The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 972 Establish a stronghold and upgrade the ‘Bloodline Catalog’

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao once told Liang Ji that on this frontline battlefield, there are two difficulties in conquering the Life Galaxy first. One is the Void Monster Clan, and the other is the Monster Beast in the Life Star.

At this time, Liang Ji and others worked hard, and even the source of the "Elemental Sea" in the "Elemental Nest" on the "Dragon Snake" starship was activated twice, especially with the seventh-level Void Snow in the back. The wolf's confrontation and killing also consumed a lot of the original power of the 'Elemental Sea'.

Next, they must rest for a period of time before the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' in the 'Elemental Nest' can be restored.

But I finally managed to capture a life star in the Rose Sun Galaxy.

Originally, the star monster in the Life Star should be their second difficulty in capturing the Life Star.

But because of the seventh-level Void Snow Wolf's attempt to destroy the living stars, a large number of wolf monsters appeared in the stars. Many of the transformed and semi-transformed wolf monsters self-destructed and suffered heavy losses. The entire monster civilization in the stars All suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, it made it much easier for the families of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others to fight and capture cities in the Star of Life.

In the second level of difficulty, I barely suffered much and successfully captured this life star.

Then, the starships of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others gathered on the star of life. Senior Sister Bian Yujiao was on the flagship "Yujing Tower" starship and contacted everyone to hold a tactical meeting again. .

"Seniors and fellow students, there are two life stars in the Rose Sun Galaxy. Now that we have captured one, it can be said that half of the process of developing this galaxy has been completed."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's figure appeared on the light screen, smiling and encouraging everyone in the development team.

"In this battle, we fought smoothly without making too many mistakes. We also successfully captured three seventh-order void shadow martens at the beginning, which solved a major hidden danger in this pioneering war."

"However, there are also unexpected aspects in this battle."

"The seventh-level Void Snow Wolf, which can control the power of stars, was unexpected. It frustrated our originally planned offensive evolution and consumed more combat power and trump cards."

As she spoke, she looked at Liang Ji and asked, "Junior Liang, can your 'Elemental Sea' trump card still be used?"

Liang Ji did not answer directly, but looked to Peng Yue aside.

Peng Yue immediately stepped forward, bowed to Senior Bian Yujiao, and also called Senior: "The original effect of the 'Sea of ​​Elements' is too much, and it will take at least a year to recover."

When Senior Sister Bian Yujiao heard this, she couldn't help but shook her head slightly and said: "This time is too long, and accidents may easily happen."

As she spoke, she looked at Peng Yue and asked, "Xuemei Peng, is there any way to speed up the recovery of the 'Sea of ​​Elements'?"

Peng Yue nodded and said: "You can invest spiritual crystals to speed up the recovery of the 'Elemental Sea'. The more spiritual crystals and the higher the level, the faster the recovery."

"If there are enough high-level spiritual crystals, the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' can be restored within a month."

"Elemental Spiritual Crystal!" Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she nodded and said, "It's not a problem that can be solved with the Spiritual Stone."

"This time to open up the Rose Sun Galaxy, your 'Dragon Snake' starship is the key. It has already put in a lot of effort. Next, the spiritual crystals needed to restore the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' will be mine and two seniors." Come buy and replenish.”


"It should!"

Starship communications were connected, and seniors Chen Zhao and Xu Mao also nodded in agreement.

"In this case, let's repair this life star for a few months." Senior Sister Bian Yujiao immediately made a decision and said: "Just in time, the last time I joined hands with others to develop this 'Rose Sun Galaxy', I chose to first destroy the entire planet. We won all the domains, and then distributed the Life Stars to attack each one, but they failed."

"This time we are developing the 'Geiyang Galaxy', we will change our approach and develop and conquer step by step. We will first completely capture this life star, arrange formations and restrictions, and build it into our stronghold in the 'Geiyang Galaxy' , the place of foundation.”

"In this way, even if something unexpected happens in the later expansion war, we can at least occupy this life star and use it as a base to occupy nearly half of the "Geiyang Galaxy", and then slowly map out the remaining nearly half of the galaxy."

"It will not be like what I did last time. After falling short, not only will I suffer heavy losses, but I will also gain nothing."

After hearing what Bian Yujiao said, everyone nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Bian Yujiao rearranged everyone's tasks and ended the tactical meeting.

Since I decided to occupy this life star for temporary cultivation and restore combat strength, I naturally wanted to manage this star, and even connect it with other stars around it, and set up a star formation to build a solid base. In case something changes later, everyone can use this as a basis to hold on to the results.

However, whether it is purchasing and collecting 'Elemental Spirit Crystals' to restore the origin of the 'Elemental Sea', or arranging star formations, building bases, etc., there are several seniors, senior sisters, and formation masters such as Chu Yue who are responsible.

Liang Ji didn't need to do anything at this time. He left some family members in the life star, led by gods such as Wu Shanshan, to develop the life star, study the inheritance of the creation of the sky demon, the civilization of the demon beast transformation, and obtain some resources, interests, etc.

This is an important purpose for them to open up the life galaxy and occupy the life stars.

If one cannot obtain sufficient resources and benefits by developing galaxies and occupying stars, but instead wastes combat power, resources, and property in vain, wouldn't it be a loss-making business?

Therefore, after occupying this life star, not only Liang Ji, but also Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao, Peng Yue, and even the third-level immortals also used their own methods to find resources, mine treasures, and study the monsters in the stars. Creation, transformation civilization, etc.

Liang Ji boarded the "Dragon Snake" starship and flew towards the "Guiyang" in the galaxy.

There are only two life stars in the entire "Geiyang Galaxy". Liang Ji and others currently occupy one, which already occupies nearly half of the galaxy. Naturally, they can directly reach the location of "Geiyang" and around "Geiyang" Occupy some empty space.

At this time, not only Liang Ji's 'Dragon Snake' starship flew close to 'Guiyang', but there were also two other starships, but the seniors and sisters also wanted to collect the 'Power of Guiyang'.

Since the ‘Power of Sky Demons Create Stars’ experimental group led by Master Yuan Mu, they have been studying the effects of various powers of Sky Demons creating stars, and have made some achievements in integrating left and right.

Nowadays, senior executives of the Star Alliance, big companies, big forces, high-level star masters, etc. are conducting research on different types of "the power of heavenly demons to create stars". The seniors and sisters have collected this "power of the rose sun" even if they do not do research themselves. You can also get a lot of benefits by selling it to various research organizations, or simply handing it over to Instructor Yuanmu's experimental team.

As for Liang Ji coming here to collect the 'Power of the Rose Sun', on the one hand he was naturally doing research; on the other hand, it was to upgrade the 'Bloodline Atlas'.

At this time, when he came to the "Guiyang", Liang Ji directly opened the "Star Gate", summoned the "Bloodline Catalog" from the natal star, and unfolded it in the void. The blood light on it had reached its limit and was on the verge of breaking out. The gateway to advancement.

Based on the information he received from the Taiyi Star Palace, Liang Ji concluded that these 'powers of heavenly demons to create stars' would also be of great benefit to the growth and advancement of the 'Bloodline Catalog'.

At this time, he unfolded the 'Bloodline Catalog', faced the 'Rose Sun' in the void in front of him, accepted the illumination of the 'Rose Sun', and collected the 'Power of the Rose Sun' to integrate into the catalog.

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