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Chapter 1082 Chapter 1082, Big Marriage

Yulian said, "Since that is the case, the slave-servant will have to say, after all, the water does not flow out to the outsiders. At that time we were in the famous sword mountain village, there was a problem with the master's national business, and the four of us hurried back, but On the way, Yu Cui accidentally stumbled and fell into the hillside when it was convenient. Yao Weiwei rescued it. Also because it was too late, we did not find them both for a time."

Gu Qianxue chuckled, "Then the two of them look right?"

Yu Cui was anxious and shouted, "No! No! The master of the county was wronged, the slave did nothing, but... just... bitten by... the poisonous snake..." .

"Bitten by a viper? Isn't it dangerous?" Qian Xue worried.

Yu Cui blushed and shook his head. "Yes... Yao Weiwei helped me... sucked the snake venom...and then he was responsible..."

Yao Zhen frowned, and his face was red.

At first Gu Qianxue didn't understand, how to take a snake venom was responsible, but then thought of a question, "Where did that snake venom bit you?"

"..." Yu Cui ran out in a hurry.

When Yu Cui ran away, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Gu Qianxue was puzzled and looked at Su Lingxiao beside him. Su Lingxiao spread her hands, "I don't know."

Yulian stepped forward, lying beside Gu Qianxue's ear, whispering, "chest."

Qian Xue dumbfounded, "Speaking of Yao Weiwei, did you catch that snake?"

Yao Zhen was stunned and puzzled, "Go back to the county master, the snake was killed by me, why?"

Gu Qianxue patted the table, "The snake is a matchmaker between you two... No, it's a matchmaker, how can you kill it if you kill it?"


Everyone laughed again.

At this time, Gu Qianxue's eyes rolled up, "Yulian, I heard that you and Yucui both have family members."

Yulian nodded, "There is some way back to the lord, why?"

Gu Qianxue said, "Since Yao Weiwei is responsible, the two of them are of the same age. While I was with Su Gongzi, we had a happy event. Where was the Yucui family sent to invite her family?"

Yulian shook her head, "Sovereign, you said our six relatives don't recognize it, it's okay to say that we have no humanity. Yucui and I have already said that when the family sold us, we should only use the silver that we bought. In view of our parents’ gratitude to us, we don’t want to have any contact with our family anymore.

Gu Qianxueming was clear.

Selling children in this era is very different from selling children in modern times, and the consequences are even more terrible.

Because once he sold himself, he entered slavery, and once he entered slavery, it was a lifetime.

If Yulian and Yucui did not meet her, they might not be able to escape slavery for life.

"Okay, since the two of you have decided, I will respect it. Only when you two are orphans, I and Su Gongzi will marry Yu Cui and Yao Zhen, how?" said, asking Su Lingxiao beside him.

Su Lingxiao still smiled indifferently, "Okay."

Su shopkeeper is in a good mood, "Great, there is a happy event today, so the villain will prepare?"

Qianxue said, "Take trouble with the treasurer."

But at this moment, a person sprang up from the crowd quickly, that person was no one else, it was Hou Yuntian. "Wait, Lord, I have something to ask."

Gu Qianxue said, "Hou Huwei, if you have any questions, just say so."

Hou Yuntian could not help but glance at Yulian, who was so frightened, "That's it. Anyway, if you want to do a happy event for Brother Yao, just piggyback on me and do it?"

Qianxue was intrigued. "Your? But I don't know which girl was lucky enough to fall into the eyes of Hou Huwei." The question was asked like this, but she saw that Yulian was trembling with fright, and she had already guessed something.

Hou Yuntian raised his hand generously, "It's the girl of Yulian."

Yulian was anxious, "What are you talking about, I... I don't want to marry you!"

Hou Yun was naturally open-minded and outgoing. When he was in Kanto City, he was responsible for gambling in the casino. His face became thicker. "Why not? It was your master who gave you marriage."

Gu Qianxue looked carefully. Although Yulian’s refusal was shy, she could see that she had no objection to Hou Yuntian, but instead had a kind of desire to refuse to welcome him, and immediately said, “Yeah, Yulian is not too young. Well, I didn’t have a chance to contact men all day long with me. Just marry Hou Huwei. The two of you have a quiet personality, just right."

"No... The master, slave-maid..." But he didn't know how to refuse, said, and then turned and ran out.

In a blink of an eye, both Yulian and Yucui ran away, and Gu Qianxue spread their hands, "Isn't it just marriage? Men's colleges should be married and women's marriages should not be seen before. Seeing what the future husband looks like, what else is shy."

In this way, the marriage between Yulian and Yucui was settled.

Su shopkeeper's eyes flickered and asked, "Sovereign, do you think this is more likeable?"

Gu Qianxue saw the hint of Su shopkeeper and thought of the conversation between the two before, and smiled lightly, "Okay."


Before waiting for the words of Su's shopkeeper, Su Lingxiao replied, "Since you feel good, go ahead and prepare for the marriage, tonight."

"..." Gu Qianxue was stunned. "What are you in a hurry?"

Su shopkeeper looked stiff and smiled bitterly, "Yes, Master." He said, and turned away.

Gu Qianxue felt that the shopkeeper's figure was much older and could not help sighing, "Son, Su, why do you know the wish of the shopkeeper Su, how can he help him get round?"

For a time, the room was quiet and the needle drop was audible.

"Help him, what do you do?" After that, Su Lingxiao got up and walked out of the door.

Gu Qianxue knew that Su Lingxiao was angry.

Everyone looked at each other, Qian Xue helplessly, chased.

When they left the room, the two never repeated the topic.

It was cloudy, and there was light snow.

Su Lingxiao, dressed in a snowy white fashion cloak, stood on the open ground stunned, raised his head, and used his eyes to catch the falling snowflakes.

Gu Qianxue chased out, "What's wrong with you, Su Gongzi? Do you think I'm too wordy? I won't say it next time, but it's cold outside and you just run out like this..."


Before Su Qianxue had finished speaking, Su Lingxiao coughed suddenly.

Qian Xue was taken aback, and dragged Su Lingxiao to walk into the room, "No, you can't freeze anymore, go back and rest."

"Qianxue, listen to me, let me look at the snow, maybe I won't see it again in the future!" Su Lingxiao struggled, but even with her tall body, she was so weak that even a woman could not.

Gu Qianxue felt more and more heavy, and finally did not let go, Shengsheng pulled him into the room to rest.

In Wumingju, Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan had their own rooms, and Su Lingxiao was placed in Gu Qianxue's room. In fact, this room was not actually used by Gu Qianxue.

As the night came, the unnamed residences that were deserted on weekdays were also decorated with lanterns. Today, two couples are married.

Because of being the host, Gu Qianxue and Su Lingxiao were also put on two sets of red clothes, which was very happy.

Gu Qianxue smiled lightly and looked at Su Lingxiao beside him, "Today we really want to have two newlyweds instead of three? You can think about answering again."

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