Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

304, love it while playing

"I don't want to," Li Wang answered simply, and hadn't waited for Gu Qianxue to continue to persuade.

"Ah?" Gu Qianxue didn't know how to answer in the face of Yu Xiao's Li Wang.

"As for you, the skin's relatives are also what the concubine wanted to hear. In order to make the concubine happy, the king admitted." Li Wang continued.

Gu Qianxue only felt a sweet smell in his throat and had a desire to spur blood.

She supported the wall and coughed a few times, "Gong Lingfeng, this is your lifelong happiness, you can't marry a woman you don't love, this is disrespect for marriage!"

King Li raised his eyes, "How do you know that this king doesn't love you?"

If you change a person or a scene, the woman's confession from such an overbearing president will inevitably accelerate her heartbeat, and the deer bump into it.

But in front of him was Ling Wang, Li Wanggong. Gu Qianxue could not be happy, "If you love me, will you beat me?"

Li Wang looked seriously, "Although I still don't love, but maybe, this king is falling in love with you."

"..." Gu Qianxue finally couldn't hold back, and his eyes were black, almost fainting.

In order to ensure that he would not sit on the floor, Gu Qianxue leaned on the wall and moved to the bed with difficulty. He sat on the edge of the bed, covering his heart with his hand and gasping for breath.

Love it while playing?

Ha ha, even if Gong Lingfeng is a sadist, she is not a masochist, Gu Qianxue!

No, she wants to resist, she must resist! Although this traversing life is extremely strange, although she did not expect to find a monogamous lover in Nanyue, she never allowed herself to marry a sadist.

Let’s not talk about the question of death or not, is it painful to be beaten?

Who is willing to hurt?

Thinking, Gu Qianxue jumped out of the bed at once, "No, I have to tell the truth about Princess Qin."

But Gu Qianxue watched and rushed out of the door, but saw a slender and strong arm in front of him, and then only felt a chest pain and dizziness, but the whole person was lifted up like a sandbag and fell to the bed .

Gu Qianxue couldn't even scream because of severe back pain. He closed his mouth tightly and endured the pain.

This time, Gu Qianxue was more determined to distance herself from King Li, and she would be killed alive!

After a while, the pain in the back eased down. She opened her eyes, but saw Li Wang, who was like Shura killing the gods, standing in front of the bed with his hands on his back, and a pair of black eyes stared hard at him. Holding her.

"Gu Qianxue, you are forcing the king." Li Wang said coldly.

Gu Qianxue was startled, ", I just want to tell Qin Fei the facts."

King Li slowly leaned over, a pair of long arms pressed against the bed, trapping Gu Qianxue, who was trembling, and squinted, revealing countless dangers. "Fact? You are right, Ben Wang should really turn that thing into reality." Then, his eyes slowly moved down from Gu Qianxue's face, glancing at her exquisite body.

Gu Qianxue shivered fiercely, trying to retreat but no way to retreat, wanting to push away two without the strength. "Wang...Yangye, I...I'm wrong." The man can bend and stretch!

"You know what you are wrong?" Li Wang's left lip was hooked, and the handsome face always covered with frost, there was an unspeakable evil charm.

There is a fragrance on Li Wang's body. This fragrance is not the ambergris that the royals like, nor the sandalwood that the dignitaries like, nor the fragrance of flowers and herbs. It is an indescribable fragrance, very light, but nerves It's refreshing, like a mixture of lemongrass and orange, but not as pungent as simple lemongrass.

Regarding the incense used in Li Wang's clothing, Gu Qianxue once heard from Mother Sheng.

It is only said that a few years ago, King Li just took over for the emperor to deal with corrupt officials and offended countless people. Some people even hired people from the rivers and lakes to assassinate Li Wang. At that time, Li Wang couldn't even take a break even at night, and assassinations were as common as eating.

Before being assassinated so frequently, Li Wang's clothes were also in various colors, but he found that black could cover up the blood, and the assassin could not judge the target's injury based on the blood, so he would not go to risk. After all, assassins are different from dead men. If the conditions are not good for themselves, they will retreat and look for opportunities.

And precisely because Li Wang insisted on wearing black clothes, he had many chances to escape.

As for this fragrance, it is also used to cover the **** smell.

Once this aroma merges with the **** smell, it will diminish until it is tasteless. Similarly, the **** smell will disappear without being noticed.

After a few years, almost all the chaos thieves were killed by Li Wang, and the assassin had no employer, so he would no longer **** Li Wang. However, Li Wang’s clothing habits for many years have been retained. This is still the black clothing and unique aroma.

The fragrance is very light, so light that you can't feel it unless you are close to you.

"I... I... I got it wrong." Gu Qianxue pressed his hands against Li Wang's chest and secretly exerted his strength, trying to distance them.

"Well, the king asked you, has this king ever had a relationship with your skin?" The icy voice said such ambiguous words, but there was no such thing as a melodramatic tone.

"..." Gu Qianxue gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes."

"How come?" Li Wang seemed to be teasing.

Gu Qianxue's silver teeth bite in the mouth, and he wished to crush his teeth, "I... I took the initiative."

Li Wang's lips twitched, "Remember, you must say so no matter who you are."

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes and refused to speak.

Li Wang's body suddenly came over, Gu Qianxue hurriedly shouted, "I know, I know, I swear to everyone that I seduce you, all right?"

Enveloped by the rich masculinity, Gu Qianxue's entire brain was blank, and he couldn't help shaking. His hands pressed hard against Li Wang's strong chest, although this resistance was meaningless.

"Remember, as long as Ben Wang hears a wind, he will catch you immediately," Li Wang’s voice is slow, but full of threats, "And, who you told the truth, Ben Wang killed who ."

Gu Qianxue shuddered all over her body, and she knew that as long as Li Wang said, she would do it.

"I know... I know, I... don't say to anyone, let go of me." Gu Qianxue turned his head and refused to accept the masculinity at hand.

In a few moments, I just felt a little light on my body, and the man like a big mountain got up and left.

Li Wang did not say anything Gu Qianxue said, but just carried his hands on his back and walked out of Gu Qianxue's room like a walk.

The slight pain in the back told Gu Qianxue that the scene just happened was not a nightmare, but a real fact. From now on, she will not be the big girl of Huanghua, no matter to anyone, she can't tell the truth, but can only secretly admit it.

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