The evil cultivation of immortality, starting from an apprentice in a medicine shop

Chapter 76: Six Hundred Taels of Annuity [Please vote and read on]

After listening to Wu Chuanfeng's words, Qiu Zhen suddenly understood the real reason why the Demon Suppression Division came to him this time.

I'm afraid that asking about "evil spirits" is just a casual incident.

After all, a Yin Shen master who restrained his breath and disguised himself to seek medical treatment must have made all preparations.

He is now just a small martial artist in the post-natal realm, how can he see any clues.

The Demon Suppression Division must have not thought about this at all and suspected Qiu Zhen.

This time, the message was just to kill rabbits by robbing grass, and it was a matter of convenience.

It would be a good thing to get some clues. If there are no clues, the people of the Demon Suppression Division would not be surprised. Their real main purpose is to ask him to go out for treatment and exorcise evil spirits.

The invasion of evil spirits not only invades ordinary people, but also people in the cultivation and martial arts.

The martial arts master has a strong blood and masculine and domineering qi. He can ward off evil spirits, suppress the evil spirits, protect his body and save his life. He will not be easily invaded by the evil spirits and get sick like ordinary people.

Ordinary martial artists generally don't have this kind of trouble.

The Demon Suppression Division is different.

They deal with all kinds of demons and evil spirits on a daily basis, and they will encounter evil spirits from time to time.

Although martial artists have strong blood and qi, they are not easily contaminated by evil spirits. Even if they are contaminated, they can suppress it with their strong blood and qi, and martial arts boxing. However, after a long time, there will still be stubborn evil spirits remaining, dormant in the body, and become "chronic diseases" that are difficult to eradicate.

The evil spirit is entangled, which is not good for martial arts practice.

In the future, when martial arts stops, they are old, and their blood and qi are declining, the "chronic diseases" caused by the evil spirits in the past will break out.

This is considered the "occupational disease" of the martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division.

Of course, it's not that there are no doctors who can treat it.

However, most of the doctors who can treat this kind of "chronic diseases" caused by evil spirits are famous doctors, and the martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division can't afford them.

The monthly salary of the martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division is not small, but there are also many places to spend money, so how can they afford to hire a famous doctor?

That is Qiu Zhen, who is not well-known at the moment, and his strength is not strong. With one move, he even suppressed the evil thoughts of the "Yin Shen Master".

According to the previous life, it is very cost-effective to ask him to see a doctor.

"I never thought that the first business would come in this way."

Qiu Zhen understood the cause and effect, and suddenly felt a little amused.

I thought that the Demon Suppression Division was a troublesome matter, but it turned out to be a good thing.

The old man Yuan Hua is really a good person. Not only did he give him "Immortal Martial Arts", which made him get the acquired top-level root bone [Gold Tendon Jade Bone], but he also advertised for him and introduced a big business.

Without much hesitation, Qiu Zhen spoke immediately:

"Captain Wu and the brothers of the Demon Suppression Division think highly of me, so I am naturally happy to see patients, but I am afraid that my medical skills are shallow and I cannot bear the heavy responsibility."

After speaking, Qiu Zhen pondered for a while and said:

"Why don't you call someone here before the sun goes down, and I will exorcise the evil spirits for him to see if he meets the expectations of Captain Wu and the brothers of the Demon Suppression Division."

"That's great!"

Wu Chuanfeng was delighted. He just heard about the evil spirits during the review process, and he was not sure about Qiu Zhen's medical skills, so he was a little nervous.

After all, he didn't pay for the doctor's visit alone, but the Demon Suppression Division subsidized it, plus the money raised by the brothers out of their own pockets.

If something went wrong, it would be difficult to explain.

Seeing Qiu Zhen so sensible and taking the initiative to bring it up, he liked Qiu Zhen much more.

"How about you, sir, give me acupuncture first? The last time I exorcised evil spirits was in the capital. I have long felt that my body was stagnant and uncomfortable when I was practicing."


Qiu Zhen nodded slightly, asked him to sit down, and took Wu Chuanfeng's pulse on the spot.

Speaking of which, it is rumored that [Heavenly Eyes] can be cultivated to a high level, and can see through the human body and see the patient's lesions at a glance.

He does not have this ability at the moment. With his powerful spiritual awareness, he is much better than ordinary doctors by observing, smelling, asking and palpating.

After a consultation, Qiu Zhen was confident and asked Wu Chuanfeng to take off his clothes and give him acupuncture on the spot.

The "chronic illness" of Wu Chuanfeng and other martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division is very troublesome.

First, it is difficult to find the lesions, which requires rich experience;

Second, even if they are found, it is difficult to cure and expel them.

It is difficult for doctors in the acquired realm, such as Shopkeeper Liu who has perfected the acquired self-cultivation, to cure them with [Taiyi Exorcism Needle Method].

But Qiu Zhen was quite confident.

Today, he followed Master An to practice martial arts and comprehend the [True Yang Initial Appearance], which can not only be used in swordsmanship and martial arts, but also in curing diseases and exorcising evil spirits.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

Qiu Zhen's acupuncture was fast and steady.

In just a few dozen breaths, Wu Chuanfeng had dozens of silver needles on his body.

The martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division may have heard about this. Soon, a group of people gathered in the room with a curious look on their faces.

However, the curiosity, scrutiny, and even doubts on everyone's faces did not last too long.

The reason was that not long after Qiu Zhen's acupuncture, a faint black gas rose from behind Wu Chuanfeng.

"The demonic energy was pulled out, so quickly!"

The martial artist surnamed Ye shouted, and hurriedly held the incense burner and placed it aside, using the fragrance to cooperate with the scorching sun to extinguish the black gas.

In the courtyard, the martial artists saw the black gas coming out of their own captain, and they were all surprised and surprised. There was obviously more respect in their eyes when they looked at Qiu Zhen.

"The master is so powerful, I feel he is even more powerful than the great master in Changlefu City."

"That's not true, we are not rural farmers who occasionally feel the evil spirit. The evil spirit in our bodies is hidden deep, and it works so quickly."

"The master is so talented, he is worthy of being the little doctor Qiu!"

"What little doctor, Mr. Qiu is a great doctor!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

About a quarter of an hour later.

"Mr.'s medical skills are really amazing."

Wu Chuanfeng put on his armor and felt comfortable all over. His face was full of joy:

"Those bastards are right. Mr.'s medical skills are better than those of the great doctors in Changle Mansion."

"Captain Wu, you are too kind."

Qiu Zhen smiled and drank tea leisurely. He did not mention the consultation fee and waited for the other party to speak.

"Not too kind at all."

Wu Chuanfeng was very confident. After he finished speaking, he paused and said:

"With Mr.'s medical skills, the annual fee for you to see a doctor in Changle Mansion is 1,000 taels. However, my brothers have just moved to Qingmu and are short of money. I don't have much money. The annual fee is 600 taels. I wonder if you can help me."

The annual fee is 600 taels!

Qiu Zhen was delighted. It was indeed a big business.

There are two ways to invite a doctor to see a doctor.

One is to ask someone to see a doctor temporarily, and the consultation fee is paid on the spot each time.

One is the "annuity system", which is generally used by wealthy families and big merchants to hire doctors, give annual gifts during the New Year and other festivals, and provide long-term medical services for a large family or a certain chamber of commerce.

The six hundred taels a year mentioned by Wu Chuanfeng is the latter.

Qiu Zhen later asked Manager Liu about it and vaguely knew a little.

Speaking of which, the "chronic illness" of the demon-suppressing martial artists caused by the evil spirit is very troublesome and cannot be cured by ordinary doctors. The cost of hiring a doctor of this level in the prefectural city is not low. It is common to charge ten taels of silver for one consultation.

It is normal to start with a thousand taels of annuity.

At the moment, Wu Chuanfeng's offer of an annual salary of six hundred taels is indeed a bit low.

Qiu Zhen knew what was going on, but he didn't bargain. He said straightforwardly:

"I have seen with my own eyes that the brothers of the Demon Suppression Division have protected the territory and the people, and guarded the area. Well, I will take this matter."

"Sir, you are a kind doctor. I thank you on behalf of the brothers of the Demon Suppression Division."

The crude warriors are rude, and the martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division are used to being domineering.

However, if you can please them, the situation will be different.

After the acupuncture of exorcism, the martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division are no longer as arrogant as the rumors in the outside world. They are very respectful to Qiu Zhen, and everyone is sweet on their lips.

When Qiu Zhen left the Demon Suppression Division, the martial artists saw him out, and someone brought him a horse, treating him with great courtesy.


The horse galloped on the official road.

Bai Zhu, who had been silent, sent a message with his spiritual consciousness:

"Sir, are we considered to be recruited?"

"I guess so!"

Qiu Zhen laughed and was in a good mood.

Six hundred taels of silver is not a huge sum of money for him now. The most important thing is that it is of great significance to establish a relationship with the Demon Suppression Division.

Fairy Yunrou has a wide range of connections and can find out the news of the Demon Suppression Division. This is the convenience brought by her natural wealth, which he cannot learn.

However, if the upper route is not feasible, it is also a good way to follow the path of the martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division.

As strong as the martial arts master, or even the legendary martial arts saint, they are not omnipotent. All matters, big and small, must be carried out by the people below. The backbone of the Demon Suppression Division is this group of martial artists.

He exorcises evil spirits and cures diseases for the martial artists of the Demon Suppression Division. If he has a good relationship with them in the future, it will be of great benefit to him.

Apart from other things, Wu Chuanfeng may have heard that there are monsters who take the initiative to surrender and follow Qiu Zhen. He recognized Bai Zhu as a monster on the spot, and then said that he could help Qiu Zhen get a quota for a [Monster Card] later.

Holding a nameplate means that the monster has an owner, understands human nature, and can walk in the human territory.

This kind of [Monster Card] is quite rare, and it is usually difficult to buy even if you have money. Only the government offices like the Demon Suppression Department can do it.


Qiu Zhen drove his horse back to Xiangyang Village and went straight to Qiu's house, intending to see how his father and elder brother were recruiting workers.

However, as soon as he entered the yard, his expression changed slightly.

Waking up his soul, he was so powerful that he keenly noticed that something was wrong.

On a whim, the soul warned.

"Why did a powerful person suddenly come to my house?"

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