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Chapter 1065 Chapter 1065, jumping his left eye

For a moment of incense sticks, the princess's children, Qi'er and Lin'er, were full of milk, and after a while they slept again, and the pony returned from the front hall.

The people retreated with a smile and respectfully, leaving only a family of four in the room.

Princess Yong’an reached out and gently stroked the two little babies, softly, "Do you know Zhiyuan? Every time I take care of my child, I can't help thinking about what happened when Qian Xue was just born. In Kanto City, there is no grandmother, the mother is a fool, the father is a confused, the family is in control of a mischievous aunt, the only grandmother who seems to understand people, but the city is snobbish, Qian Xue can grow so big, it is a miracle. "

The concubine was startled, and then his eyes became softer, annotating his wife, one of the most powerful women in the country-Princess Yongan.

Because the eldest princess is tall and tall, that hand is also much thicker than the normal woman. The big hand is caressing the little baby, but it is cautious, gentle and gentle.

"Qianxue is really a poor child. After listening to Kun'er, she was the daughter of Gu Shangshu, who is now the concubine Pei Qianrou, the prince's side, and then she was taken back into the water. At that time, after the child was seriously injured, the martial arts fell. When the water was over, the two became so guilty." Princess Chang whispered, as if she was afraid of waking up her child, more and more gentle.

The pony only listened quietly.

"Kuan'er likes Qian Xue's child, but Kuan's temperament... Hey, at the time, the elder brother didn't pay attention to Kuan'er, and she was poisoned in the evening. It's strange that I didn't take care of the kid. The kid's temperament is very strange, It doesn’t seem to understand how to treat a person at all," the voice paused. "Do you remember the snow fox that paid tribute to the north in a year?"

The concubine quickly remembered, "Remember, Li Wang was only thirteen at that time."

Princess Yong'an nodded, "Brother gave Snow Fox first, and he loved it very much. But the fourth prince Shen'er suddenly clamored for it. Snow Fox was killed."

The concubine sighed.

Princess Yong'an smiled bitterly, "Let's talk, I didn't take good care of him. If I was already a mother, it would be much better than now."

The grinder's smile was softer, "Biff, you have changed, and now you are the real woman with maternal tenderness and compassion."

Princess Chang was so exaggerated that she was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do, and finally she could only digress. "That's right, those two children will stay in your house and keep them well. Last time you said you would send those aunts away , Forget it. Although I won’t harm two children, after all, the children can’t be without their mothers, so let them be beside their aunts. The two aunts told me a few words. The two children sent me every month to show me. I also help you check the Lu family."

The concubine finally couldn't hold back and pulled Princess Yong'an into his arms.

Princess Yong'an was taken aback and hurriedly turned sideways, fearing to wake up the child.

The concubine held Princess Yongan tightly in her arms, "Biff, you changed, Biff."

Princess Yongan chuckled, "Changed? What happened?"

"It's getting better and better." The concubine lamented.

Princess Chang lowered her eyes and sighed quietly, "I don't know what happened to me. Since I had a child, my heart is always soft, and I can't control this feeling." After a pause, "Thanks to Qian Xue. "

The concubine also agreed, "Although there is not much contact with the master of Qianxue County, I can see that she is a good boy."

Thinking of Gu Qianxue, Princess Yongan still cried out, "That silly boy, but I don't know where it is now."

Where is Gu Qianxue? Naturally in Zhoufu, the magician.

At dawn, Zhou Fu, a huge magician, awakened from a deep sleep. The golden sunrise sprinkled on the ancient trees in the sky and the Gaowu Huatang. The colorful lights and shadows gave it a heavy sense of history.

Zhou Shenqi, the **** doctor, has a history of hundreds of years, has experienced two countries and several dynasties, but now has started a new journey because of the generation of Zhou Rongqiu.

The little medicine boys got up early and started to fiddle with herbs.

The apprentices began to boil water, waiting for their master to get up.

The uncle in the kitchen lit the fire, and the cooking smoke skyrocketed.

Zhou Rongqiu was punching in the open space in front of the courtyard, and he was vigorous.

After finishing a set of warm-up punches, Zhou Rongqiu reactivated his muscles, started running, and jogged around the residential area of ​​Shenfu Zhoufu.

When walking near the guest room, I heard Jiao drinking.

The sound is familiar, it is Gu Qianxue's voice.

Following the voice, Zhou Rongqiu ran over and saw such a scene.

Gu Qianxue, in a lotus lotus short silk dress, practiced meticulously with a spear, Chu Yan was standing next to her, staring at her every move, and pointing out her shortcomings in martial arts from time to time, and the Su shopkeeper was sitting with Su Lingxiao in a snow suit. Aside, watching quietly.

If the whole scene is generally dynamic and static, Jingyi is beautiful.

Soon, everyone also discovered Zhou Rongqiu, Gu Qianxue hit the last few moves and then stopped, haha ​​smiled, "Zhou Rongqiu you just came, dare to come with me two sets." Just learned martial arts, very interested in learning.

Zhou Rongqiu laughed, "How many tricks do you have to learn against me?" It was disdainful.

Just when Gu Qianxue wanted to propose an unequal treaty to defeat Zhou Rongqiu, the first smoke spoke coldly, "Dare you dare to compete with me?"

Qian Xue was stunned. Although the first smoke martial arts were high-strength, she was low-key and never competed for victory. How did you propose a discussion today?

Zhou Rongqiu had seen Chu Yan, and also knew that Chu Yan's martial arts were strong, but he shook his head. "I never beat women."

Gu Qianxue chuckled, because he seemed to see the second Junan.

When he thought of Junan, he couldn't help but think of his master, and his relaxed mood suddenly became heavy.

Chu Yan was not annoyed, but his tone was indifferent, "Yeah, it's really shameful to lose to a woman."

Sure enough, Zhou Rongqiu was also a guy with developed limbs and a smooth mind. "Lost to a woman? Ha ha, are you kidding me? Although I don't know what way you are, I am Zhou Rongqiu walking on rivers and lakes. Come, let's learn."

Chu Yan smiled coldly.

Gu Qianxue hurriedly threw the spear aside and ran to Su Lingxiao. "Son Master Su, did Chuyan have a holiday with Zhou Rongqiu before?"

"No." Su Lingxiao was still puzzled, but his gray eyes turned slightly, then smiled and streamed.

"How?" Gu Qianxue asked.

Su Lingxiao didn't speak, but pointed her finger at her lips.

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized, "Because Zhou Rongqiu's mouth is cheap?"

Su shopkeeper smiled, "Zhou Gongzi is informal, and often says something that he didn't like to hear at first. I'm afraid it's deep grievances."

Qian Xue's eyelids suddenly jumped.

The left eye jumped to the right and the right eye jumped to disaster. In the past, her left eye did not jump, but today she jumped the left eye for the first time.

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