The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1093: 1093, alive, just to be with you

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Chapter 1093 Chapter 1093, Alive, Just To Be With You

After a long day of cleaning, the streets of Dongsheng City, where there was little snow, were finally cleared out. The business should do business, the road should be hurried, and the order of the past was restored.

A man dressed in a clergyman's costume turned left and right and entered a low-key house.

It seems to be the home of this priest.

The door was opened, and the door was locked again immediately after entering, and I walked forward a few steps, but I saw two men in gray clothes. All three were extremely alert. "The Lord is inside."

"Okay." The man dressed as a priest nodded and stepped inside quickly.

Entering the innermost room, the priest immediately straightened his waist, sorted his clothes symbolically, and then knelt on one knee, "The Lord has seen the subordinate."

Inside the room, a man wearing a pure black brocade robe, wearing a mask, exhaled air-conditioning around him. "Ok."

"Lord, Su Lingxiao and Gu Qianxue and others were arranged to enter the side hall. In the afternoon they met, there was no conflict. When they met, the leader only carried cronies, and his subordinates failed to enter."

"You get up first."

"Yes, Lord."

Lu Weilou hung his head, playing with a pure black long purse. He didn't give the order immediately, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

The detailed work of Xueyuelou, dressed in a priest's suit, stands quietly, waiting for the Lord to give orders.

For a long while, Lu Weilou raised his head. "How is Su Lingxiao doing?"

Answer in detail, "Going back to the Lord, my subordinate only looked at it from afar, and felt that the situation was not very good.

Because he dived into meditation, even the detailed works of Blood Moon Tower were more or less medical and poisonous. At first glance, it can be estimated.

Almost unheard of, Lu Weilou sighed softly.

I was amazed at the detail, because the Lord seldom likes it, but today I sigh because of Su Lingxiao. Is it a sympathy?

"Do you think that the master of meditation has the strength to heal Su Lingxiao?"

After careful consideration, the meeting said, "Go back to the Lord, and the subordinates believe that the cure is not good."

This time, Lu Weilou did not sigh and had completely calmed his emotions. "Haosheng protects the two, and remember, don't blow the whistle."

"Yes, Lord!"

"Go on."

Carefully retired out.

Carefully know why the landlord asked not to blow the whistle, because Gu Qianxue did not want to know that he was protected by the Blood Moon Tower.

Su Lingxiao didn't wake up until the afternoon of the next day. It can be said that he slept for nearly twenty hours.

It is better to say that it is a coma than being asleep.

Gu Qianxue saw that Su Lingxiao woke up, and then he was relieved, "Son, you are awake, are you thirsty? Are you hungry?"

Su Lingxiao only felt chaotic in her mind, and after a while, she refreshed. After glancing at the sky, she knew she had slept for a long time, "Not hungry, when did you come?"

Gu Qianxue still poured a cup of hot water for it, "Last night."

Su Lingxiao smiled faintly, "So you are by your side, no wonder you slept so well yesterday."

Gu Qianxue also said, "Yeah."

While talking, he gently pulled it up, put a soft cushion behind him, and then fed him slowly to drink water.

What Gu Qianxue did not say is, which one is sleeping soundly? Is it obviously scaring the dead?

Everyone was scared to death this night, for fear that he could not sleep!

Although it came to the meditation, although Gong Lingan said that he could cure, it takes ten days of medication before the soul change. If Su Lingxiao dies within these ten days, it is impossible for the **** to save.

In the morning, Gu Qianxue and Gong Lingan met again to finalize the specific matters of Soul Exchange.

This complicated soul-changing technique is not to say that it will be executed, let alone the question of success, only to say, who does Su Lingxiao change body with?

Although the poison technique of meditation is very strange and domineering, it is actually very difficult to perform. In other words, the conditions to be met are very harsh.

General poisons require long-term regular medication; like Nirvana, they are resistant; soul-changing, on the basis of regular medication, requires the soul-changing two to reduce their will to survive and make their souls separate, sounds like heaven and night Tan.

However, Gong Ling'an was prepared, he prepared a young man with a mental insufficiency.

The man had a beautiful appearance and a long figure, but he was not from Chu Yan's country, nor from Bei Li Country. Gu Qianxue asked his identity, but Gong Lingan kept silent.

The mentally unskilled man exchanged his body with Su Lingxiao, in fact, he renewed his life to Su Lingxiao. Gu Qianxue also knew that it was cruel, but this time when he was not the Virgin, he became a villain and became a bad guy.

After checking Su Lingxiao's "new body", Gong Lingan made another request-before the soul change spell was cast, he must not tell anyone, including Su dispensers and first smoke, otherwise Gong Lingan refused to use Su Lingxiao Soul exchange.

Gu Qianxue also agreed.

Thoughts come back, and back to the room.

Chu Yan heard that the master was awake and was pleasantly presented with white porridge and dishes.

Chu Yan and Su dispensers can see that the master only wants to be alone with the master of Qianxue County. After putting down the food, he gently retreats out, leaving the time and space to two people.

Gu Qianxue first patiently fed Su Lingxiao with a meal. After he had used the meal, he told Su Lingxiao everything about the soul-changing technique.

Rao is a well-informed Su Lingxiao. After hearing such a weird method, he was also taken aback. "Soul exchange? Is there such a way?"

Gu Qianxue nodded, "He's not an empty talker, since he can say it, he will definitely be able to do it." The voice paused, "That's really terrible!"

Su Lingxiao also nodded, and sighed quietly, "The Nanyue Palace is really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but I don't know if the Nanyue Emperor knows that the famous cult leader is his own son, what would he think."

What the emperor would think, Gu Qianxue was not interested at all.

"Su Gongzi, can you... accept soul-changing?" Gu Qianxue asked cautiously.

Su Lingxiao smiled faintly, and gray eyes looked at her, "It's up to you to decide whether you accept it. If I change a body, and you still want to be with me, I will change it. If you change a body, you don't like it, why What's more? Alive, just to be with you, what would be the difference from death without you?"

Su Lingxiao's words seemed like confession and vows, with no gorgeous words or radical words, but sincere heart.

After listening to Su Lingxiao, Gu Qianxue had mixed feelings.

"Su Gongzi, why did you get so deep? We have only been in a year since we knew it." Gu Qianxue sighed.

Su Lingxiao reached out his hand and placed it carefully on Gu Qianxue's cheek. "If I can figure it out, it won't be for you..."

Later, Su Lingxiao didn't say it, but Gu Qianxue knew.

Su Lingxiao and Li Wangqing have the same brother, and the two have very deep feelings. However, Su Lingxiao broke up with Li Wang for her. Although the two did not tear their faces to each other, they did not communicate.

This is Su Lingxiao's heartbreak forever.

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