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Chapter 1026 Chapter 1026

Gu Qianxue jumped on the island and immediately sat on the ground, his face pale and muttered, "Oh, mother, scared me, scared me, how terrible? It's even scarier than jumping on the highest roof, scared me Now, I thought it was going to fall." That's the nagging whisper.

Junan fell into the lake, first froze for a long while, then annoyed and slapped the water, did not swim up, just soaked in the water.

King Li took the baggage under the tree, a few went to the center of the island, and then came the first smoke.

It can be said that compared with the embarrassed Gu Qianxue and Jun An, Li Wang and Chu Yan are almost flat.

I have to admit that none of the assassin's light merits was blown out.

Under the moonlight, Chu Yan stood on the shore, looking at Junan, who was unwilling to leave the shore.

Jun'an turned his back to the first smoke, and didn't swim like a pug. His long back rippled in the water, with a sense of loss and loneliness.

"Are you... disappointed?" Jun An finally said this.

In fact, this sentence had been suffocated in his heart for a whole day, and he wanted to say it when it fell into the water last night.

Chu Yan didn't answer the first time, but thought very seriously, "No."

Junan froze, turned around, and Junxiu's face was full of surprise.

He looked up at Chu Yan, trying to find the lies of hope and kindness on Chu Yan's face.

However, Chu Yan's expression is still the same, without emotion, but the cold eyes with a touch of tenderness, although Junan does not know whether it is his own illusion.

"Why not disappointed? I am a man, I should have protected you, but every time I...shame..."

Chu Yan said, "Why are you disappointed? If you can't protect me, I will protect you."

Junan's face was even more shocked. He opened his eyes wide and stared at Chu Yan's eyes for a long time. The expression on his face was complex and difficult to describe.

Chu Yanliu's eyebrows were small, "You don't believe me? Except for the task, I never lie."

The world seemed to pause again for a few seconds, a few minutes, but saw Jun An's body sinking down, the whole person did not enter the water, and for a long time did not show up.

The first smoke was puzzled, and he walked a few steps forward. Gu Qianxue was also startled. "That guy won't drown?" asked Li Wang.

Suddenly there was a sound of water, then Junan jumped onto the water, hugged the first smoke, and then jumped back, so they both fell into the water holding the first smoke.

Gu Qianxue was anxious and ran over, "Hey! Brother Jun, what are you crazy about, don't make my first smoke hurt, please, come on! You can't stand you!"

However, the excited Junan grabbed Chu Yan and tossed in the cold, biting lake water. Chu Yan was not annoyed, so he quietly accompanied him to toss.

Qianxue shouted for a while, and King Li stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. The two of them clung to each other on the island just like the plot of the previous day.

"Don't care about them," Li Wangdao said, "From now on, you can only have myself in your heart."

Gu Qianxue pushed him away without saying a word, "This is not okay, I still have to study the condition," looking to Junan, "Even if I can't completely improve Junan's psychological quality, I have to find a way to deal with it. Losing is not a recipe, are you right?"

Li Wangdao, "Do you have a way?"

"Think of one." Qian Xue smiled slyly.

Li Wangxinsheng was curious, "What is it?"

Subsequently, Qianxue told Li Wang what she had just thought of. "Do you think it works?"

"I don't know." Li Wang said the truth, "But I have an urge to knock your head and see what's in it. There are such novel ideas."

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes. "This is a novel idea. Compared with various great inventions, it is not even a smart one."

"Great invention?" Li Wang puzzled.

Qian Xue smiled slightly, "Can you imagine an airplane? Sitting in an airplane and flying in the sky, the speed can reach 900 kilometers per hour, so let's say, from Beijing to Kanto City, take a plane for more than one hour."

Li Wang shocked, "More than one hour?"

"Yeah, this is just the speed of the passenger plane. If it's a fighter, I'm afraid it's faster!" Not to mention the rocket.

Wang Li laughed, "You really dare to think."

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes. What dare to think? Is this thing broken in modern times? It was because she took a **** flight that she crossed, and she will not go to Malaysia in her next life. Malaysia Airlines is not reliable!

Gu Qianxue also wanted to talk to Li Wang about cell phone, computer, Internet and online novels. However, at this time, Chu Yan had dragged Junan ashore, and she interrupted the topic.

The wet first smoke looked at Junan unpleasantly, and then respectfully respected Gu Qianxue, "Sorry Miss, this's crazy to play."

Qianxue smiled, "He is so happy, but you are so easy to catch cold."

Junan is very happy, and still has a smirk on his face.

Qianxue shrugged, "I thought I was the one who could get into the water, and the thin blanket was prepared for myself, but I used it for both of you," said Jun Andao, "Don't smirk, little brother, you find a place for us Let the fire dry your clothes, it doesn't matter if you have a cold, don't make my first smoke catch a cold."

Junan heard that Chu Yan was going to be sick, so he didn't dare to neglect. One turned and climbed up. "Just go here, I'll get some wood."

"No, I'll go." Li Wang said nothing, his body flashed to the surface of the lake, and then he jumped into the case and disappeared into the night.

On the island, Gu Qianxue entered the cave with the first smoke, and Junan was outside the cave. The two took off their coats and spies, and it was still warm.

King Li returned, holding the wood in his hand, and then left again, so he went back and forth three times, piled up enough wood, and then started a fire.

Gu Qianxue made two shelves by the bonfire to dry the clothes of Chu Yan and Jun An.

The four of them sat around, Gu Qianxue inquired carefully about Junan's growing up, and then expressed his expectations.

Rao is Junan, who is diametrically opposed to Gu Qianxue, also surprised. "You mean, I am sick!?"

Qianxue nodded, "Yes."

In fact, Jun An had long known that he was wrong. Ten years ago, he had asked his father to ask, but he didn’t expect to get a comprehension, but instead he was scolded as cowardly and timid. Since then, Jun An has stopped showing his heart to anyone. Father His incomprehension and scolding caused deep damage to his heart.

This is also the case. Junan has worshipped the strong since childhood, and all powerful and overbearing people, no matter what their status or reputation, even if they are full of evil, Junan is extremely worshipped!

Three years ago, when I saw King Li at first glance, Junan was attracted by King Li’s domineering and self-confidence. This was what he didn’t have and what he most admired. If he was unwilling, he openly challenged King Li and hoped Encourage yourself by defeating Li Wang. Whoever thinks of a fiasco then has three years of follow-up.

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