The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1046: 1046, upside down black and white

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Chapter 1046 Chapter 1046

After listening to the words of King Li, Grandpa Shao was startled, and for a while he didn't know how to answer.

But immediately, Grandpa Shao came down hard, "Did the prince forget Qin's concubine was poisoned and comatose? Did she forget to be drowned in the palace by the queen's people? Did she forget that she was almost killed by the queen during the New Year's hunt?" The general was shot? Did you forget to be hunted and killed by the criminals and almost bleed to death? The prince was weak and once in distress. Was the prince dreaming of dawn?"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

Li Wang rolled over and sat up, his eyes were no longer confused, and the cold and dark eyes were full of killing edge.

Father Gong Shao said, "Buddhists pay attention to cause and effect, they are all shit! Qin Fei's kindness, the young prince of that year, who your mother and son offended? Not being killed! The world is weak and strong, and Wantong Villa is destroyed because of their strength. Not strong, because he has no ability to save his life. Why did he support such a big scene, don’t he know the reason for the big move? This is like a weak woman shaking the market with two strokes of silver in her hand. If you don’t get robbed, it’s a weird thing! Power, don’t grab it, how do you get it? Is it waiting for the world to win money? Lord, you want to open some, even if you are not going to grab Wan Teng Mountain Villa, someone else grabs it."

Li Wang Changshu breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "Ben Wang thanks the father-in-law for waking up."

Grandpa Shao laughed and shook his head. "Since the prince knew the princess, she has really changed too much."

Li Wang's eyes flashed.

Grandpa Shao did not find out, "If the prince really feels sorry, please accept Wan Wan girl, let her enjoy the glory and wealth, and be considered to be worth Wan Wan's family, but to Wan Tong Heyin..." The voice paused , Followed by cold, "Must kill!"

Li Wang did not speak.

Shao Gonggong said, "Ye Ye is soft-hearted, can't you take it? It's not as good as the old slave to call people..."

"No," Li Wang interrupted. "Wan Yihe conceals as simple as you think. If he wants to take revenge, it's easy. Just go to the black market to buy some fireworks, and it will attract people from the Blood Moon Tower. ? Because he is a bait himself."

"Bait?" Grandpa Shao was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, "The old slave understood."

"Now all the power and money of Wantong Mountain Villa are in the hands of this king. If you want to cut the grass and remove the roots, you still need to retain Wantong Yunfei? If you kill them together, you just can't act rashly without exploring the details of Wantong Crane."

Although King Li did not say it clearly, Grandpa Shao had heard that King Li would not accept Wan Fei Yunfei, even if it was a waste raised in the house.

Grandfather Shao knew more about the reason why King Li refused to accept Wan Yunyunfei, or any woman. It was nothing but the princess.

Speaking of this princess and the master of Qianxue County, Grandpa Shao had a headache, "Your grandfather, even if the princess stayed with Ling Xiao's son to cure him? That Ling Xiaozi was half dead and alive, and he missed the princess heartily. If you don't see the princess, let's go down. Do we still keep the princess beside him and stay with him to die?"



Shao Gonggong paused, reaching for his ears, rubbing his ears, fearing that he might have heard something wrong because of some external reasons, "Your grandfather, what are you saying?"

Li Wang smiled bitterly, "Now, it is not the king who decided to stay."

"It's not the prince to decide, who is it?" Grandpa Shao puzzled.

"In another day or two, the father-in-law will know." Li Wang said this, and then changed the subject. "Although this king does not want to throw away the fat meat of Wantong Mountain Villa, Wan Yunyun is good to deal with, Wan It’s not that simple for He Heyin, not to mention how many martial arts people have assembled behind him. Recently, let’s start transferring the property, don’t ask for it to be wiped clean, just keep it done.”

"Yes, Lord." Grandpa Shao immediately received an order. In fact, this act of transferring property has been done three times.

Although Wantong Villa is not the source of all the wealth of King Li, it is the largest.

With so many years of possessions, King Li can also compete with the prince.

At the same time, another location.

After Jing Shu returned, he slipped back quietly, and the two brothers and sisters were still talking, but did not find out.

Jing Shu was even more surprised to find that Wan Yun Yunfei praised Li Wang as if there were no one in the sky, and Ying Fei also said that she was kind and tolerant, but only Li Wang Zhengfei, Qianxue County Lord, said that he would not be forgiven.

"What? That woman not only won't let you into the house, but also cheated our martial arts cheats from Wan Wan's family?" Wan Yihe was furious.

Wan Yunyun said, "Yes! At that time, Gu Qianxue said that he would help me into the house. I was afraid of Xueyuelou. I was forced to turn to Li Wang and gave her "Nine Turns to God Skills". I lost my face, which made the prince unhappy, and finally she became a princess herself! This is not counted, she did not know what method was used to make the prince indulge, and spoil her alone, let alone let me get started, let the prince even succeed Concubine Ying, who was both beautiful and full of people, refused. She was a real Hu Meizi!"

Wan Yiheyin smashed the table beside him with a punch, "Why doesn't it matter, there are such demon girls in this world, see me not killing her!"

Wan Fei Yunfei was so scared that she quickly covered her mouth, "Brother, be quiet, it's still in the palace."

Jing Shu sneered beside her. She was a real witness before and after. If she remembered correctly, it was Wan Wan Yunfei who begged the princess to seduce the prince at the beginning, and "Nine Turns to God" Wan Wan Yunfei was afraid that the Princess would regret it. It has been swindled by others.

But Jing Shu only thought about it in her heart, but didn't say it. After all, the princess or the young lady didn't care about her.

Wan Tie Heyin’s fist squeezed straight, "Princess? Gu Qianxue? I want to see, she has the ability to trick Li Wang all around, and, I want to recapture our family "Nine Turns Magic"!"

Wan Fei Yunfei's eyes flashed sinister, "Brother, you said... what if she had learned the martial arts of our family?"

"Then kill her!" Wan Yihe said coldly.

Wan Fei Yunfei's smile brought satisfaction, "Brother, it's great that you can come back, you don't know how scared I was before, I'm so scared..."

Wan Tiehe sighed, loosened his clenched fist, and reached out to rub his sister's head, "Silly Six Sister, you have been timid since childhood, the whole family wants to treat you as a princess, but now it makes you Facing the danger alone." Thinking of the family that was once harmonious and happy, Wan Yiheyin was sad again, and the boy was crying.

Jing Shu rolled his eyes, and said that the three young masters are really naive. He regarded Wan Fei Yunfei as a baby sister, but Wan Fei Yunfei regarded him as a tool to deal with his rivals. Are all the men in this world so stupid?

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