The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1101: 1101, the mind is loose, the body of the dying

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Chapter 1101 Chapter 1101, the mind is loose, the body of the dying

Maybe Gong Lingan will continue to develop the Corpse Corps, but Gu Qianxue will not tell him what he failed.

Gong Ling'an is a terrible genius. He can still study such a terrible thing without modern medicine and science. If he really masters modern technology, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Because of Gong Lingan, Gu Qianxue actually remembered a report he had seen in modern times-American bomber, Hildo Kasinski. He was admitted to Harvard University at the age of 16, received a bachelor's degree in mathematics at the age of 20, and received a doctorate in applied mathematics at the University of Michigan at the age of 25. Since then, he has taught at the University of California, teaching number theory. However, when he was 27 years old, he left the university to live in a secluded northern forest. In the late 1970s, bombs began to be mailed, which caused panic to the society for more than a decade.

One can guess the fool's thoughts, but one cannot estimate the genius thinking.

Just like the bomber in the United States, it is like Gong Lingan.

Thinking of the United States, she remembered her previous study tour.

Suddenly, a tingling pain awakened her. I didn't know when she was caught in Gong Lingan's hand. Gong Lingan pinched her tiger's mouth fiercely, and the pain came from the tiger's mouth. .

Wake up like a dream.

The voice of the dumb came, "Qianxue, what's wrong with you, you scared me, Qianxue?"

Gu Qianxue lowered his eyes to see his hand, but saw that Gong Lingan had transferred the finger pinched on his tiger's mouth to his pulse. "Gu Qianxue, what are you doing?" asked angrily.

This question really surprised Qian Xue, "What do I do? I didn't do anything?"

"If you haven't done it, why is the mental damage so severe? You know, you can achieve the effect of ten days with the five-day dose. Even if you use the soul-changing technique without taking the drug, you might be successful. Do you know what this means? "Gong Lingan snarled."

"...What does it mean?" Gu Qianxue was also at a loss.

"Have you heard of a person? You can't afford to sleep because you can't stand it. Do you know who this kind of person is called?" Gong Lingan asked, his voice eerie.

Gu Qianxue understood clearly, "Living dead."

The short three words made the mute almost scream. "Qianxue, you cannot become a living dead! You must not become a living dead."

Gu Qianxue reached out his hand and put it in front of his eyes, "Can I... can I go back?"

Neither Gong Lingan nor the dumb slave understood.

"Qianxue, what do you say? Where do you go back? Here is your home, and you don't want to go anywhere." Dumb anxiously said.

"Not Nanyue Kingdom, but distant China." Gu Qianxue twitched his lips, and he still didn't laugh.

If there are really living dead people in this world who can't stand the blow to a long sleep, can they lose their souls?

This body is not hers, the reason why it can be used, is to rely on a willpower, superstition is alive and popular.

After going through all kinds of things, she has long lost her interest in living. Will her soul no longer control this body with the dissipation of willpower? When she is gone, will "Gu Qianxue" become a living dead person, or will she become Gu Qianxue in the past, and where will she go?

The dumb man was anxious. "Master, Qianxue began to spread his mind again. What can I do?"

Gong Lingan gritted his teeth angrily, took out a ceramic bottle and placed it under Gu Qianxue's nose.

A scent of medicine got into her nose, and then she woke up again.

"From tomorrow, your medicine will be suspended. When Anna Tower is ready, you will immediately perform a soul change." Gong Ling Andao.

"Why?" Gu Qianxue puzzled.

Gong Lingan sneered, "Gu Qianxue, you have to thank me. If there is no soul-changing section, depending on the degree of your mental impairment, it will become a living dead sooner or later. Now the best way is to change a pair for you. Body, so you can live longer."

The dumb only felt that the fog in the clouds was incomprehensible.

But I don't know what is the reason for the medicine. Gu Qianxue's mind is much clearer, "After the soul change? What about my body?"

Gong Lingan sneered, "What should I do? Whoever wants to go, whoever keeps your heart in this seat, but not you."

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized why Gong Ling Ando had done so much, and for a long time, he was thinking of his identity as a second marriage, not a virgin? But then I thought about it, if she was Gong Ling'an, she would not leave this flesh, let alone Gong Ling'an was disgusted, even she was tired of herself.

"Will they see it?"

The word "they" represents some people, but Gu Qianxue did not specify it.

"No," Gong Ling said, "This seat will move some hands and feet."

Gu Qianxue nodded, "That's good, if you can let'She' live alive and replace me, maybe the best result."

Gong Lingan was more relieved to see Gu Qianxue's response, "Gu Qianxue, this seat will help you to rule Su Lingxiao, you can't break the promise, your life must be reserved for this seat!"

Gu Qianxue nodded, "Well, I must keep it, is there anything else? If not, I will go back first."

"Tomorrow is the tenth day. Soul exchange begins tomorrow at midnight. You prepare Su Lingxiao." Gong Ling An Dao, but Gu Guxue lost his soul, frowned, "Dumb slave, you send her back."

The dumb quickly said, "Yes, Master."

What Gu Qianxue did not know was that when she left, something happened to the side hall.

In front of the window, Su Lingxiao lay quietly on the bed, and the shopkeeper Su and Chu Yan stood aside.

Su shopkeeper old tears vertical and horizontal, holding a pen and paper in his hand, the first smoke also shed tears silently.

"Everything can be remembered?" Su Lingxiao's voice was very soft and angry.

"Young Master, the villain remembers it." Su's shopkeeper's hand holding the paper kept shaking, because the paper was lined with Su Lingxiao's will.

"Bring it, I sign it." Su Lingxiao raised her skinny hands.

Su shopkeeper took a deep breath, he did not know why he was so sad, maybe in his heart, the young master's life has become a kind of his obsession.

Putting the pen in that hand, the words from You Long Jingfeng can no longer be written, and the pen trembling extremely.

"Seal... you do it." Su Lingxiao said.

"Yes, Young Master." At this moment, Su's voice calmed down.

"Uncle Kang, I used to... I'm sorry for you, I apologize to you..."

Su shopkeeper stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Don't say so, young master, the villain can't afford it."

Su Lingxiao smiled faintly, although the strength of smiling almost disappeared, "If there is a next life, I want to be your loved one, and the next life also hopes to take care of Uncle Kang."

Su dispenser nodded, his voice choked. "Yes, yes, the villain remembers, the next life, the next life, the villain will take care of the young master."

"Uncle Kang, go out, and I will ask Chu Yan for the rest."

Su shopkeeper and Chu Yan froze for a moment, looked at each other puzzled.

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