The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 332 Transformation Completed

After killing the school guard, the four came to the school's infirmary. Use this little time to let Serena find some first aid medicine.

Xing Ze and Lanny are responsible for guarding. Many villagers have already entered the school. They cannot take it lightly.

"Where did Kent go?" Xing Ze asked Lanni after finally finding some time to talk.

Lanny shook his head and said, "I don't know. We didn't see him and Kelly when we came out."

Xing Ze didn't ask any more questions about this. He didn't have the energy to take care of everyone, and he had no obligation to save everyone. Kent and Kelly have made their choice, so good luck to them.

"Will they..." Lanny asked worriedly. He did not dare to continue. In such a chaotic situation, the end of those two people would not be good.

"Okay, we can go." Serena took some anti-inflammatories from the medicine cabinet, as well as straps, alcohol and some topical medicines.

"That passage is in the school's indoor playground. We need to cross it from here." Xing Ze told the location of the passage.

The other three looked in the direction he pointed. That place was still some way away from here, and there must be dangers along the way.

But a group of people did not stay any longer, but followed Xing Ze in that direction.

After a period of painful struggle, Kent climbed up from the ground. Blue snake scales began to replace his original skin. His face also underwent drastic changes. His teeth fell out, his palates elongated, and his tongue became longer and longer. thin……

The changes continued, and the sound of crackling bones continued to sound. Frank stood aside and looked at the results in front of him with satisfaction.

This is the first human he has transformed into a snake-man, and the leader will be very satisfied. Its latest developed rapid mutagen seems to have very good results.

In the past, transforming a human into a snake-man, or to be precise a half-snake-man, required a lot of energy and nutrients, which was equivalent to hatching a native snake-man.

But the leader Sisia took a fancy to the wisdom of the half-snake people. The snake-people transformed from humans can retain their wisdom to the greatest extent, instead of becoming irrational killing machines like the original snake-people.

After a long period of research, Scia finally developed a reliable mutagen that is more stable and does not require too many nutrients.

Especially on humans whose bodies are powerful, such as wizards and enhanced time travelers, the effect is outstanding, with a success rate as high as 80%.

Of course, it's not without its shortcomings. Since this mutagen no longer requires additional nutrition, the transformed half-snake will not see much change in physical fitness.

But this is not a problem. Sicia prefers to leave the killing to the native snake people. This kind of bloodthirsty and cunning creature is naturally the best hunter.

After spitting out a lot of yellow liquid, Kent's transformation was completed. He felt the changes in his body. The injured area no longer hurt, and his body was full of strength, as if he had been reborn.

Kent took a deep breath, and as he moved, all the bones and muscles in his body made the sound of stretching, which made him extremely excited.

This feeling was something he had never had before, not even the first time he used the points he exchanged to strengthen his body.

"I feel very hungry now." Kent said, touching his belly with his hand.

Frank stepped aside. He pointed at the priest's body on the ground and said, "There is something delicious here."

Kent looked contemptuous. Although he was a new student, he was definitely not a beggar. He is more willing to enjoy some fresh food than the long-dead priest, such as Kelly, who just betrayed him.

"I have better attention."

After saying that, he suddenly rushed towards the broken window, and then jumped out of the window.

Not long after he left, a lighter-colored, larger snake-man walked in from outside the church. It shook its thick tail and opened and closed its powerful jaws.

"I smell the smell of blood. What happened here?" The sturdy snake man stood at the entrance of the aisle. The narrow aisle was not suitable for his strong and tall body.

"Two time-travelers killed the priest, lick your tongue."

The corners of the Orochi's mouth twitched, as if he were smiling, if this could be considered a smile.

"Is it Arbogast's?"


"Haha, this idiot, the blasphemer. Oh, speaking of which, Clyde Winters is also dead."

Frank didn't show much surprise. Compared to the destruction of the underground cave, the death of their human agent, Clyde Winters, was nothing significant.

"Scia will be angry." Licking said solemnly, "It will be furious, and we will all be punished then."

Frank looked at the big man with disgust. This guy was right. Emberhead Village was their secret research site. Scia had fought with the wizards of the Sabbat Church for a long time before he could gain a foothold here.

Now, a wizard appeared out of nowhere and destroyed most of its hard work. Although the important test site was not too damaged, many native snake-man larvae were killed. For snake people with low reproductive capacity, the death of a large number of larvae is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

Frank has not been a snake man for a long time, but he understands Scia's temper. If he doesn't want to bear his anger, he needs to find the culprit of this incident.

"Have you found a scapegoat?" Licking asked.

"Two found, one converted, and one ran away. The rest are chasing. They can't run away."

"Leave the rest to me. They are at school and the villagers have surrounded them."

The obtained duck flew away. Even though Frank was reluctant, since Licking Tongue was Scia's most effective lieutenant, he couldn't say much and could only let it take away his credit.

"If you are willing to take action, it will be of great help. But don't kill them. The time travelers are the best experimental subjects, and Sicia needs them."

"I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee it. If I'm hungry, I don't mind getting a cushion to pad my stomach." Licking Tongue said as he walked towards the outside of the church.

Watching its huge figure gradually disappear, Frank narrowed his eyes with disgust on his face. His plan was supposed to be perfect.

Three mercenaries, who draw police fire, are ambushed by the Snake Man. Even if those time-travelers still escaped, he would be ready to cut them off halfway.

Although the plan was quite risky, the results were satisfying. Except for the two time travellers, all others were arrested. These people are the ideal materials that Sicia has been pursuing - whether it is used for transformation or for cultivating a new generation of wise snake people.

But now, the whole plan has turned into a joke. Not only did he fail to turn in those time-travelers, but he also allowed them to destroy their lair, which was simply a shame for him.

So no matter what, he had to make the bastard who destroyed the underground cave pay the price with blood.

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