The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 222 The Flames of Hell

Father Corbett walked slowly down the dusty corridor, the old wooden floor making a creaking sound. The dim sunlight shone in through the dilapidated windows, elongating the figures.

Father Corbett stopped in front of a hole in the floor.

"What's wrong?" asked the hooded wizard beside him.

"Nothing, Elaine." A smile appeared on the priest's face, "I just remembered some old times."

"Come to think of it, you never told me about life here."

"It's no different from other big families. Born, grown, and then died. It's just that I received the favor of the great Lord and came to life again."

"Praise the great Lord." Elaine said devoutly, "The transfer of things is almost complete. Are you really not going with us?"

The priest shook his head, "I want to confirm something."

"Is it the messenger?"

The priest didn't reply. He took another step and walked around the hole in the floor. The hooded wizard followed closely behind. She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end no words came out.

Elaine knew that continuing to ask would put herself in danger. In more than 40 years of living together, she knew what things should be asked and what things should not be asked.

Just when she thought she could not get the answer to this question, the priest took the initiative and said: "Every once in a while, we will get divine signs. It heralds the arrival of the messenger, but it is a pity that so many years have passed. No messenger is Really worthy of attention.

"They either failed to understand God's blessing and fell into madness, or they actively turned their backs on us, or they were just simple-minded fools. For a long time, I was unable to understand the will of the Great Lord."

Having said this, Corbett stopped and looked at an oil painting at the end of the corridor. It was hard to believe that after so many years, it had not rotted away.

Although part of the scroll was torn off, one could still barely see the appearance of the person in the painting - a middle-aged knight with a beard and sharp eyes.

"Ah~" the priest reached out and stroked the scroll, "I can't even remember what I looked like before. It seems that the doctor didn't lie to me. If a person changes his body too many times, he will indeed forget his original appearance."

Corbett took back his hand, "Elaine."

"I am here."

"How old are you this year?"

"Sixty-two years old."

"Has it been so many years?"

"Yes, Father." Elaine nodded, "Almost forty years."

The priest continued to move forward, as if he was deep in thought. After a while, he whispered: "Let the doctor prepare a body for you."

Hearing this, Elaine was a little flattered. She stopped and paused for a moment, "I didn't mean that, Father. I just want to be able to contribute to our great cause."

The priest shook his head, "Stop saying these false words, Elaine, we all know why you joined the order."

Elaine's body trembled, "Please forgive me, Father, I'm not..."

"Don't be burdened." The priest waved his hand, "Each of us has our own purpose. This is no secret. Pursuing God's gift is our ultimate goal."

Ernest opened the wooden door for Corbitt, and the priest used his remaining strength and walked in. Elaine originally wanted to step forward to help, but Corbitt refused.

Behind the door was a spacious room, with a strange device filled with brass tubes and glassware occupying most of the room.

In the cylindrical culture tank next to the machine, a strong naked male body was floating in the transparent green nutrient solution.

"Is this it?" A look of joy appeared on Corbett's face. His skin at this moment was like white paint on a yellowing wall, and it seemed that it could fall off at any time. "It's so beautiful, my new body. Tell me, what's his name?"

Ernest picked up the book in his hand, looked at it and replied, "Harvey, a painter."

"Good, let's get started, doctor. Bring me back to glory."

The monsters outside the school launched an attack under the leadership of a strange hooded wizard. When they broke through the school gate and came to the square, Sheikh shouted at everyone: "Get down, don't look up!"

After he said these words, the entire square in front of the school exploded with a bang, and the explosion shattered the glass of the front building. Those wizards who knew the truth immediately used their invulnerable power.

The first batch of monsters that rushed in were instantly turned into ashes. Some of the more tenacious ones tried to escape from the terrifying flames, but failed.

"The flames of hell." John looked outside. The original fountain in the square disappeared and was replaced by flames reaching into the sky.

Even in the front building, John could still feel the scorching temperature of the flames. In just two or three seconds, the skin on his face felt stinging.

No wonder Sheikh is so fearless. Almost no creatures can pass through the flames of hell on this scale. The best proof is those monsters that cannot escape in time and turn into ashes.

But John knew that the flames would dissipate soon, and there were still many monsters outside the school. As long as they stopped rushing in mindlessly and waited for the flames to disappear to launch an attack, the situation would still be very serious.

"For Merlin's sake." The poet also poked his head out and looked around, "I must write this into my ballad."

"Then pray that you can get out alive." John took back his head, took out the wine bottle and took a sip. The cold wine alleviated the thirst in his mouth.

"Damn it." The poet looked unhappy, "John, do you have to say these depressing words in front of such a grand occasion?"

As they spoke, the hellfire grew weaker and weaker, eventually dissipating. The entire square in front of the school was baked into scorched earth, white high-temperature steam rose upwards, and the ground was filled with sparks that had not yet been extinguished. The hot air was filled with a strange smell.

Sheikh stood up from behind the wall, looked at the rising white mist with a solemn face and ordered: "Get ready!"



Orders were circulated through the crowd, and those armed with firearms stood up from behind the wall. They used the wall as cover and were always ready to attack.

The steam suddenly dissipated, and the monsters outside the school attacked again. The first thing that came was a piercing scream, which instantly drove many Muggles into madness.

The wizards headed by Mark were very fast. They immediately cast magic that could withstand the screams, and those who fell into madness were quickly injected with a black liquid by nearby people.

John frowned and looked at everything in order. It was obvious that these people had received the necessary training and might have participated in battles with dream objects before.

Thinking of this, he gained some confidence. At least the people fighting beside him were not a bunch of people. What made him even more gratified was that the weapons provided by the church worked, and many of the monsters that rushed up were killed.

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