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Chapter 1132 Chapter 1132, a ray of ghosts?

Gu Qianxue surprised her by her desire to survive, she can live! Lisi gave the high-speed information to Officer Neam, and Officer Neam sent someone to rescue her, which is great!

Although he said time and time again that he wanted to die and wanted to die, when he really faced death, Gu Qianxue knew that he did not want to die!

It’s better to live than to die, she wants to live!

The two were the guards of the Naham family, and after discovering Gu Qianxue, they were also overjoyed. One of them carried Gu Qianxue on his back, and the other opened the way.

A thick smoke suddenly poured into Gu Qianxue's nose, and she realized that something was wrong!

Most of the people in the fire died with smoke instead of fire. Why did the maidservants and priests of the Roland Palace die quickly and she did not die? Because the women were only in a hurry to call for help, they choked into thick smoke, but she kept lying on the ground and survived with pride.

When the two guards of the Naham family first entered, due to the large lung capacity of the martial artists, they only felt that the smoke was choking but there was no substantial harm, but the situation is different now.

As the burning time increased, the smoke became larger and larger, the houses began to collapse, and they were all standing upright, the fire and the smoke blocked the sight, and the two began to cough.

Gu Qianxue wanted to tell the two that the smoke was going up, and he would bend forward to avoid it as much as possible. It is best to find a damp cloth to cover his mouth and nose, but his throat was just crushed by Gong Lingan, and he only felt so tight that he could not speak. .

The reckless two finally fainted by the thick smoke, and Gu Qianxue fell to the ground helplessly. She tried to close her breath as much as possible. However, even closing the air needed air, but she continued to breathe.

Gu Qianxue exhausted his last effort to look up at the fire and found that the fire was so gorgeous, bright and dazzling, so beautiful that he couldn't help but reach out and grab it.

Why can such a wonderful thing burn everything?

When she thought she would die, she had hope for life.

When she thought she was lucky enough to stock, a turning point made her despair.

Sure enough, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, if you can be reborn, if you can cross, if you can reincarnate...

The fire had already burned, and the silk garments on Gu Qianxue's body were more flammable. The flames on the silk garments swallowed them instantly like crazy.

The woman who was still slim in the previous moment has become a fireman in the next moment.

The fire burned and was hot, destroying everything.

The house collapsed.

But in another dark and quiet place, one person was constantly struggling on the bed. His quilt was strange black, or bed sheets, bed nets, and all the homes made of all fabrics were black.

His pure black lining is slightly open, and he can vaguely see strong muscles. Because of the cold sweat, the muscle texture is more clear and beautiful.

Gong Lingtu in the dream was very painful to be in the fire, but not because of the fire disaster, but his most important person was in the fire.

No one told him that Gu Qianxue was in the fire, and he could not see the figure in the fire, but there was a voice in his mind that kept telling him-she was in the fire, she was dying, she was going to save her, she needed him !

Not to mention that she is in firepower, she is in the sea of ​​swords, he will save.

"Gu Qianxue!"

"Gu Qianxue!"

Gong Lingyun kept shouting.

"My lord... your lord, wake up soon! My lord! You have a nightmare!" is the voice of the servant.

"The prince's nightmare is not working, what should I do?"

"Go and call Grandpa Shao?"

"Should the concubine be notified by notice?"

"Are you going to the palace to ask a doctor?"

The people are in a hurry, because they have never encountered such a thing before. I am afraid that even the king of the king is afraid of the cruel king?

"Don't tell Ying Fei Concubine first, the prince has never been to the Concubine's yard, don't you? Until you look for Grandpa Shao!"

Soon, Grandpa Shao came.

Because he was in a hurry, he touched the cold wind outdoors, and Grandpa Shao coughed. In this black, oppressive room, his pale face was even more terrifying. "Give up, everyone stays where they are. According to the family’s order, no one is allowed to go out of the house, otherwise it’s all about killing!” The cold tone was full of murderous opportunities.

"Dark Guard!"

Grandpa Shao shouted loudly, and after a while, the dark guards guarding several corners appeared, "Grandpa Shao."

Old man Shao Gonggong's dark eyes stared at the panic servant, "Block the door, everyone is not allowed to go out."

What is Duke Shao afraid? He was afraid of what Li Wangmeng said, for example...Blood Moon Tower. If these people really heard about the Blood Moon Tower, they must be killed without a doubt.

Everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Grandpa Shao reached out to push, but found that others were unable to wake up. I saw that Li Wang's face was more and more anxious, his body was sweating more and more, and his voice was getting louder. "Gu Qianxue!" .

Shao Gonggong's left and right thumb nails are extremely long, so he used these long nails to press hard against Li Wang's people.

Gong Lingtu only felt a tingling in the middle of the person, and then it seemed that there was a strong suction behind him, pulling him away, and then opened his eyes.

Seeing the prince woke up, everyone was relieved.

Gong Lingkun looked around and found that the empty room was full of people and watched it for a while before returning to reality from a nightmare.

"Your lord, how are you feeling?" Grandpa Shao expressed concern.

Gong Lingtu got up and found that the cold sweat on his body was flowing down like water, but he didn't know how much cold sweat was coming out.

"Ben...what happened just now?"

Shao Gonggong said, "Go back to your lord, you were just caught in a nightmare."

Gong Lingtu only felt a headache, and stretched his hand to press his temple, "Go."

The voice is very quiet, but with a killing intention.

Grandpa Shao hurriedly said to the people around him, "All go out, it's none of your business."

People were almost scared and paralyzed. I heard that they could go and rushed out as if they were granted amnesty.

After slowing down for a while, Gong Linguo said, "Let the Dark Guard also withdraw, I have something to say to my father-in-law." The voice was no longer the previous momentum, and it was slightly weak.

Grandpa Shao knew that King Li was about to talk about confidentiality, and he quickly rushed to make the Dark Guard withdraw.

Gong Lingtu had gold in her ears, combined with deep internal force, she could hear the breathing of people around her.

After confirming that no one was around, Gong Lingyun slowly raised his head, "Father, I have to say one thing, this matter is so confidential... It is even more confidential than the blood moon building."

Grandpa Shao was taken aback, "More confidential than Xueyuelou? Will there be such a thing in this world?"

Gong Lingkun nodded, "About Gu Qianxue," the voice paused, and his eyes flashed in horror. "That thing... I didn't believe it. At that time, I was in the status of Master Lu Weilou. Gu Qianxue begged me to help her find Su Lingxiao. I didn’t know how to answer. She actually said that in exchange, she could do a lot for me beyond this era. She even said that she was not a person of this era, just a ghost. , Leaned over Gu Qianxue, Gu Shangshu's daughter."

Grandpa Shao was astonished as if he had seen a ghost, "Your lord, Qianxue County Master has a lot of tricks. This must be the trick she used to help Lu Weilou find Su Lingxiao. It cannot be taken seriously. What a soul?"

Gong Lingyun's voice was lost, "I didn't believe it, but now I have a strong feeling...Gu Qianxue is not her anymore!"

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