar with the fighting method of forming a battle line in this way.

At the moment, it is just a matter of operating the regular formations and restrictions on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, and integrating them with the attack and defense of other surrounding starships to form a holistic attack and defense.

Thunder, flames, starlight, divine light, etc. blasted out from each starship, connected into pieces in the void, merged into one, and directly blasted into the incoming wave of elemental natural disasters.

Immediately, nearly half of the sea of ​​thunder, sea of ​​fire, and storm waves set off by the void monster tide were dispersed.

However, the incoming void monster clan was large in number and not weak in strength. It also had the power of less than half of various elemental natural disasters to directly break through the joint attack of the starship line, bombarding more than a dozen starships.

At this time, on the starships of Liang Ji and others, various defensive formations, restrictions, various defensive means, and masks were all connected and integrated, forming a joint defense system that could directly resist the bombardment. All kinds of elemental disasters come.

Starship formation, joint attack, joint defense, forming a battle formation in series, is also a common method used by the Star Alliance development team on the battlefield.

Because the starship team of Liang Ji and others was put together by several teams, each starship has been transformed and upgraded by its own team, and the formations, restrictions, etc. arranged on it are all different, so the combined formation formed The method is just the most common connection and superposition, and does not have any powerful effects.

For those starship teams composed of large companies, large groups, and even star palaces, their formations, restrictions, and even specially configured formations can often produce stronger effects when connected together.

Just like the last time he participated in the "Qingyu Galaxy" development war, Liang Ji had seen the "Phoenix Feather" company's starships linked into a formation. The power of the formation and the restriction directly derived a colorful phoenix in the void to attack and attack. Defense, the power of its explosion is far beyond that of ordinary starships.

Liang Ji made a comparison at that time, and found that the combat power of the 'Colorful Phoenix' was lower and weaker than the power of the 'Elemental Sea' that they had used their full strength to activate.

It can only be said that the means and power of the senior leaders of the Star Alliance such as those in large companies, large groups, and Star Palace are comparable to the trump cards of middle-level people like them.

However, at this time, it is enough for starships such as the Dragon Snake to form a regular battle formation.

Those incoming elemental natural disasters, mixed with the power of the source natural disasters and lawful natural disasters controlled by the high-level void demon clan, bombarded the defensive front formed by the starships. The bombarded fronts and light shields shook endlessly, but the distance was broken Still a little worse.

At this time, in the void around each starship, a series of 'star gates' opened, and the star master monks in each starship began to summon their families from their natal stars to rush towards the incoming void monsters.

The starship alliance methods of Liang Ji and others are not as good as those of the starship teams of large companies, large groups and other forces. If they want to win in the war to open up the galaxy, they have to pay more in other aspects.

The most important among them is the dependent family!

Their team is composed of Liang Ji, seniors, seniors, and others, all of whom are from Xingong. This is rare even among teams composed of ordinary large companies and large groups.

After all, the teams of those large companies and large groups are often composed of one or two Star Palace disciples, leading more ordinary star master monks, as well as a large number of third-grade immortals of various sects, and with some powerful and complete sets of starships, they can form A strong enough pioneering team and offensive front.

Therefore, the only thing that Liang Ji and his team can do to surpass the development teams of large companies and large groups is that there are many star master monks in them, and their families are stronger than those of ordinary star master monks.

In such a pioneering war, it is natural to use this advantage as much as possible.

Therefore, the rhythm and method of fighting at this time are different from the original pioneering war with the "Phoenix Feather" company in the "Qingyu Galaxy".

The dependent families of each Star Lord began to enter the battlefield in advance.

Although this would cause more heavy casualties to their family members, this was the best development tactic that Liang Ji and others had studied.

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