The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 975 ‘Dragon Snake’ is the vanguard and an overwhelming attack

Liang Ji and others' fleet formed a battle line and set off again, attacking the other half of the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.

Here, the Void Demon Clan has also reorganized the battle line, and even summoned more Void Demon Clan from the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’ to join the battle line.

However, for the time being, no high-level void demon clan has come to join the battle line.

After all, in this 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', there are countless high-level Void Demon Races, and in other galaxies there are also pioneering teams of the Star Alliance launching attacks, and their offensive strength is even greater than that of the 'Guishang Galaxy' 'It's more ferocious here.

Therefore, it takes time and opportunity to summon more high-level void monsters to join the battle.

This is also the main reason why in the past three months, although these void demon clans have attracted a large number of middle and low-level void demon clans, they have not launched a counterattack on the area occupied by Liang Ji and others.

They are waiting for more and stronger high-level void monsters to come for support.

If Liang Ji and the others really cultivated in the occupied area for more than a year, there might be more high-level void monsters to support them and launch a counterattack against them.

But now, relying on a large amount of 'Elemental Spiritual Crystal' replenishment, the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' in the 'Elemental Nest' has been restored ahead of schedule. Liang Ji and the others only took three months to launch another attack in advance. Now they have the upper hand. .

"Junior Liang, your 'Dragon Snake' starship will be the vanguard, and our starships will cooperate and support you. We can take down this entire galaxy in one fell swoop!"

The starships were all connected by communication. As the battle commander, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao couldn't hide her excitement and raised her voice to give the order.

After the previous war, Bian Yujiao and others have clearly realized the power of the "Dragon Snake" starship, so the tactical arrangement for launching this attack directly uses the "Dragon Snake" starship as the vanguard and sharp knife, striving to defeat the remaining forces in one fell swoop. The Void Monster Clan captured the other half of the Rose Sun Galaxy.

A galaxy of life is about to be acquired. It has been decades since Senior Sister Bian Yujiao led the team to this frontline battlefield. She has paid countless blood and sacrifices but has gained nothing. Now that she sees that her long-cherished wish is about to be fulfilled, even she can't help but get excited.


In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji also directly agreed. This was the tactic they had discussed, so he would naturally not refuse.

Moreover, after the victory of the Rose Sun Galaxy, the subsequent division of spoils, interests and merits will be based on everyone's contribution and performance in the development war.

Liang Ji's 'Dragon Snake' team was always at the forefront and had the most military exploits. Naturally, they shared the most spoils, benefits, and achievements in the end.

Of course he wouldn't refuse.

hiss! Groan...

At this time, the 'Dragon Snake Phantom' on the starship condensed again, and the Dragon Snake breathed out 'Elemental Dragon Balls' one after another, like shells fired from a cannon, directly blasting towards a seventh-level Void Monster Race in the Void Monster Race front. .

The origin of the 'Elemental Sea' has been restored. The power of the 'Dragon-Snake Breath Array' is fully activated, and the 'Elemental Dragon Balls' are being consumed at all costs. Even the seventh-level Void Monster Tribe cannot withstand the bombardment one by one.

Amid the roars and roars, a seventh-level void monster's body as big as a star was nearly half shattered on the spot.

The remaining nearly half of the demon body turned and rushed into the black water below, hoping to reunite the elemental body.

At this time, Liang Ji's 'Star Gate' opened, and the newly promoted sixth-level 'Bloodline Catalog' flew out from it, illuminating a large area of ​​blood and falling on the half-broken seventh-level void demon clan.

The power of the 'Bloodline Catalog' that has advanced to the sixth level is undoubtedly much more powerful than that at the fifth level. Although it is still unable to restrain the seventh-level Void Monster Clan, it is undoubtedly more powerful against the severely damaged seventh-level Void Monster Clan.

The figure of the half-broken seventh-level Void Demon Clan was suddenly pulled by the blood and stalemate for a moment, and this moment of stalemate was enough.

Amidst the roars of snakes and dragons, several more 'Elemental Dragon Balls' bombarded the half-broken seventh-level Void Demon Clan, killing them completely immediately.

The out-of-control origin and power of law suddenly erupted, distorting the surrounding void, breaking through and disrupting the battle line composed of large swaths of void monsters.


Taking this opportunity, Liang Ji opened the 'Star Gate', and a large number of Familia, led by the sixth-level Familia who transformed into dragon beasts, rushed out, directly attacking the middle and low-level Void Monster Clan that collapsed and was in chaos.

Under the influence of the sixth-level 'Bloodline Catalog', Liang Ji's family bloodline, magical powers, combat power, etc. in his natal star have been increased several times.

Especially the sixth-order dependents of each lineage. At this time, the various true dragon shapes on their bodies became more and more obvious under the transformation of dragon beasts, and their bodies became larger and larger, reaching tens of thousands of feet in size under the law of heaven and earth, even larger than many sixth-order void monsters.

As for the various elemental magical powers set off by the power of blood, they even surpassed the power of elemental natural disasters of many sixth-level void demon clans.

Under the leadership of these sixth-level family members from the giant sacred mountains and starships, Liang Ji's family members quickly defeated the fighting Void Demon Clan front line, and a large number of middle and low-level Void Demon Clan were killed.

In the other half of the void of the Rose Sun Galaxy, the re-formed battle line of the Void Demon Clan was suddenly torn apart and shattered.

The 'Dragon Snake' starship is like a powerful sharp knife, tearing in, attacking and rushing towards the depths of the Void Monster Clan's front. On their left and right, the starships of Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others Following closely, the gap that tore and shattered the Void Monster Clan’s battle line quickly expanded and unfolded.

Subsequently, the battle line formed by the Void Monster Race was like a dam blocking the flood. After a hole was broken, it quickly began to collapse and shatter.

Twelve starships, with the 'Dragon Snake' starship as the vanguard, quickly entered the void demon clan's front line.

One starship after another faced off against the seventh-level void demon clan, and batches of dependent clans faced off against a large number of collapsed and chaotic middle- and low-level void demon clans.

Killings, casualties, blood and debris once again spread out in the void of this galaxy.

Liang Ji's 'Bloodline Catalog' unfolded in the void, and large areas of blood fell like rain on the battlefield. The largest number of middle and low-level void monsters in the void battlefield were suppressed after the blood fell on them. However, Liang Ji's family members were covered in blood, and their combat power was greatly increased.

With such an increase and decrease, the demon tide and battle line composed of middle and low-level void demon clans became more difficult to support, and were quickly defeated and killed.

However, the 'Bloodline Catalog' no longer plunders the power of bloodline from these battlefields; only when a seventh-level void monster is severely injured or even killed, will it shoot out a bright blood light or contain the seventh-level void demon clan? Monster clan, or plundering the power of bloodline.

The 'Bloodline Catalog' has advanced to the sixth level, and the bloodline power of the middle and low-level void demon clan has no effect on it. Only the bloodline power of the seventh-level void demon clan is worth grabbing.

With the support of these conditions, the pioneering war that Liang Ji and others started again went smoothly, and soon they once again attacked the second life star in the galaxy.

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