The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 990 The Tidal Eruption of the Power of the Sky Demon

In the "Rose Sun Galaxy", a "star map" spreads out, in which the stars are bright and the starlight shines, blocking and blocking the starlight and rainbow light flying out of the galaxy.

Although it cannot block all the flying starlight and rainbow light, it can at least block most of them.

As a result, only a dozen or so strands of starlight, rainbow light, etc. were left that flew out from the "Rose Sun Galaxy" and were thrown into the center of the "Celestial Demon Star Field".

Even if it still contains all the mysteries of creation and the evolution of civilization in the "Guiyang Galaxy", it must have become very rare.

Not just in the Rose Sun Galaxy, but in the entire Sky Demon Star Territory at this time, in all the life galaxies developed and captured by the Star Alliance, there are basically "star maps" hanging high, and the formation is fully activated to suppress and blockade Starlight, rainbow light, etc. fly out from various galaxies, blocking the mysteries of creation from flying towards the sky demon.

Different from the last "tide of demon power" outbreak, this is the second time that the Star Alliance development team has faced the "tide of demon power" outbreak. Many of the mysteries and details are already quite clear.

Even if the star palaces, companies, groups and other forces that occupy various life galaxies are not aware of the mystery, there will still be orders from the Covenant Exploration Battlefield Frontline Command, instructing the Star Alliance Exploration Team to occupy various life galaxies. Use all your strength to prevent the starlight, rainbow light, etc. from flying out and passing away.

Therefore, if you can look down from a high place in the sky, you can see that in the entire 'Sky Demon Star Field', in the small half of the area developed and occupied by the Star Alliance, the starlight, rainbow light, streamers, etc. flying out are very rare and thin. .

Far less than the other three directions of the star field, there are a lot of starlight, rainbow light, streamers, etc. flying out and flying towards the center of the star field.

This "gas swallowing" of the sky demon lasted for many days. When it swallowed up all the mysteries of creation that could be sucked and digested in the star field, and after brewing for more than ten days, it started to swallow and spit out.

The dazzling starlight transformed by the power of the Sky Demon rushes out from the center of the Sky Demon Star Territory like a raging tide, and attacks all directions to the west of the Sky Demon Star Territory, various galaxies, and corners of the void.

In these starlight tides, the original creation power of the sky demon cannot help but be contained, and it also contains the various creation mysteries that it has gained from "swallowing air" in the past, which can make up for the creation power of the sky demon more and more perfectly.

It is also for this reason that these starlight tides containing the power of the sky demon can re-create many original Death Stars into living galaxies and living stars after rushing into all parts of the star field, even behind the battlefields developed and occupied by the Covenant Alliance. .

Just like after the last tidal wave of the power of the Sky Demon, behind the Covenant's open battlefield, several new life galaxies such as the 'Green Wing Galaxy' were newly created and nurtured.

It is because the creation power of the sky demon contained in each eruption of the "power of the sky demon" is more complete and powerful than before, so the life galaxies and life stars that were not created can be re-created. become.

It is conceivable that after this tidal explosion of the 'power of the sky demon', in the void and galaxies behind the Covenant's battlefield, there will definitely be new galaxies and stars created by the more complete and powerful power of the sky demon. Then he successfully advanced into a life galaxy and a life star.

At that time, it will trigger a lively exploration and search in the void and galaxies behind.

There is no way that lucky people like Liang Ji and others will appear.

However, these are all things after the tidal wave of the ‘power of the sky demon’ erupted.

Now, the most important thing is to resist the impact of this tidal wave of 'power of the sky demon'.

Aboard the 'True Dragon' starship, in the main control cabin, on the light screen manifested by starlight, the situation in the void outside the 'Guishang Galaxy' is now manifested.

You can clearly see the mighty starlight, rushing in like a tide, and in the starlight tide, there is an endless void demon clan, like sea beasts riding the waves, overwhelming the "Pigy Sun Galaxy" The impact comes.

This is the situation outside the galaxy that Fu Zhenyuan leads the array master in the starship, operates and controls the detection array in the starship, and uses the power of the "Star Map Array" to detect the situation outside the galaxy.

It was Fu Zhenyuan who showed off his methods in front of Liang Ji, which seemed to be no worse than what Chu Yue usually did.

"Attention all starships!"

At this time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's figure appeared on the starlight screen and issued an order:

"The 'Star Map Formation' changes its formation from suppression to all-out defense!"

For Liang Ji and others, resisting the impact of the tidal eruption of the "power of the sky demon" is difficult and dangerous, but it is no less difficult than exploring the "Guiyang Galaxy".

Therefore, at this time, everyone and starships also need unified command to fight and defend, instead of fighting independently.

After just a brief discussion, the few people decided that Senior Bian Yujiao would still be the commander-in-chief, commanding the battle to defend against the tide of the demon's power and to guard the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.


Liang Ji immediately agreed, and the captains of all the starships also responded one by one.

Subsequently, twenty starships and numerous formation masters cooperated with the operation of the 'Star Map Formation'. The starlight that was originally suppressed inward changed its direction and changed its direction outwards like meteors, blasting towards the attacking sky demon. The tide of power, and the surging void demon clan in the tide.

Just like huge rocks and mountains thrown into the tide of the sea, there was a roar and explosion. Large swaths of the sky demon's power were shattered by the tide, and a large number of void demons riding the waves were also killed.

The remains of countless demonic beasts, flesh and blood mixed with the power of the sky demon, and the tidal starlight spilled into the surrounding void and even the stars.

Maybe after a few years, the surrounding void and stars will be able to contain some treasures, secrets, resources, etc. due to the remains of the void monsters, their blood, and the creation of the power of the sky monsters.

But at this time, under the tide of the sky demon's power, countless void demon clans came on the waves, and they came one after another. The 'Star Map Array' had just killed a batch, and more void demon clans followed immediately behind them. The wreckage, flesh and blood came up again.

After just a few rounds of bombardment and turbulence, countless void monsters paved a bloody road with their remains and flesh in the tide of the sky demon's power, impacting in front of the "Guiyang Galaxy", impacting and bombarding together with the tide of the sky demon's power. On the 'Star Map Array' that guards the galaxy.

Amidst the roaring and shaking, the 'Star Map Array' covering the entire galaxy was shaken by the impact. Some of the stars, planets, and even stars in the galaxy that formed the foundation of the 'Star Map Array' were slightly shaken by the impact. Shake and vibrate.

"Stabilize the formation!"

"Starship suppression!"

"The family members attack..."

Orders from Commander-in-Chief Senior Sister Bian Yujiao rang out from various starships.

In the "Guiyang Galaxy", starships everywhere, formation masters, monks, star masters, etc. on the starships all also acted according to the orders.

Twenty starships were now separated from various places in the Guiyang galaxy. Their formations and restricted operations were connected to the 'Star Map Array'. Under the control and operation of the formations and ship spirits in each ship, they cooperated with the stabilizing stars. , Stabilize the formation and enhance the power of the 'Star Map Formation'.

At the same time, one after another 'star gates' opened in the void, and various favors came out of these 'star gates' to attack the waves of void monsters coming.

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