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Chapter 1044 1044, Three Masters in Wanzhuang Villa


Early in the morning, Wan Fei Yun Fei came to Jing An with quiet expressions. Although he hadn't passed the door, the posture was like a concubine waiting for a housewife.

Ying Weiyi hated Wan Fei Yunfei, but compared with those of Gu Qianxue and Lilac Courtyard, Wan Fei Yunfei was a little more interesting.

"The concubine pleases the princess Ying Fei." Wan Yi Yunfei wore a pleated Ruyi moon skirt with goose eggs, wearing a pair of soft bottom pearl embroidered shoes, and a silver-plated beaded emerald hairpin obliquely inserted on the top of the head, which is expensive. Concubine looks.

I know, girl Wan Wan hasn't passed the door, but I don't know, but I think she is already Li Wang's aunt.

Ying Weiyi also nodded,

Wan Yunyun sat down happily, and immediately said diligently, "Mrs. Ying Fei, now in autumn, the house is particularly cold, and the concubine especially made people buy some gold charcoal. This kind of charcoal burns without smoke. There is still a smell, and it was specially packaged to give to the lady."

After all, Ying Weiyi is still a concubine, but Wan Fei Yunfei bites a concubine Ying, but it seems that she is already a concubine.

Wan Yunyun was so diligent, and Ying Weiyi not only didn't feel cordial, but she was very disgusted, but she didn't show it. "It's rare that you have filial piety."

Wan Fei said busy, "It's not rare, not rare, Yun Fei will always honor her mother."

Ying Weiyi squeezed out a meaningful smile, "Madam Liu, give the girl Wan Wan some dim sum that was won in the morning palace this morning."

"Yes, Niangniang." Mammy Liu reverently replied, and then told the little maid to do it.

Grandma Liu sent the maids out, the hollow Swiss beast incense burner was lit, the cold wind was cold outside, but the inside was warm like spring.

Seeing that no one was there, Wan Fei said, "I heard that the prince came back last night. Now that the **** is not in the palace, isn't it the world of the mother?"

Ying Weiyi's smile stiffened on his face, "Whoever walks, this palace is the prince's." The stab went back lukewarmly.

Wan Fei Yunfei couldn't understand, "Wangfu is naturally the prince, but as the saying goes, the man is male and the woman is female, and it is not too much to say that the mansion is a girl." Without answering, she was anxious and squeezed her eyes at Jing Shu on her side.

Jing Shu couldn't help but can only say, "Please also ask the lady to decide, the few in the lilac garden, all day long."

What would Yunfei Wan want, wouldn't Weiyi Wei know? However, there are still begging for her, and she can only bear it according to her temperament. "Just make trouble, as long as Gu Qianxue doesn't come back, how spicy are they?"

Wan Fei Yunfei immediately said with joy, "The lady is assured, I have done a great job, not only let those wives say that Gu Qianxue and that Lingxiao son eloped, but also say that other winds have been released, and the reputation of Gu Qianxue is completely ruined. .

Ying Weiyi froze for a moment and completely smiled. "What are you talking about? What other winds are there? What other winds?"

Jing Shu realized that things were not good and secretly poked Wan Zhiyun Fei’s arm, but the latter did not realize, “Various kinds, such as Gu Qianxue’s failure to obey women’s ways, such as beating a servant, such as the reincarnation of a fox.”

"Wait!" Ying Weiyi suddenly stopped her, "What are you talking about? The vixen reincarnated?" His face turned pale.

Wan Fei Yunfei blinked, innocent, "Yeah."

Rao, who came from Shuxiangmendi, also rolled his eyes. "Okay, I'm tired, you go out." He reached out and rubbed his sore temple.

Wan Yunyun was anxious. "What should I do with my marriage, Yingniang?" Because of her anxiety, she accidentally said it.

Ying Weiyi relied on her strong self-control and good upbringing, she didn't scold, but just waved her hand impatiently, "I have my own plans for this matter, you go on."

"Okay, the concubine is all dependent on the concubine." After that, a respectful salute before leaving.

After leaving the room, the crowd walked back. Jing Shu finally couldn't help but say, "Miss, was the mother just angry?"

Although Wan Fei is naive, she can also see her face, "Huh, these official women are hypocritical, and they are angry when they are fine. I don't know what kind of anger she is angry with."

"..." Jing Shu wanted to say that Wan Fei Yun Fei should not be rumored that Gu Qianxue is a vixen when he was making people publicize rumors, which reduced the credibility of the rumor in vain. However, Wan Fei Fei Fei did not listen, she was helpless, Can only do what he wants. Today, the concubine should be angry.

However, Jing Shu said nothing, she was no longer Wan Yunyun's maid, but Li Wang's eyeliner.

Everyone had just returned to Siyu Pavilion, Wan Yunfei was imagining how to marry into the royal palace to become a nobleman, but he heard that there was noisy outside the door, and then there was what Grandma and Jingshu said. Jingshu looked pale, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Jingshu, what happened?" Wan Yunyun asked.

Jing Shu hurriedly suppressed his fear, and squeezed out a smile, "Miss Hui, it is the three young masters who are back."

"Three young masters?" Wan Fei Yunfei hasn't been relieved for a while, but then remembered, "Third brother? Is it third brother?"

Jing Shu nodded, "Yes, it's the three young masters in the villa."

Wan Fei Yunfei froze for a long time before crying screaming, "Where is the third brother? Take me!"

Jing Shu said, "In the front hall, because the three young masters are men who cannot enter the inner room of the royal palace, they are in the main hall of the outer room."

"Quick, I'm going to see my third brother!" Then he rushed out without changing his clothes.


After Wan Fei Yunfei left, Ying Weiyi became more and more angry, "I can't hold the wall of mud, I'm so angry!"

Grandma Liu was also so angry that her old face turned blue. "Isn't it? It's easy to wait for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Who knows that this idiot who hasn't succeeded enough can be disturbed."

Ying Weiyi rubbed her sore temple, "It's my fault to say that, knowing that this person is not a brain, and handed over the task to her." He looked down and saw the door beside it. A wooden box, "What's in the box?"

Grandma Liu looked at the wooden box contemptuously, "It is the golden charcoal brought by Wan Fei Yunfei. This man is ridiculous. The best things in the world are in the palace. She really thinks everyone is like her. Haven’t you seen the world before, even if you get a broken charcoal?"

Ying Weiyi had a headache, "Mother will take the charcoal back."

"The slave-maid would like to thank the princess Yingfei." Grandma Liu immediately agreed. With such a good charcoal fire, she was reluctant to burn it. She turned around and found a place to sell it for money.

In a few moments, Grandma Liu curiously said, "Ma'am, do you really want to put this crude Jianghu woman into the palace?"

Ying Weiyi put her hand down and gave You a white glance, "Naturally, not accepting a few crude women in rivers and lakes, is it possible to collect a bunch of official women with knowledge and good looks?"

Grandma Liu immediately understood, "Yes, the slave-maid knew."

This is the truth, and the heart is like a mirror.

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