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Chapter 1049 1049

Su dispensers have helped Su Lingxiao sit up and put a cushion behind him.

"You have worked hard." Su Lingxiao said softly.

Qianxue shook his head. "It's just a chicken cake. It's not hard work. If you like it, I will make it for you every day."

"Good." Su Lingxiao said.

Gu Qianxue reached out and handed the bowl to the shopkeeper Su, but keenly found that Su Lingxiao's complexion had changed and hurriedly took it back from the hands of the shopkeeper Su. "That's what... I asked the shopkeeper Su to help me try it. The reaction was a bit sluggish, and the reflection arc was wrapped around his waist."

Su Lingxiao only smiled warmly, but did not wear it.

Qian Xue sighed helplessly, sitting beside Su Lingxiao's bed, and began to feed someone to eat chicken cake.

Cut the tender chicken cake into a thin slice with a spoon, blow it, and then put the spoon on his lips and eat it open.

With simple movements, Gu Qianxue felt embarrassed.

She tried to make her movements flow, and even imagined Su Lingxiao in front of her as an unattended patient in the ward. She was just a doctor.

However, there is still a knot in the bottom of my heart that cannot be undone.

Su shopkeeper looked at this scene but was very happy, but the doctors on the side did not know how to evaluate. After all, all three knew that the woman in front of him was not only the sweetheart of Prince Ling Xiao, but also Princess Li.

This situation...slightly more complicated.

Su Lingxiao looked at his movements, but his eyes were a little more relieved.

A bowl of chicken cake was eaten all the time.

The shopkeeper Su and the doctors were crying with excitement. After all, for so long, Mr. Ling Xiao had no appetite, and he laid down every time he ate two.

The cat seems to have enough food to eat, not to mention a patient, but a healthy person eats like this and has no energy on his body.

I do not know whether it is because the sweetheart is in a good mood on the side, or because of the effective treatment, Su Lingxiao looks very good.

After using the food, Gu Qianxue said, "Is it delicious?"

Su Lingxiao said, "The world is delicious."

"..." Gu Qianxue couldn't help crying, the unsalted chicken cake, so Su Lingxiao could eat it, she had a sip in the kitchen, and she almost spit it out, the sugar she added to remove the smell, but the taste It's even weirder. Time is running out, she is afraid that Su Lingxiao will be hungry and she can only carry it with her scalp. She is already mentally prepared to do it again.

Unexpectedly, Su Lingxiao ate completely.

From the beginning to the end, Su Lingxiao had a light smile on his face, and gray eyes surplus on Qianxue.

Gu Qianxue said, "It's still a long time. I want to spend time with Su Gongzi."

Su Lingxiao thought Gu Qianxue was bored and said, "Go out and walk?"

After all, loneliness is not something everyone can enjoy.

"For the time being, your body can't move, be patient and wait, will you?" Qian Xue asked softly.

Su Lingxiao nodded, "Okay, listen to you."

"Apart from walking around, is there anything else?" Qian Xue asked.

Su Lingxiao knew that Gu Qianxue had misunderstood him. Actually, he was afraid that she would be bored, so he thought about walking with her. But these are not important, as long as she is there, everything is fine. "Let's count."

Gu Qianxue shook his head, "No, no, it's extremely costly to count those things. What you have to do now is to stabilize your emotions. You can't do anything that can cause tension and excitement!"

Mr. Su said, "The Lord of the County, the villain interjected. You keep asking the young master to propose, but the young master does not propose it once. If you do it again, why don't you just come to the project that you want to pastime?"

Su Lingxiao glanced at the shopkeeper Su, his eyes unpleasant.

Su dispensers immediately shut up and dared not speak again.

Gu Qianxue also found his mistakes, "Sue boss is right, let Su Gongzi think about how to relax is not a kind of labor? It is better to arrange it."

Su Lingxiao said, "It's not hard work."

Gu Qianxue thought for a while, "Let's draw, let me teach you how to draw?"

"Sketch?" Don't say, it really aroused Su Lingxiao's interest. He likes all the new things that he has never been in contact with.

"Yes, that is the method I used, not realism but realism." Qian Xue said.

"Okay." Su Lingxiao's smile on his face deepened a little.

The shopkeeper Su couldn't help but interrupt again. "Please wait for the master and the county master. The villain will get the pen and paper."

Qian Xue was stunned. "Paper and pen? Is there a pen for drawing?" In fact, she was ready to burn charcoal to make a pen.

Su shopkeeper nodded again and again, "Yes, there is, as long as the master likes and used, there is everything here."

Su Lingxiao raised her eyebrow slightly, "Su Kang, you have too much to say."

"Yes, yes, the villain was wrong. The villain didn't say it." Su dispensers didn't feel guilty after being approved, and ran away to get the pen and paper.

Gu Qianxue was even more embarrassed.

She knows Su Lingxiao's intentions, and she knows how good Su Lingxiao is to her. If she could safely accept it before, now she is uneasy.

She is not worth it, she is not worthy.

Compared with Su Lingxiao's pure feelings, his indecisive self deserves to be condemned and thundered.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but say a sentence, "I knew why it was so early, why did you leave? Why did you force me to marry him?" Her voice was no longer calm, and she seemed to complain and vent. , The mute voice burst into tears.

The three doctors who were on the sidelines looked at me and I looked at you. They felt that it was really bad to stay. They exchanged glances with each other and wanted to find a chance to slip away.

Su Lingxiao said, "Because I am selfish."

Qian Xue never thought of it, this answer.

Su Lingxiao, who was sitting on the cushion, reached out and stroked her cheek. "It's you who feels guilty now. If I stayed, it's me who is guilty now. I'm just selfish and unwilling to feel guilty."

In a word, Gu Qianxue choked dumbly, knowing eloquence, even ten she couldn't say one Su Lingxiao.

However, she knew that Su Lingxiao was arranging things for her.

Just as the three doctors were about to slip away, Su shopkeeper had ran back, holding a pen and paper in his hand, "Master, county master, villain is back." The next person behind him was carrying two easels.

Gu Qianxue sighed, "Okay, let's draw."

Subsequently, Gu Qianxue began to set up.

Su Lingxiao was still sitting on the bed, leaning sideways, with an easel beside the bed. A chair was placed beside him, and Gu Qianxue sat on it. This position allowed him to see her drawing board.

At the front of the house, there is a table of eight immortals with a tablecloth on top of which is a ball.

"Let’s start with the ball. If you look closely at the ball, you will find that the light comes through the window and hits the part of the sphere to form the bright surface. The boundary between the bright and dark surfaces is here, and there is a small angle between the sphere and the table. The small reflective surface, here is the shadow." Explain patiently.

Su Lingxiao listened very carefully, but occasionally she looked at her with a happy look.

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