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Chapter 1134 Chapter 1134, Bai Xiao real person

Antana looked at her purse and the purse that Li Wang took out, only to feel that she was exquisite in craftsmanship, and was proud of waiting for Li Wang's praise.

However, I saw that Li Wang just took back the black purse lightly, got up carefully, and got up. "It's not early, let's rest."

"Ah?" Antana froze, subconsciously followed, "Master, this purse..."

Before she finished talking, Gong Lingfeng suddenly folded back and reached out to gently lift her chin.

Antana thought that Li Wang wanted to ask her. Although she came too suddenly, she closed her eyes obediently.

After waiting for a long time, the kiss did not fall on her lips. When she opened her eyes curiously, she saw that Li Wang's eyes were infatuated. "Master?"

Li Wang frowned slightly, "closed eyes." The tone was unpleasant.

Antana hurriedly closed her eyes again, secretly thinking that she would never peek again, just waiting for the kiss.

However, after waiting for a long time, I just felt that my chin was heavy, and the man had left her room.

When Antana opened her eyes, the room was empty.

"……How is this going?"

Antana rushed out of the room, while the night-time girl in the outer room was rubbing her eyes, "Master Qianxue?"

Antana changed her voice anxiously, "What about people?"

The maid puzzled, "Human? Who? Who did the slave-servant see?"

Antana only felt a nameless fire, "Waste, get out!"

The suburbs of Nanyue Kingdom and Qingxia Mountain.

There is a Taoist temple on Qingxia Mountain. There is a Taoist named Bai Xiaozhen who is rumored to have a high level of Taoism and is sometimes invited to practice.

On this day, Qingxia Taoist Temple welcomed a rare guest.

But I saw that Taoism, which was crowded on weekdays, was solemn today. There were soldiers in uniforms before and after Taoism. These soldiers were not ordinary soldiers, and their black clothes could be seen from the palace of Li. Because of these murderous soldiers, the entire Taoist temple was free from the idle clouds of ordinary days, but it was killed by a group.

Although the snow is melting in the mountains, the mountains are still snowy.

On the ground of Taoist Square, the snow has been cleared, but there are still residues between the slab gaps, and walking on it can make a creaking sound.

A partial hall, the door is closed, there are two people inside.

Bai Xiaozheng, who is in a gray and white robe, is more than seventy years old, but he is full of spirits, and he is a kind of immortal spirit.

Bai Xiaozhen's hair is now white and neatly bundled in the crown. "Since the prince has found the poor today, how can he still doubt? Not all believers in this world are there, and those who are not believers are not?" Reply.

Li Wang, who was dressed in black, did not wear a big fashion, but his standing posture gave a sense of loneliness.

For a long while, Li Wang said, "Faith."

Bai Xiaozheng's smile deepened, "Since the prince is sure, please ask the prince to talk about the poor."

Li Wang slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened it violently. "There was a woman who changed her temperament two years ago. By chance, she told Ben Wang that she was not a deity but a ghost. Then For some reason, she lost her memory, and her temperament changed again after the loss of memory. Now it is known that the deity, the woman, and the current woman are not the same person for three people. What the king wants is to put the woman The soul is called back."

Rao was a well-informed Bai Xiaozhen who was also surprised, and then he laughed, "Miao, Miao, so wonderful! I didn't expect to meet the real soul possession in my lifetime."

Li Wang was puzzled. "What does Taoist mean? People all say that the long spell is high-strength. Didn't the Taoist ever see it?"

Bai Xiaozheng was like an eggplant that slaps, "Don't mention, the poor master has seen it, and the poor master has seen it, but the poor one hasn't seen it. A real soul came out, and I haven't seen it in a lifetime." He paused, and then turned red. "Isn't the prince just cheating the poor?" The white beard was blown up, where is the old fairy just now? What does it look like?

"..." Gong Lingyun.

Bai Xiaozheng threw the floating dust twice, "I said prince, you can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, you're so old, you can't cheat the poor like this." .

"..." Gong Lingyun.

After a lot of effort, Gong Linguo finally accepted that the old naughty boy in front of him who was blowing his nose and glaring in front of him was the legendary Bai Xiaozhen.

"Taoist assured, this king has not lied."

Bai Xiaozhen seems to have found a new continent, "Great, you lord, wait a minute, then you will find the disciples and grandchildren."

Gong Lingyun was amazed, "Wait, what does the director do with someone?"

Bai Xiaozhen's snow-white beard blows up the old high, "Of course, it is to make people prepare the magical instrument to open the altar immediately to find someone... No, it is to find soul."

Gong Lingyun was surprised, "Can you really find it?"

Bai Xiaozheng's voice is sure, "Yes! Definitely! The poor Daoist master has found it, and the poor Daoist master has also found it. As long as the poor Daoist master is not wrong, the soul or wandering soul will be able to find it!"

"Master Dao, wait a moment," Gong Lingyun seemed calm, but in fact a little flustered, "Can Master Dao explain to this king, can Master Dao talk to the soul? How can Dao Master find his position? Wouldn't it be wrong?"

Bai Xiaozheng came back and explained patiently, "There are three types of souls, one is the soul after death, but there are very few, because it will soon become a ghost. This ghost... I have never seen it. The second situation is that people have three souls and seven souls. Sometimes they accidentally lose a few souls and a few souls, and people will get sick and be stupid. At this time, they will be called back by spirits. Many, but to be honest, have never seen a real soul. The third is this kind of wandering soul. It can be said that there are very few, either dead or ghosts, or incomplete souls. There are too few such souls. Of course, I have never seen the poor."

"..." Gong Lingtu was completely understood, and after a long time, this Bai Xiao real person had never seen the real soul.

At this time, Gong Lingyun had been shaken, only secretly cursing that he was sick and went to hospital. "In this case, Ben Wang will not disturb the leader, Ben Wang said goodbye."

Bai Xiaozhen was anxious and immediately blocked the door of the room. "No walking! No walking! I lived for seventy-one years before I met such a person. What should you do if you walked the poor road? No, the poor road must be called! Also call! The poor Dao must have a glance at the soul in his lifetime, otherwise seeing Master and Master’s embarrassment under Jiuquan!?"

"..." Gong Lingyun.

"Quickly, tell the poor about her birthday." Bai Xiaozhen blocked the door to prevent Li Wang from leaving.

"This king doesn't know."

"..." Bai Xiaozhen, "Then... can there be her things, such as the things she used when she was in the flesh?"

Gong Lingtu was slightly surprised, and took out the black purse from his arms.

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