The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1181: 1181, Su Lingxiao's Mystery

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Chapter 1181, 1181, Su Lingxiao's Mystery

Gu Qianxue thought he was dead this time, but he still didn't die.

It is a strange fate. People often die when they don't want to die. On the contrary, they live stubbornly when they want to die.

When he opened his eyes, it was the other person's bed net, and his left arm was aching.

Gu Qianxue feels guilty in his heart, sorry for the deity of this body, sorry for Zhao and Gu Shangshu, because of her disrespect, they scarred the body of their beloved daughter.

The whole body was hot, she knew she was afraid of burning because of the wound, sighed, and closed her eyes again.

It’s better to be alive than to die. Since God doesn’t let her die, then she will sleep for a while.

But at this moment, a hoarse voice, "Are you awakening the lord? The lord!"

Gu Qianxue was stunned, opened his eyes in a hurry, and turned his head to look, but saw a thin but delicate cheek looking at her anxiously. "First smoke!?"

Immediately afterwards, the indescribable ecstasy, "Chu Yan, have you been released?" Gu Qianxue rose subconsciously, but was pushed back to the bed by Chu Yan.

"You are calm, the lord, it's really me. The monarch has released me, thanks to the lord." Then, Chu Yan lowered his eyes and his eyes were red.

Gu Qianxue didn't look up excitedly, "What about your injury? Have you broken the collarbone? Pull the collar away and show me!"

"No break, the lord is assured." Chu Yan's eyes are redder, but he didn't expect that there will be someone in this world who can give up her life for her, willing to linger, "Why are you lord, why don't you..."

"No, pull it away and show me, I can't feel at ease if I don't see it." Gu Qianxue interrupted anxiously.

At first smoke, helpless, can only pull the collar apart, give Gu Qianxue to check the collarbone.

But I saw that the thin clavicle of the first smoke had four holes the size of the thumb and nails. Although the medicine was applied, it still made people shudder and looked at the pain.

"The guy with the face of the beast!" Gu Qianxue gritted his teeth with hatred.

Chu Yan hurriedly pulled the collar up to prevent him from looking at the wound again, and said softly, "Sovereign, I don't hurt, I really don't hurt."

Gu Qianxue fell back to bed and gasped.

She didn't know when the first smoke hurt, but she was so painful!

Not to mention the wounds in the abdomen, only the right arm is so painful, "Is there water? I want to drink water." I can't help but think that if the real Bai Bai is there, I will temporarily beat her soul out. Can it relieve pain? This bitter taste is not something ordinary people can bear.

A court lady brought warm water, took the first smoke, and fed Gu Qianxue with a spoon.

Later, the concubine brought in porridge again, and the first smoke fed the porridge again. Gu Qianxue's complexion was better.

Gu Qianxue pulled Chu Yan and sat on the edge of the bed, the two hands clasped tightly, and each other was destined to live together.

"You talk to me first, what is He Yunpei?" Gu Qianxue said.

The first smoke hesitated, and then said to the guards, "What we are going to say is confidential. If you stay and listen, you might be killed."

The ladies were frightened and hesitant.

Gu Qianxue chuckled, "Chuyan, you changed."

The first smoke was puzzled, "Changed? Where did I change?"

Gu Qianxue said, "You have become human, and if you were in the past, you will not care about the safety of others."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly, "I don't care about their safety, but I don't want them to hear the secret of the master."

The ladies had been trembling for a long time, thinking about going, and finally leaving secretly, leaving only two people in the room.

"They are gone, you can say." Gu Qianxue still thinks that the first smoke has changed, becoming a little softer than before.

Chu Yan nodded, "This matter involves Master's life." He said, sighing, "I don't know if I should talk to the Master, but I want Master to not complain."

"I won't say it, even if it's dead." Gu Qianxue's voice was firm.

Chu Yan believed Gu Qianxue's words, not to mention anything else. One day ago, in the face of Ling Chi, Gu Qianxue didn't blink, she was terrified by her life. She didn't know what she had experienced during this period, Qianxue County The Lord said that she changed, and changed, not just her?

"Some things were figured out by me, and some were told to me by the shopkeeper Su after the death of the master." Chu Yan said slowly, "The master's surname is Feng, named Feng Xiu... That's right, now the king of Beili Kingdom The name of Xiu was originally the master! Or, this position is also the master. They were originally twins. The Su family is the imperial merchant of the Northern Li Kingdom and has inextricably linked with the Northern Li Kingdom. I don’t understand Su What is going on with the family, but listening to Su's treasurer said, the monarch was originally raised in the Su family."

Gu Qianxue was surprised, "Is the prince raised in the Su family? What is going on?"

Chu Yan shook his head, "I don't know, it seems to be the tradition of the Northern Li Country. The Northern Li Country is located in the extreme north and the population is sparse, but the people of the Northern Li Country are very smart, and there are always ways to earn money from other countries. , And the Su family is the head of all merchants. Listening to the meaning of the Su shopkeeper, after the prince was raised in the Su family, he could not return to the palace for the rest of his life."

Gu Qianxue only listened, but did not interrupt.

"That is to say, the master was raised to eleven years old as a prince. Before he was eleven years old, he was raised as a future monarch of the Northern Li Kingdom, but when he was eleven years old, he had a heart attack for the first time, followed by The condition deteriorated sharply, and at the age of twelve, he couldn't live without drugs." Chu Yan's voice became more and more resentful, squeezing his fists. More than ten years old, however, the royal family of the Northern Li Kingdom made a major decision, that is, to exchange the master and the prince raised in the Su family, so the master became Su Lingxiao, and that person became Feng Xiu."

Suddenly, memories rushed into my mind. Gu Qianxue was shocked and murmured in his mouth, "So it is! So it is!"

The first smoke was puzzled, "Why did the county master say this was the case?"

Gu Qianxue closed his eyes and eased for a moment before he said, "I used to know vaguely that there were many secrets in Su Gongzi, but out of respect, I didn't get to the bottom of it, he had many mysteries. The first mystery, why did he find out Heart disease is not treated in time? I really asked this question. His answer was that there was nothing to be missed in the world. At that time, I only thought that he liked hunting for strange things, because there was no desire for hunting. He was abandoned by his parents, so he was determined to die."

Chu Yan felt only heartache, but she couldn't help.

"Second, every time he mentioned Bei Li Kingdom, the look was very complicated, with both attachment and disappointment. Of course, this is not important, the important thing is the third point," Gu Qianxue looked at Chu Yan, "you Don’t you think he has a surprisingly good relationship with Li Wang? The two are not brothers but they are better than brothers! The two of them help each other, it is not the feeling of helping the brothers, it is more like helping themselves! It turned out that both of them were abandoned by the royal family Prince, I finally found the root."

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