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Chapter 1074 Chapter 1074

Part of the abnormal death of Nanyue women was that certain diseases could not be treated in time, and eventually developed into serious diseases that could not be cured.

At the initiative of Qianxue County Lord, the court established a maternity and children's hospital, which solved some problems, but it was aimed at the women who gave birth. It can be said that the gynecology of the Zhoufu, the magician, was the first real gynecology in this era.

The five departments have five signs with different colors, corresponding to the colors given by the triage office.

This is because there are really few literate people in this era, and some wealthy families will not come to the clinic easily, and most of them seek doctors to come, so the corresponding colors are used to guide the illiterate patients.

During the day, Xuanhu Jishitang still kept coming and going.

The night is actually busier.

The anatomy course came to an end, and the craftsmen supervised by Gu Qianxue and Su Zhanggui renovated Zhoufu, the magician.

Zhou Chuangu selected five members of the Zhou family who were highly skilled and highly respected as the heads of the five departments. These five people were trained for their doctors.

Zhou Fu, the magician, became more and more famous, and his reputation became stronger and stronger, but his manpower was not enough.

According to legend, the most prosperous period of the Zhoufu family, there were 300 family members, but now there are only 40 family members.

So Zhou Chuangu gave up his face, Feige passed the book, and invited everyone back one by one.

Fortunately, in this era, everyone has a simple heart, and everyone takes the honor of the family as their own responsibility.

It was night, and the busy magician Zhou Fu ushered in two unexpected guests.

Two people were carrying ghosts and carrying sneaks, and when they saw Zhou Fu, the **** doctor of Daxing Civil Engineering, he was shocked and rushed in. He happened to be met by Zhou Rongqiu.

Zhou Rongqiu was overjoyed, "Uncle Loyal and Aunt Loyal, you are finally back, great!"

That's right, Uncle Zhong and Aunt Zhong have been away from home for a while, for two reasons-suspect Zhou Rongqiu refused to inherit the doctor Zhou Fu, suspect Zhou Chuangu came back to grab his nephew's property.

In the hearts of both of them, blood is everything, and in the case of a son-in-law and grandchildren, outsiders should not be involved in inheritance rights.

Even Zhou Rongqiu begged hard to say that he was really not interested in the magic doctor Zhou Fu.

Aunt Zhong Shuzhong saw that Zhou Rongqiu had come and ran away without saying anything. Zhou Rongqiu ran after him. "Aunt Zhong Shuzhong, wait, let me finish talking!" He said, reaching out to stop.

Both Uncle Zhongshu and Aunt Zhong have martial arts. Although their martial arts are not weak, they are not Zhou Rongqiu’s opponents. However, Zhou Rongqiu did not dare to be too heavy. The other two of them also occupy a certain strength, and the three men fought together.

The craftsman was frightened and hurried back to find someone, who happened to meet Chu Yan.

Chu Yan joined the battle, and soon Uncle Zhong and Aunt Zhong defeated.

When they returned to the church, the two were tied. Zhou Chuangu was surprised when he saw the two, and he quickly stepped forward to untie him personally, "Zhongge, Zhongsao! We haven't seen you for a long time, how could you come in?" "

When Uncle Zhongshu and Zhongshou saw Zhou Chuangu, they thought of the scene in the past, and the clogged breath disappeared in half.

Then came a group of Zhou family, everyone cried together and wept.

Aunt Zhong Shuzhong believed that Zhou Chuangu came back to grab the family business, but found that he brought the Zhou family back, reorganized the family business, and listened to the description of the audience, and his heart was gradually let go.

Gu Qianxue did not know what happened to Danggui Tang, and she did not want to know. She settled the craftsman and returned to the room, lying on the table and writing.

The paper is full of messy handwriting-heart disease, congenital heart disease, surgery, conservative treatment, acupuncture, moxibustion...

It is a pity that all written words are eventually crossed out quickly.

The writing on the paper was chaotic, like her chaotic heart.

Zhou Fu, the priest doctor, became more and more prosperous, and more and more Zhou family members returned to the family.

Although everything in the past was considered a catastrophe in Zhoufu, a magician, but at the same time, it was also an opportunity, because these outgoing Zhou families brought back many diseases and prescriptions that were not seen in the handbook of the book, and found many herbs that were not previously found. Everyone's medicine has taken a leap.

Aunt Zhong Shuzhong became the steward of Shenfu Zhoufu again. Seeing Zhoufu prospering, he also felt able to face the spirit of heaven in Zhoulao Shenfu.

Suddenly, the patient who came to see the doctor one day discovered that the magician Zhou Fu had changed.

Before entering the entrance, a medicine boy introduced the patient to the house directly opposite the gate, where someone interviewed them, and after handing over 30 copper plates, he got a sign and went out of the house to look for signs with the same color. After entering the house where the signboard was located, a doctor diagnosed him.

The number of people who came to see the doctor did not change, but there was no clutter in the entire psychiatrist Zhoufu, and everything went on in an orderly manner, which made Dr. Zhou feel a lot easier.

At the same time, the inpatient office is also under construction.

Su Lingxiao was assigned to the Weichen branch.

Su Lingxiao's medical treatment is good, but it is still not specific to the diagnosis. After all, these doctors' medical skills are derived from decades of experience.

In addition, the work of Micro-Clinic is the smallest. People usually catch some herbs for themselves because of minor illnesses and minor disasters.

Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan boiled some rock sugar pear water for the doctors to soothe throat, and finally came to Su Lingxiao.

Su Lingxiao is looking at a medical book.

"Drink some pear water," Qian Xue said, "leave less reading, and rest more."

Su Lingxiao put down the book, displeased, "I want to go to internal medicine." He tried to transfer himself to the front line.

"No!" Qian Xue refused immediately. "You need to recuperate and let you practice medicine is the limit. In the past few days, you were too busy to increase oxygen intake once a day. Haven't you learned a lesson yet."

Su Lingxiao sighed helplessly, "But if I were not to be diagnosed, I always felt that I was missing something, and my heart was empty."

The shopkeeper Su on the side asked Chu Yan with a smile, "You don't think Chu Yan, Young Master is like a normal person."

Chu Yan nodded.

In the past, Su Lingxiao was more like an immortal fairy, with no desire and no desire, but now she has seven emotions and six desires, and occasionally complains that it is indeed more like a normal person than her relatives.

Gu Qianxue's ears were extraordinary, and the sound of Su dispensers was not deliberately covered up, she could hear clearly.

Looking closer, I also realized, "Really want to go to internal medicine?"

"Really." Su Lingxiao said.

"Surgery is possible." Qian Xue asked.

Su Lingxiao's brows were slightly wrinkled, trauma and bone disease, he was not good at illness.

But thinking of that strange sense of happiness and presence, nodded. "also may."

"What about gynecology?"


Su shopkeeper almost smiled.

Gu Qianxue saw that Su Lingxiao had a bad look, and quickly shook her hand. "Just just kidding, don't be angry, I will go to the Zhou patriarch to discuss it." Then he got up and left.

When Gu Qianxue left, Su Lingxiao turned his head to the shopkeeper Su, "Yeah, it is indeed much happier now than before."

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