The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 992 Tactical Arrangement The Advantages of the ‘True Dragon’ Starship

Under the tidal explosion of the power of the Sky Demon, there are only three biggest threats to the various life galaxies developed and occupied by the Covenant Alliance.

One is the Void Demon Tide formed by the gathering of mid- to low-level Void Demon Clan, the second is the attack of the high-level Void Demon Clan, and the last is the new enemies such as gods and elemental spirits that have infiltrated into the Sky Demon Star Domain. .

The Void Demon Tide formed by the gathering of mid-level and low-level Void Demon Clan can basically be resisted and suppressed by relying on the ‘Star Map Array’, as well as the dependents sent by each star master to resist and fight.

But for the incoming high-level Void Demon Clan, it will definitely be difficult to resist the mid-level Star Lords’ Familia such as Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao, Peng Yue, etc.

Therefore, before the battle began, it was already clear in the defensive tactics arranged by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao that to deal with the incoming seventh-level void monsters, they mainly relied on the 'Star Map Formation' and the starships controlled by everyone. The third-level players in each team Immortals, personal trump cards, etc.

The main force among them is undoubtedly the ‘Star Map Formation’ and starships.

Also this time, Liang Ji and others expanded their team before the tidal wave of sky demon power broke out, and the number of starships stationed in the "Guiyang Galaxy" expanded to twenty.

Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others had just gained enough confidence to withstand the attack of the high-level void demon clan, withstand the impact of the tidal wave of sky demon power, and protect the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.

Otherwise, they would have called for backup.

With their personal connections, it is possible to even invite a seventh-level star master to help and take charge.

At most, after resisting the tide of the sky demon's power, they need to pay a huge reward, or even cede some of the interests of the "Geiyang Galaxy".

However, their team had just expanded, and they had twenty starships stationed there, and they had more confidence to suppress and protect them, so they did not ask for support, lest they have to cede the interests of the "Guishang Galaxy".

At this time, as Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's order came, all the starships in the galaxy took action.

On the 'True Dragon' starship, formations and restrictions were activated, and they quickly locked onto a seventh-order void golden tiger outside the galaxy.

In the main control cabin of the starship, on the light curtain formed by the starlight, the image of the seventh-order Void Golden Tiger was manifested from all aspects, and various data of the seventh-order Void Golden Tiger were quickly listed on the side.

Including data such as body size, body strength, fluctuation intensity of the power of the golden laws around the body, etc.


At this time, Liang Ji summoned his teammates on the ‘True Dragon’ starship, looked at everyone and said:

"This is the first time we have joined forces for actual combat, and the target is this seventh-level Void Golden Tiger."

"Being able to come to the Sky Demon Star Territory and participate in the pioneering war, I believe that everyone's experience in fighting the Void Demon Clan will be very rich."

"But what I want to tell you is that in this Sky Demon Star Territory, especially under the influence of the tide of 'Celestial Demon Power', the combat power of these Void Demon Clan, including the high-level Void Demon Clan, is much different from what it was originally. different!"

"Look at the various detection data displayed on this light screen..." Liang Ji said, pointing to the images and data of various seventh-order Void Golden Tigers manifested in the light screen in the main control cabin, and said: "Which of you If anyone has fought against the seventh-order Void Golden Tiger in the past and has some understanding of the various strengths and data of the seventh-order Void Golden Tiger, he will know that the various data of this seventh-order Void Golden Tiger are far beyond ordinary and normal conditions. The seventh-level Void Golden Tiger."

As his words fell, several people in the team also agreed. These are people who have fought against the seventh-order Void Golden Tiger in the past and understand the various statistics and combat capabilities of the seventh-order Void Golden Tiger.

And with the evidence of these people, the faces of everyone in the 'True Dragon' starship became more and more serious.

These people dared to agree to the invitation of Liang Ji and others when the 'tide of the power of the sky demon' broke out, and came to join their team, to experience the impact and threat of the 'tide of the power of the sky demon' with Liang Ji and others.

Of course, these people are optimistic about Liang Ji and others' team, and they are confident in their own strength and methods.

But they also knew very well that they and others came to this frontline battlefield to earn resources and profits, not to casually sacrifice themselves on this battlefield.

Therefore, for such a dangerous battle, one cannot be too careful and cautious.

"Okay!" Liang Ji suppressed everyone's discussion and immediately ordered: "Next, prepare for battle according to the tactics used in the previous drills."

"Senior Fu Zhenyuan."

Liang Ji called out.

"Yes, Captain!"

Fu Zhenyuan immediately stepped out of the queue to respond.

"You will lead the formation masters in the team to control and operate the formation of the 'True Dragon' starship. You must maximize the power and effect of the starship formation to its strongest and best!"

"Yes, Captain!" Fu Zhenyuan responded immediately: "I promise to complete the mission!"

"Okay!" Liang Ji nodded in confirmation, and then called again: "Senior Mi Xiaoyun!"

"Yes, Captain!"

This time, a middle-aged woman walked out from the crowd, wearing complicated and gorgeous robes and jewelry. These robes and jewelry were all seventh-level immortal weapons. Her body shone with fairy light, far surpassing the other third-level immortals in the team.

And this senior Mi Xiaoyun is an immortal-level weapon refining master. After joining the team of "Dragon Snake", he was assigned to the "True Dragon" starship hosted by Liang Ji, responsible for hosting and controlling the starship. Various restrictions and fairy weapons in it.

"Senior Mi, you will lead the weapon masters in the team to control and operate all the forbidden and magical weapons on the starship. You must maximize the starship's combat power!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Mi Xiaoyun responded with a serious expression.

"Senior Wu Shan!"

Liang Ji continued to call for people, and this time he brought several people from the 'Dragon Snake' team.

"Yes, Captain!"

Wu Shan immediately stepped out of the queue to respond.

"Senior Wu, lead the expedition to prepare the immortals. Once the starship fights with the seventh-order Void Golden Tiger, you will attack immediately and assist in the battle from the side!"

Liang Ji immediately ordered.

"Yes, Captain!"

Wu Shan responded directly.

Liang Ji then looked at the immortals behind him and said, "Seniors, please follow the instructions of Senior Wu Shan and fight against the seventh-order Void Golden Tiger."


"no problem!"

"Brother Wu's combat experience is still worthy of trust..."

Behind Wu Shan, several human immortals, ghost immortals, Qi refiners, etc. who were good at fighting and fighting all responded with smiles.

With the expansion of the 'Dragon Snake' team, the formations and forbidden magical weapons on the 'True Dragon' starship are far inferior to the 'Dragon Snake' starship. However, after this expansion, they naturally have their own advantages. .

The biggest advantage and change is that the number of third-level immortals, formation masters, weapon masters, etc. under Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others has increased a lot.

Unlike the past battles of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the entire starship relied on Chu Yue, a formation master, to control and operate the formation, and then relied on the 'ship spirit' to control and operate the restrictions and immortal weapons.

In the frontal battle, only Wu Shan and Peng Xuanding could step forward to stop the enemy.

Nowadays, only in the "True Dragon" starship, there are digital formation masters and digital weapon masters. Under the leadership of the formation master and the weapon master, they are fully controlling and operating the starship's combat power, and can maximize the starship's combat power. .

In the frontal battle, there are several immortals who are good at fighting. Under the leadership of Wu Shan, they will definitely be able to achieve stronger combat effects.

The same is true for the other starships "Dragon Snake" and "Ice Soul".

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