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1002, the formidable cast sword

Barbecue also pays attention to a fire, the greater the fire, the more intense it will be, and the meat will be cooked in an instant, which will achieve the effect of tenderness and tenderness;

Gu Qianxue couldn’t help crying, “Miss Dongfang, don’t joke, Junhua and Junan are already busy with two enemies and three enemies. How dare I go to chaos? This sheep is useful, but I can’t tell you yet. When the conference is over, I must tell you why."

Dongfang Jun'er smiled, "Okay, one word is fixed." Then he searched carefully and checked, "Okay, go in."

Gu Qianxue nodded, carried the sheep back, and ran towards the Jianjianchang.

Along the way, the sword-smiths who were concentrating on it couldn't help but looked over, whispered, and had a lot of discussion-this girl Zhao was really funny, hooked up with the help of the four young masters in the East with beautiful colors, and I didn't say it now. He also carried a sheep to add chaos. Gee, the four young masters of the East are considered to be planted this time.

When Gu Qianxue ran to the side of Junhua and Junan carrying the sheep, the two were also ignorant.

Jun An was anxious, "Gu... Miss Zhao, what are you doing?"

Gu Qianxue smiled mysteriously, "You let me, I will throw the sheep into the fire."

Junan’s chin is about to fall off, "Are you really going to roast whole sheep?! Oh no... even if you want to roast the whole sheep with the fire of the Jianjianchang, let’s go back and roast it? Now in the game, this is four. Annual sword-making convention!"

Lamented in my heart, if the ancestral Eastern God is spiritual in the sky, it is estimated that this unreliable Qianxue County Master will die.

Gu Qianxue was too lazy to negotiate with Junan, and he looked at Eastern Junhua seriously, "Master Junhua, do you believe me?"

At this time, Dongjun Junhua had no fascination. He stared at Gu Qianxue's expression, and then put his eyes on the sheep, struggling.

If something goes wrong, his reputation may be damaged.

Time seemed to freeze, the fire was still crackling, and waves of heat blew the corners of the three men's clothes.

"Okay, throw." Dongfang Junhua flashed aside, exposing the fire.

"Thank you, Son of Oriental Junhua, I will always remember you." Gu Qianxue thanked him sincerely, and then urged the internal force to lift the sheep and throw it into the fire.

For a time, the entire Forging Sword Field was boiling!

What exactly is going on?

The ten judges sitting on the podium were shocked. They discussed that some of them stood up from their chairs, while others came directly out of their seats and came to the sword casting area of ​​Gu Qianxue and others.

Li Wang, however, lost his previous worries, first stunned Gu Qianxue's every move, and then let go of his heart, his fair and beautiful face showed a meaningful smile.

The judges ran together, running at the forefront was the grandson of the head of the East, also the brother of Dongfang Junhua and Dongfang Junan, Dongfang Junxu.

"Four younger brother, fifth brother, what is this for?" He gave Gu Qianxue a hard look, and ignored it, only looking at Dongfang Junhua's body, "Fourth brother, what are you doing, you know if you fail, it means What is it?"

Dongfang Junhua naturally knows what it means. The most important thing for these sword smiths is their reputation. "Know, but how to do it with my fifth brother can't decide. Brother forgot, we are only assistants, not master sword makers."

In a word, choking Dongfang Junxu.

Later the judges also heard it, and there was a lot of discussion.

Seeing that there was no result in his fourth brother, Dongfang Junxu asked Gu Qianxue, "Miss Zhao, do you know what you are doing? The tone is furious and full of questions.

Qian Xue smiled and nodded, "Of course I know, but you don't know."

The judges were stunned, they really did not touch their heads.

But in any case, they have a feeling of being played.

Who they are, but they are the world's most popular swordsman, whether in the martial arts or in the courts of various countries, they are all sought after guests. After all, there are weapons to have force, force to have power, and power to have everything.

This is why the sword is so prosperous.

But the girl in front of her looked only 16 or 7 years old, and she actually participated in the sword-making convention as a layman. She didn't know how to seduce the two descendants of Dongfang Dongzi as their assistants, even if it was one. Willing to fight one, but what does it mean to throw sheep into the fire of casting swords? Eat barbecue?

Everyone couldn't understand it, and didn't want to understand it, only thought that Zhao Xiaohan desecrated the sword-making convention, desecrated the famous sword mountain village, and even desecrated the high-ranking Oriental God.

Although everyone did not say anything, but their expressions explained everything, Gu Qianxue said, "You don’t have to panic. If I lose, it has nothing to do with the two sons of Dongfang Junhua and Dongfang Junan. It’s all my trouble. But if I win, I will never hide it, and I will make this secret public, and it is better to be alone than I am. I am willing to contribute to the sword industry."

"..." everyone smiled contemptuously.

The judges didn't even want to say a word to the ignorant and arrogant woman and turned back to the podium.

Dongfang Junxu was really anxious, he lowered his voice, "Zhao Xiaohan! My fourth brother is so infatuated with you, are you going to take his reputation for this life?"

Yeah, if this time is defeated, what reputation will Dongfang Junhua assume? Greedy is despondent, because of the craving for a woman's beauty and reputation.

She didn't know if everyone's reaction was too extreme or Gu Qianxue realized afterwards that she gradually became afraid.

Will she... harm Dongfang Junhua?

Looking at Dongfang Junhua again, his face is serious, his brows are tight, his thin lips are tightly squeezed, it can be seen that he is also very nervous.

Qian Xue sighed, but did not know what the result was.

So, why should Gu Qianxue throw sheep into it?

This also stems from a movie I saw in modern times, "Sword".

The movie tells the story of the revenge of the son of the swordsmith master. The content of the story is not important, but one of the shots is a method often used in ancient China to cast famous swords, that is-human sacrifice!

In the movie, after the general and his wife burned incense and bathed, Yiwu turned back into the furnace, and finally achieved the famous sword of the spring and autumn.

Although the historical materials have not been publicized, ancient Chinese sword-making were all human sacrifices, that is, at the end of the tempering, the living people were thrown into the fire to practice the Excalibur.

Perhaps the layman thinks it is feudal superstition, in fact, this principle can really be explained in the casting industry, that is-trace elements!

The reason why steel is called steel instead of iron is that other elements are added to the iron element, and there are different types because of the different elements, without characteristics and uses.

For example, carbon steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. In addition to iron and carbon, it contains elements such as silicon, manganese, phosphorus, and sulfur. According to different carbon content, it can be divided into three types: low carbon (C: 0.25%), medium carbon (C: 0.25%-0.60%) and high carbon (C: 0.60%) steel; ordinary low alloy steel is in low carbon A small amount of alloying elements, such as silicon, calcium, titanium, niobium, boron, and rare earth elements, are added on the basis of carbon steel, the total amount of which does not exceed 3%; alloy steels are steel grades containing one or more appropriate amounts of alloying elements.

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