The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 994: New Changes in the Tide of Heavenly Demon’s Power, Crisis Is Coming

In the Guiyang galaxy, snakes hissed, dragons roared, tigers howled, wolves howled, and all kinds of roaring explosions sounded throughout the galaxy.

Despite the deep frontline battlefield, even though there is no truly powerful seventh-level star master sitting in the "Guiyang Galaxy".

However, after Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others were fully prepared, they were suppressed by the 'Star Map Formation', twenty starships were stationed, and many immortals and family members joined forces to protect them.

This 'Rose Sun Galaxy' is still firmly supported by the tidal impact of the power of the sky demon and the attack of the void demon clan.

However, almost every day, a large number of Void Monsters and Star Lord Families died in battle inside and outside the galaxy, turning the void inside and outside the galaxy into a sea of ​​blood.

Even the seventh-level Void Demon Clan has fallen, and the out-of-control origin and power of law are raging, forming various Taoist anomalies inside and outside the "Guiyang Galaxy".

After fighting so hard and fighting for several months, casualties gradually began to appear in the ranks of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others.

Not to mention the casualties among the family members, the third-level immortals who were fully fighting on the front line and directly fighting and killing the seventh-level void demon clan gradually began to suffer casualties.

Even when the tide of Sky Demon power that struck from the center of the Sky Demon Starfield reached its peak, some of the twenty starships in the Rose Sun Galaxy could not withstand the attack and suffered heavy losses.

At this time, both the Void Monster Clan and Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others were already furious.

Even Liang Ji's soul has been integrated with the dragon soul and the star spirit Yuan Fei. He fought out from the natal stars, holding the 'God List' in one hand and the 'Bloodline Atlas' in the other, and personally joined the battle.

Although his soul borrowed the power of the dragon soul to merge with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', which is still far from being comparable to the 'Star Spirit Giant' of the real seventh-level star master, but he did not hesitate to consume the origin of the stars and the power of the law. Next, there are the two star palace inheritances of the 'Feng Shen Bang' and 'Bloodline Atlas' to help, and his combat power has already far exceeded the level of the sixth-level star master, barely reaching the level of the seventh-level star.

There is no problem at all when used to block and entangle the seventh-level Void Demon Clan.

Even with the help of Wu Shan and other immortals, as well as the "True Dragon" starship, Liang Ji used the "Dragon Star Spirit" Yuan Shen whose Yuan Shen was combined with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" to cross-step and kill a seven-year-old. The Void Monster Clan.

And while everyone was fighting and killing with all their strength, no one noticed that some changes had already occurred in the Guiyang Galaxy.

After a large number of void monsters and dependents were killed and injured, flesh and blood corpses spread in the void, and a large amount of blood filled the void.

These flesh, corpses, and blood interact with the tide of the demon's power, and there seem to be other changes in it.

In short, under the spread and influence of these flesh, corpses, and blood, the "Rose Sun" located in the middle of the "Rose Sun Galaxy" seems to be gradually affected, and the "Rose Color" on it becomes darker and darker, as if from The 'rose color' gradually turned into blood color.

In the end, it seemed as if a round of 'rose sun' turned into a round of 'blood sun'!

And when this 'blood yang' was formed, the influence suddenly exploded.

First of all, the 'Star Map Array' covering the 'Guiyang Galaxy' was the first to be affected and began to show signs of instability and tearing.

After all, the 'Star Chart Array' is arranged with the stars in the 'Pink Sun Galaxy' as the core and various stars as the basis.

It seems very grand, but the details are quite demanding.

As the core of the 'Star Map Array', the stars changed, from 'Rose Sun' to 'Blood Yang', and the entire 'Star Map Array' was naturally affected and shaken.

In particular, changes in stars will affect the situation and even the layout of stars in the entire galaxy.

Some stars began to shift, and some stars even began to turn from life to death, or from death to reincarnation. This naturally had a greater impact on the foundation of the entire 'Star Map Array'.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the ‘Star Map Array’ is unstable and broken.

"not good!"

"There's something wrong with the 'Star Map Array'!"

"The rose sun and stars have changed..."

As problems arose in the 'Star Map Array', Chu Yue, Fu Zhenyuan and other formation masters who controlled and operated part of the 'Star Map Array' were the first to discover that something was wrong. Immediately, screams of surprise rang out among the starships. It entered the ears of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao, Peng Yue and others.

Liang Ji was also shocked when he heard this. He immediately turned his head to look in the direction of 'Guiyang', only to find that it had changed from 'Guiyang' to 'Blood Yang'.

Looking at the stars inside the galaxy such as the 'Snow Wolf Star' and the 'Fire Lion Star', I immediately discovered that these stars were affected by the changes in the stars and began to undergo various changes.

Star shifts, apocalyptic disasters, etc.

"How is this going?"

"How did Guiyang turn into Bloodyang?"

"Is it related to the flesh, blood and corpses of the dead and injured Void Monsters in the void?"

"Or is there a new creation or change in the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon's Power' set off by the Sky Demon this time?"

"Or maybe it's both?"

Among the starships, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others exclaimed and commented.

"Captains, there is news from the frontline headquarters that this time it is not just our "Geiyang Galaxy" that has discovered changes in stars."

"In the entire Sky Demon Star Territory, there are mysterious galaxies created by Sky Demons everywhere, whether it is the life galaxy on the frontline battlefield, the life galaxy behind us that we have already occupied, or the unexplored life galaxy deep in the front star field. , there are situations where stars change!"

"This should be the new change and the power of creation contained in this tide of demonic power, which can distort and re-create stars in a short period of time!"

At this time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's voice sounded in the starships, conveying the latest news from the frontline command headquarters.

However, this is obviously not good news.

Since it is a change caused by the tide of the power of the sky demon, it will obviously be very difficult to block or change it.

"Senior, does the frontline command provide any method to prevent the stars from changing?"

Xu Mao's voice sounded, asking Senior Sister Bian Yujiao.

"Not yet."

Sure enough, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's voice made everyone's hearts sink.

"The frontline command, the star palaces, and the Star Alliance senior officials are working hard to study the changes and changes in the situation and find feasible solutions."

"Now we can only rely on ourselves, and we must first defend the Rose Sun Galaxy!"

"Otherwise, by the time the Star Alliance works out a solution, we have already lost the Rose Sun Galaxy, and it will be too late."

Before Senior Sister Bian Yujiao finished speaking, the sounds of tearing and shattering could be heard throughout the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.

Due to changes in the stars and changes in the stars, the foundation is unstable, and the "Star Map Array" covering the "Rose Sun Galaxy" has more and more tears and fragments.

There were roars and roars, and the roars of monster beasts were heard. The 'Star Map Array' was damaged, and the wave of void demons and high-level void demon clans that rushed into the 'Rose Sun Galaxy' suddenly became more numerous, almost to the point of being destroyed. Submerge the entire galaxy.

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