The Evil Imperial Monarch

Chapter 241: Flirting by the lake

Chapter 241

Ye Jingyun took the butterfly to heal, leaving Tan Miaozhen and Ye Chu.

"Is there any interest in going out for a walk!" Ye Chu looked at Tan Miaoqi and smiled. "Is it rare that Ye Jingyun does not bother us?"

"You hate Jingyun so much!" Tan Miaoqi smiled and looked at Ye Chu, who was clearly pointed in front of him. Tan Miaozhen felt warm and happy. Perhaps it is because Qing Wenting and his closeness lead himself to be close to Ye Chu, or perhaps Ye Chu has always taken care of her, and in the face of Ye Chu, she can give birth to closeness.

I also thought that I was almost naked in front of Ye Chu, and Tan Miaozhen looked ashamed and shy.

The city at night was very quiet, and Ye Chu took Tan Miao to a small lake. There are feathers in the lake, and it is reasonable to say that there should be no feathers in this season, but I don’t know if it is the impact of the ancient forbidden land or other reasons. The temperature of this city is consistent throughout the year, and there are feathers flying all the year round.

"It's so beautiful!" Tan Miaozhen is obviously a little girl's heart. Looking at the glittering feathers on the lake, I am happy to scream with the watery lake.

Tan Miaoqi ran to the small lake and reached out and gently grabbed the feathers. When people feel magical, the feathers around them are all coming close to Tan Miao, and they are faintly shining around her.

The faint light shines on Tan Miaozhen. Her beauty and femininity are revealed. The jade hand is slim and white, standing there like a fairy under the moonlight, the figure is reflected in the water, dancing with the moon, it is very obsessive.

Ye Chu stood by and looked at Tan Miaoyu, who danced with the feathers. She had a weak smile on her face and felt that the woman was really feminine.

"Ye Chu, what are you doing there? Come and play with me!" Tan Miaozhen shouted at Ye Chu. "Oh, these feathers follow me. You try, will they follow you?"

Before Ye Chu went to the front, he was not close to Tan Miaozhen. These feathers fled in panic and made Tan Miaoqi laugh: "No wonder Jingyun and Wenting say that you are a bad guy. Even the bugs know that you are far away from you. ”

Ye Chu looked at the feathers gathered by Tan Miaozhen, looking at his white skin like porcelain. He was pretty and charming, and said with a smile: "Not that I am too bad, but these things are too lascivious, I naturally can not attract them."

When Tan Miaozhen heard the words of Ye Chu, the tender face was pink, and the pair of scorpions who had to drip out the water smashed Ye Chu, and had a charming style.

"I don't have nonsense!" Ye Chu smiled, watching the feathers flying around Tan Miaozhen laugh. "Some people have done research, the female feathers are very faint, difficult to see, and difficult to fly. Male feathers The light is to attract females. Do you say that they are lascivious? They are so beautiful, they all give up to seduce female feathers!"

"Nonsense!" Tan Miaozhen sighed with a sigh of relief, blushing, very touching.

"It's a pity, if Miaoyu is not wearing a blue shirt today, but a white dress, just a dance, it can really be turned into a fairy." Ye Chu smiled at Tan Miao, "Would you like me?" Help me to buy a set, how about you change?"

Tan Miaoyi looked at Ye Chu and looked around. He thought that he had to change his clothes, and he was not cleaned by Ye Chu. Tan Miaozhen could not help but think that she had twice exposed her body in front of Ye Chu, her face was red and hot.

Ye Chu saw Tan Miaozhen like this, could not help but think of the first time when I saw Tan Miaozhen, the crispy chest was white and plump, the thighs were soft and tender, especially when I thought of the Yinfang grass, Ye Chu felt that the blood would be boiling, Tan Miaozhen As if to ignite him.

Ye Chu’s predecessor, the color of the dog, is very greedy. Even the embarrassing woman who is as beautiful as the day is still unable to change his temper. Looking at the charming and unreasonable Tan Miaozhen at the moment, she feels that she is really shocking.

Ye Chu still has no resistance to such a beautiful woman.

Tan Miaoyu saw Ye Chu's eyes staring at her, her face was hot, avoiding Ye Chu's gaze, went to the lake, and slammed her body with a small hand like a jade, swaying the lake, facing the moonlight.涟漪 spread out.

Tan Miaozhen was there, the feathers followed the past, and the lake mirror reflected was very beautiful. Facing the evening breeze, it was very refreshing and happy. Tan Miaozhen waved at Ye Chu and gestured to Ye Chu.

Ye Chu walked forward and watched the feathers fall into her hair. Ye Chu couldn't help but ask: "Would you like to drive away the feathers in your hair, or else it would be too sinful to die in it."

"Ah..." Tan Miaoqi looked at the feathers that fell in her hair and nodded, indicating that Ye Chu would help.

Ye Chu fingers passed through Tan Miao's hair and could feel the suppleness. Ye Chu swayed Tan Miao's hair and gently dispelled one of the feathers. The movement was very gentle.

And Tan Miaoqi posted so close, Ye Chu can feel the scent of her body passed to the nose, looking down the white neck, can see a white scorpion ditch in the neckline, highlighting the fullness of her chest.

"Come on!" Tan Miaozhen saw that Ye Chu’s movements were so slow, and more and more feathers fell on the hair. He couldn’t help but say to Ye Chu, the sound was solitary, like a bleak spring.

"I am afraid that the action is too fast, kill them!" Ye Chu said very sadly, and the action was slower.

Tan Miaoqi stunned and turned to look at Ye Chu. Seeing Ye Chu’s eyes fell on her neckline, her face turned red and rosy, and she reached out to protect her neckline. She said, “I’m not allowed to hack, believe it or not. Hey, are you getting into the water?"

Ye Chu smiled and quickly turned his eyes and gently helped Tan Miaoqi to drive away the feathers. Ye Chu thought, did he tell Tan Miaozhen that he would not be close to holding his feathers, but thought that this was too obvious, Ye Chu thought about it or give up.

"You two are you yelling at me!" Just when Ye Chu was swaying for Tan Miaozhen, Ye Jingyun didn't know when to stand aside, watching Tan Miaoyan's eyes with a smile, and the same sly look at Ye Chu .

"Ah!" Tan Miaoyan stood up fiercely, and the feathers on his head flew away instantly, one left.

Seeing this scene, Tan Miao's beautiful face was stained with blush, and there was no courage to look at Ye Chu and Ye Jingyun.

Obviously, just as Ye Chu’s move, I’m afraid that it’s ** in Ye Jingyun’s eyes. Tan Miaoyu can't wait to bite Ye Chu, thinking that this guy must be deliberate.

Ye Chu shrugged innocently: "I didn't think that these feathers were so timid, you just got up and they can fly away."

Tan Miaoqi blushing, the pretty student stood there, was stopped by Ye Jingyun, and the ears were red.

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