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Chapter 1116 Chapter 1116, Save! I!

The banquet is still going on, which is different from the royal banquet with singing and dancing. This kind of organization with a religious nature is also extremely dull.

The music is not loud, and even if you don’t listen carefully, you can ignore it, but even so, no one talks, and only head down to eat silently.

This strange atmosphere is creepy.

In the whole hall, the only fear of talking and laughing is the leader and Princess Mel. The two people are very harmonious in asking and answering. Because the environment is too quiet, the dialogue between the two can even be heard by the people around them. You can feel the words of the leader. Take care more and more.

Princess Meier was very excited. She looked like a small apple and kept smiling at the leader. When Gong Lingan bowed her head, she quickly glanced at Qianxue to show her status.

Gu Qianxue ignored Mel and made eye contact with the woman who was staring at her.

The woman is about forty years old. Although she is graceful and elegant, she can't conceal her old age.

Her eyes were extremely sad, and she stared at Gu Qianxue almost motionless. It felt like she didn't hurry up and never saw it again.

If it was a few months ago, Gu Qianxue had to mourn the heavens, but at this moment, all her conscience and kindness had been fed to the dog, and all the use in her mind was to use it.

When she saw that the time was ripe, she used the mouth shape to tell the woman-save! I!

The woman was shocked.

At this moment, Gong Ling'an, who had an intimate conversation with Princess Mel, looked over.

Although it was Yu Guang, the shadowy bird of prey was still poisonous, making people shudder.

Gu Qianxue hurriedly lowered his eyes, pretending to dine casually, evading the gaze of this examination.

When the crisis touched, Gu Qianxue squeezed out some tears, staring pitifully at the woman-save! I!

This time the woman finally read it, he hurriedly whispered to the middle-aged man dressed as a high-level priest beside him.

The priest had a tall nose bridge, a thick beard, and his eyes were very similar to Antana.

He was surprised after listening to the woman, and then looked at Gu Qianxue.

But at this time, Gong Lingan's eyes also glanced at Gu Qianxue again.

Qian Xue was helpless and lowered her eyes again.

The senior clergyman thought deeply and whispered something to the woman, and then the woman looked guilty and frustrated.

Gu Qianxue could guess that the priest would blame the woman for a meal. Although he was a little disappointed in his heart, it was somewhat of a gain.

The strange banquet was still going on, and Gu Qianxue was too lazy to suffer, so he rolled his eyes and pretended to faint.

Because the saint had "fainted" and had a pre-order feast just now, she was immediately confused.

Why should Gu Qianxue "halo"?

Naturally pretending to be seen by the people of the Naham family, let them see that Antana is not only about to fall out of favor, she is also very weak, and she will die in the palace alive without rescue.

The banquet was noisy, and the woman almost rushed over, but was caught by the husband beside him.

When a priest came, he thought that the leader would personally check the saint's condition, but he saw the leader's aversion to struggle for a long while, and finally waved his hand to let the priest diagnose the vein of the saint.

There is no division between medicine and poison. Meditation is good at poison. It can be said that in this hall, everyone except Mel is able to heal, but there are only high and low points.

After examining the veins of the saint, the priest respectfully said, "Master Yen, the saint is weak and has symptoms of qi deficiency."

Yes, Gu Qianxue had been "dieting" for a week, and although he has now resumed his diet, he is just a ghost.

Gu Qianxue "woke up quietly", and then immediately appeared panic, "Teach...master, I...I'm fine...I'm fine..."

Mrs. Naeem was even more excited, almost rushing over, and finally at the hint of her husband, she could only wipe her tears silently.

Mel rolled his eyes fiercely, thinking that Antana, a bitch, pretended to be pretending to be true, and shouted in the afternoon. At night, she was pitiful and hateful.

One day she will become the wife of the archbishop, and she will let this hypocritical woman die better.

Gong Lingan's eyes were even more disgusting, "Since the saint is unwell, don't hold on to the feast, come and send the saint back."

Immediately afterwards, the people of the Roland Palace hurried forward and helped the weak virgin with rain.

The banquet continued.

Gong Ling'an still talks with Meir from time to time, but the high-level priests around him are not calm. The quiet hall gradually has a voice of discussion. Everyone whispered, not understanding what the leader means, is it not the same as the predecessor? The general leader, do not like saints and marry another wife?

The priest Neamu's face was black, not only because he couldn't hang his face, but also because he was afraid that his daughter would go to the tragedy of the predecessors.

The former preacher's wife was extremely jealous and harmed many virgins, especially the beautiful and wise Virgin Turandot, who was ruined by her face, and her whereabouts were unknown.

The priest of Naham finally knew why his daughter said "Save me".

But what can he do? From the moment she chose the saint, Antana was no longer his daughter, but a sectarian woman.

Not to mention the virgin, the girls who did not choose the virgin also wanted to become a witch.

Meditation is not too flat.

Everyone did not know that Gu Qianxue was in a good mood on the way back to the Roland Palace with the saint.

Liz stepped forward and whispered, "Madonna, you were really terrified when you fainted. Are you okay?"

Gu Qianxue whispered back, "Relax, I'm fine."

The group returned to the Roland Palace, Gu Qianxue ordered to prepare bath water, she planned to sleep beautifully after bathing.

After bathing, Gu Qianxue grabbed Lisi, "Tomorrow you rest out of the palace, don't forget the important things."

Liz shook, and finally had no choice but to say, "Yes, Madam."

Nanyue State.

Capital city.

Antana didn't expect that her carriage was hijacked.

The carriage that was traveling well on the road suddenly felt that the roof was sinking, and then almost in the blink of an eye, someone entered through the door of the car, and the bright sword rested on the neck of the maidservant.

When the maid was struggling to save her life, she heard Antana shouting, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, kill them, just kill them."

The two maids are very speechless, but they don’t have to struggle with what to protect or not to protect. This kind of master who beats his mouth and does not take the life of the person, what is there to protect?

Just miss the former master of the county.

The carriage made a sudden U-turn, and Antana nearly fell, but also realized that the driver was afraid of being hijacked.

The carriage went out of the downtown area like this and headed towards the suburbs of Beijing.

About a tea time, the carriage finally stopped.

"Sheriff, please get off the bus." Liang Zhen said, hijacking the carriage.

Liang Zhen had met Qianxue County Master. In this case, even he thought that today's County Master is different from the past.

When Antana got off the train with difficulty, she saw the man outside the carriage standing in the wind, a handsome man in a silver mantle with a handsome face, his expressionless face, and a pair of peachy eyes, as if stuck in thought.

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