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Chapter 1051 1051, immediate effect

"Mule?" Su Lingxiao was taken aback.

Not to mention Su Lingxiao, that is, the shopkeeper Su and the model's bodyguard are all confused. Well, what do the painting mules do?

Why don't you draw a horse or a donkey, you must draw a mule, where does Gu Qianxue know? "I don't know if Master pulled a mule to let me draw. The specific reason is that Master will not tell me."

Su Lingxiao's gray eyes flashed, only an unclear smile, but in the end did not pursue.

Gu Qianxue closed her mouth tightly, and she understood what she said.

It was noon, and the busy couple used lunch, and Su Lingxiao also took the medicine, and continued to paint.

Qianxue worried, "Otherwise, Su Gongzi, take a nap and have a rest?"

"No, I want to finish painting." In fact, he was greedy for the time with her.

The two painted quietly for a while, Gu Qianxue turned his head, but found that Su Lingxiao's painting progress was similar to her. She was very surprised. "Son Master Su, are you a genius?"

Su Lingxiao only smiled gently, "Do you know what I remembered when I was painting?"

"What did you think of?" Qianxue simply stopped and looked at him.

Su Lingxiao also lifted her pen and stared at her wrist, which could not be thinner. "I thought of just learning the characters when I was a child. In order to exercise my arm strength and make the written characters more muscular, I pinned the paper to the wall, so hanging While writing on the wrist, the drawing posture is similar to the sketch."

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized, "No wonder, according to the truth, people who just started to use the drawing board are rarely used to it. The reason why you are so skilled is here."

Su Lingxiao sighed quietly, and moved her eyes to the closed window, as if she could see the mountains through the window edge paper. "I rarely recall the past. I just regretted the thought of having lost time in good health."

When Qian Xue heard it, she quickly digressed, "Son, Su, let's not mention the past and think about happy things. Let's talk about it. If you don't have good health, you're still young."

Su Lingxiao only smiled, but no longer interested in painting.

In a flash, the two also drew more than three hours.

Unconsciously, the sunlight is no longer strong, and the light in the room is poor.

The most important thing about sketch drawing is light. If the light is unknown, you cannot draw.

"Su Gongzi, you are tired too. Let's draw another day. Will you rest first?" Qian Xue said softly.

Su Lingxiao nodded, but he was tired.

The bodyguard who had been the model hurried forward to put away the two artboards. Su shopkeeper stepped forward to help Su Lingxiao lie down, and Gu Qianxue did not leave, so he sat on the footstool in front of the bed and lay down beside the bed. ,I'll stay with you."

"Good." Su Lingxiao replied softly. Although her eyes were closed, did her eyebrows twitch twice? This was a sign of struggling.

The more dying people are, the less they want to die. The memories of this time are full of the good things of this world. Recalling all the happy things once is even more aggravated the fear of death.

Qianxue thought that Su Lingxiao was afraid of an attack if he continued this way. "Su, shopkeeper, take the breathing bag."

"Yes." Su dispensers did not dare to neglect and hurried to get the airbag.

At this time the three doctors also ran in panic.

Gu Qianxue reached out and grabbed Su Lingxiao's hand, held it tightly, and said calmly to the doctor, "It's nothing, Su Gongzi's no problem." But he was very nervous in his heart, secretly praying that Su Lingxiao shouldn't have a seizure, because now every seizure , Are further from the death.

Soon, the breathing airbag was moved, Gu Qianxue buckled the mask on Su Lingxiao's mouth and nose, and the Su dispenser began to press the airbag.

Su Lingxiao looked indifferent from beginning to end, if the dolls were generally fooled by others.

Gu Qianxue was very shocked, trying his best to come up with something to distract Su Lingxiao's attention and pull it back from the beautiful and painful memories. Suddenly, there was a move, "Did Su Gongzi ever heard the lullaby?"

Not to mention, this fresh noun really attracted Su Lingxiao's attention. "No."

Because of the mask, his voice was not very clear.

"Lullaby, as its name implies, is a song that the mother sings to the baby still in the cradle to sleep the child. I sing it to you, OK?" I thought of singing, Gu Qianxue's spine became numb, she used to dance Can't sing, can't I sing once, I want to sing and dance.

How much she hoped that Su Lingxiao could refuse, but Su Lingxiao's pair of light gray eyes were like a small flame burning enthusiasm.

Qianxue sighed deeply, and she was considered to be devoted to the medical career. She coughed a few times and began to sing slowly.

Yueer Mingfengerjing

Window covering

Cricket is called Zheng Zheng

Like that string sound

Piano sound

Cradle swing

Baby closes eyes

Sleep in a dream

The clock ticks

Late at night

Baby grows up fast

Make great contributions to the motherland

That bright moon

The wind is still

Cradle swing

Baby sleeping in dream

Slightly smiled

Although not out of tune, Gu Qianxue's singing is not beautiful, so he sings gently.

Su Lingxiao's tightly frowned eyebrows slowly stretched, and then her breathing gradually became symmetrical, and she slowly fell asleep.

Seeing this, Su dispensers were relieved.

Su Lingxiao fell asleep, but Gu Qianxue didn't stop, so he sang slowly over and over again.

After using the breathing bag, Su Lingxiao's complexion finally faded and her blush became white again, and her cheeks had a hint of pale color, which was gradually healthy.

Gu Qianxue stared for a long time, but also listened to his heart and diagnosed his pulse, and then he was relieved and got out of the room.

When I walked out of the room, I was surprised to find that I don’t know when Chu Yan had returned from the capital and stood outside the door, looking somber.

Gu Qianxue's heart fell fiercely, squeezing out a smile, "The first smoke comes with me."

The two went out of the house and followed the winding path to the gazebo.

For a time, Chu Yan didn't say a word, and Gu Qianxue didn't know where to start. In other words, she didn't have the courage to ask.

It was evening, and the sun went down, reflecting the red sky.

Gu Qianxue, who was blown by the cold wind, finally shook his lips, "Is the letter... delivered?"

"Delivered." Chu Yan answered.

"...What did he say?" Gu Qianxue's voice became smaller and smaller.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and then took out the letter he put in his arms and handed it over.

Gu Qianxue took the courage to receive the letter and took the paper out of the envelope, but saw that she had drafted his name and his private name on the book.

Gu Qianxue only felt dark in front of her eyes, and almost dropped that and Lishu to the ground.

Chu Yandao, "Li Wang Lianye summoned the officials of the Kyoto Household Registration Department to record the case, and the book and the book will take effect immediately."

Gu Qianxue nodded, "Okay, okay, and okay. Maybe everything is wrong."

Chu Yan's heart was also very low, because this time she not only sent and left the book, but also made a farewell with another person.

"The master is referring to a mistake, what is it?" Chu Yan lost his soul slightly.

Qianxue looked in the direction of the capital, "Yes, everything is wrong, whether it is him or him."

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