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Chapter 1112 Chapter 1112

Antana said, "Grandmother, what Qianxue used to be, Qianxue really can't remember, but Qianxue will definitely honor his grandmother in the future."

Zheng’s smile was loving, but the old eyes flashed insidiously, "Grandmother at this age, one leg stepped into the coffin, what else can be honoured, but you have to honor your father well, your father paid a lot for you ."

"Yes, Qianxue remembers the teachings of her grandmother." Antana continued slyly.

"But there is one thing, but I want to talk to you," Zheng finally turned to the topic, "Look, everyone else's family is Ding thriving, the backyard ladies and aunts are lively, but only our family is cold and quiet. It’s your father who went out and was despised.”

Antana immediately understood and said, "Grandma, what do you want to do?"

Zheng's Road, "Naturally it is necessary to accept a few concubines for your father's concubine. When the time comes to give you some younger brothers and sisters, even if you enter the royal palace, will there be help?"

When Antana heard the words "into the king's palace", she burst into anger, "Yes, Qianxue listened to her grandmother."

The grandchildren and grandchildren chatted with each other for a while, and Zheng said that they were tired and had a rest first.

After seeing the ceremony, Antana naturally returned to her listening courtyard.

On the way back, Grandma Zhang, who had been waiting for Gu Qianxue, stopped talking, and spoke several times. Finally, after returning to the house, she couldn't help but say, "Sovereign, the slave-servant has something to say."

In the past few days, Antana has been unable to pretend for a long time, with a proud face, "What do you have to say?"

Grandma Zhang did not find that the master had changed his face, but he only had something to worry about the master, or that the whole people who listened to the Xueyuan were extremely fond of their master Qian Xuejun, because such a good-tempered and good-serving master Unexpectedly.

"That's the case. When the backyard aunt was dismissed, she lost the blood and money of the county master accidentally. If this time agreed to let the old lady repay the concubine for the old master, wouldn't the county master's previous effort go to waste?"

Antana became unhappy in an instant, "So, are you questioning your grandmother's judgment?"

Grandma Zhang was taken aback, but for the sake of the master, she still persuaded carefully, "The slave-servant did not question the judgment of the old lady, but was in a different position, but there were different judgments. The old lady naturally hoped that the concubine of Master Shangshu would The more the better, but our mistress is mentally impoverished, and what happens if Aunt Pei takes the bird's nest like a dove?"

Antana thought that her mother was a fool, and she was unhappy. "That's also the master's business. What's the matter with you as a minion?"

Grandma Zhang was surprised.

The mothers of others are dignified and virtuous ladies, and her mother is a fool. The more Anantana wanted, the more angry she finally blew her anger on Grandma Zhang, "Come here, palm this maid's mouth!"

All servants were also shocked.

You know, the people who listened to the Snow Academy were all selected by Gu Qianxue before, and when Yu Cui searched for news all day and night, he chose the people in such a courtyard.

It can be said that the people who listened to the Xueyuan did not climb high, step down, sneak and slip, because of Gu Qianxue's infection, the relationship between the people under the snow was also very harmonious, if the family was average.

Antana yelled at someone to come to fight Mother-in-law, who would come?

Antana found that she was unmovable, even more furious. She reached out and pointed at a girl, "You, you come to fight, if you don't fight, the master of the county will let you beat you."

The maid plopped down on her knees, "Mammy Zhang's brain is not easy to use. Ask the county master for mercy, and the county master for mercy." Then, he kowtowed for mercy.

Grandma Zhang also knelt down. "The lord is the slave's fault. I beg the lord to embarrass them. The slave slaps himself."

However, Antana's anger has not yet subsided, "The lord of the county asked you, who is the lord and who is the servant? One by one, even if you don't listen to the lord of the county, you all have a hundred hands!"

Everyone was stunned, but they were helpless and could only slap.

For a time, the whole hearing of the Xueyuan was full of crackling mouths.

Seeing everyone slap their mouths, Antana's mood is better, "Huh, remember, the master will be the master, the slave is the slave, if you don't obey and **** that useless heart, don't say The lord of the county sold you far away, letting you experience what life is better than death!"

All trembling, but I couldn't help thinking-why the master of Qianxue County said that it changed, once it was better, but this time it was worse, it seemed worse than the first.

The next day.

Antana got up and slowly groomed under the service of the people.

When the people in the yard were all swollen, they couldn't help but think of the unhappy things last night, and they wanted to lose their temper again, but it was still a matter of thinking. This is the mother's family.

A maid came in timidly, "The master, the second and third girls are here."

"Miss Two and Miss Three?" Antana asked, raising her tone while choosing her favorite jewelry among the piles of jewelry.

The maid was careful, "Yes, it's Miss Qianling and Miss Qianzi."

Only then did Antana remember that they were two of her sisters, "No, let them get back."

"Yes, the master." The maid secretly shrank her neck and turned to go.

"Wait." Antana stopped the maid.

The girl thought that the master of the county remembered the sisterhood of the past. After all, the master of the county was always very good to Miss Two and Three, just like a sister.

Antana groaned, "You tell them that since they are girls, they are staying in the house honestly, don't run out of the way, let alone appear in front of the lord of the county, otherwise, let them walk around without eating. "

"...Yes, the lord." The maid shook it three times, and retreated silently.

After choosing for a long time, I finally chose a nice set of jewelry.

Antana got up, took a picture in the mirror, and then turned around in the same place, "The master of the county asked you, is the master of the county beautiful?"

"Back to the lord, beautiful." The servants answered.

Half of them are telling the truth, and the other half are in fear of prostitution.

However, there is a feeling in everyone's mind that the county master is not as beautiful as before. Although the facial features have not changed, the feeling is not as good as before, maybe it is from the heart.

Antana turned around in the yard a few times, and then her eyes flashed, "Come here."

The next man hurried forward step by step, "Let people prepare a horse-drawn carriage, and the county mainly went out."

The people dared not even ask, except to send someone to Manfuyuan to inform, and no one said anything.

Where is Antana going? She is going to Li Wang Mansion, first to see whether Li Wang Mansion is luxurious or imposing, and it is best to be able to sneak a look at Li Wang's appearance.

Being a princess is certainly awe-inspiring, but wouldn’t it be better to be a princess with a beautiful appearance?

Mrs. Gu, the old lady of Gu, was too busy looking for a woman of ice character, too lazy to control Antana, and let it go. gfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x+cAJfrxmldLwH/ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmT6M4KHQWJrA==

Antana didn't expect that her carriage was hijacked as soon as she walked out, and hijacked to Jinghu until she saw another person.

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