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309, self-eating evil

Gu Qianxue was puzzled and looked at the dress. It was a pink silk dress with a high-level material and bright colors. It looked familiar, but because it was stacked, I couldn't see its style.

Did Gong Lingyun send her clothes? Gee, it really is a neuropathy, and normal people can never guess what he is going to do next.

However, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon! There must be moths among them!

"Thank you prince, but I don't need to change the clothes on my body. If you insist on sending it, Qianxue is also grateful to prince. I will definitely take it away when I leave." Gu Qianxue didn't want to think about it. Refuse, but dare not to refuse too hard, and put on the face.

"Ben Wang let you put it on, don't understand people's words?" Li Wangdao, calm tone, but with an unspeakable kill.

Gu Qianxue was confused, "Why did you send me my clothes suddenly? Even if you want to send them, you have to have a reason. The delivery is inexplicable. I dare not accept it."

Wang Li laughed loudly, and the smile was full of sarcasm, "Send you clothes? This king is really idle, let's see which one is this."

Gu Qianxue was stunned, stepped forward, dragged the clothes over, away from Li Wanglao, picked up the clothes, and the style was complete.

"It turned out to be..." Gu Qianxue was dumbfounded!

It's no wonder that just looking at the suit is very familiar. It turns out that this dress is nothing else. It was she who personally designed it and hurriedly made it overnight. Wan Yunfei once wore a shirt that seduce Li Wang-a low dress.

Why did this dress appear here? Why did Li Wang let her wear it? What does it mean?

"Remember, don't play tricks on Ben Wang. All the tricks you play, Ben Wang will let you eat evil fruit." Li Wang's lips yelled a wicked smile, slow and gentle.

In the words of Li Wang, Gu Qianxue naturally believes, "I... do I admit that I still have time to make mistakes?"

"It's too late." Li Wang answered directly.

Gu Qianxue looked at this low-cut dress, and obviously in modern times, he wore a suspender and a bikini. This low-cut dress is really nothing, but he does not want to wear it, because it represents a shame!

"Do you want to see my figure?" Gu Qianxue's eyes rolled, making a plan.

Since the guy He Gongling said it was unclear on the front, he said the other way around.

Sure enough, Li Wang subconsciously wanted to deny it, but he slipped back to his lips and smiled, "You think this king will be fooled?"

Gu Qianxue looked innocent, blinking his eyes, "I knew that His Royal Highness would not take advantage of this shameless ghost idea to take advantage of me. Don't wear this clothes anymore, it has a bad influence."

In a word, Li Wangqi almost vomited blood.

"Ben Wang said again, this king will revenge on you all the ghost ideas you played," Li Wang gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Don’t think that you will be fooled by aggressive methods. If this Wang wants to take advantage of you, , And can still keep you to today, not to mention looking down at your barren figure yourself, where is this king worth taking advantage of."

Gu Qianxue lowered his head subconsciously, "How good this figure is, after all, he is only fourteen years old. I am afraid that just a few years after entering puberty, the woman will be 20 years old. You ancients, you just don't know the goods." murmured.

"You really believe that there is no woman next to Wang?" Li Wang felt that as long as he was in front of Gu Qianxue, he couldn't restrain his anger at all. Gu Qianxue was angered by 10,000 methods.

Gu Qianxue withdrew his sight from his figure, and spread his hands, "Speaking without reason, you said there are women and people around you? What about people? I have stayed in your house for a while, except for Wan Yunyun, I really didn’t see any young women.” Then, I squinted, and my eyes were awkward. “Are you going to start with the maid of the king’s house? Although the rabbit is not nest grass, but since you eat it, it’s good anyway. Give someone a name, right?"

With a snap, the precious porcelain paperweight in King Li's hands was crushed.

Fortunately, King Li crushed the paperweight, otherwise the next moment, I was afraid to throw the paperweight over and smash someone.

"Ben Wang said for the last time, either you wear it yourself, or Ben Wang helps you wear it." Li Wang said one word, "Ben Wang has no patience."

"..." Gu Qianxue knew Li Wang, and since the guy could say it, he could do it. After thinking about it, Gu Qianxue decided to wear it!

After the screen, Gu Qianxue went to change clothes, but Li Wang continued to review the official documents.

In a few moments, the clothes were changed, and Gu Qianxue stepped forward from the screen.

But I saw that the pink slim dress was worn on the girl's tall and graceful figure, exquisite and exquisite, just like a beautifully shaped porcelain, its curve is breathtaking.

In particular, the V-shaped neckline extends almost all the way to the umbilicus, the skin is fair, and the deep ditch is with an attractive halo. Just one glance makes it impossible to move your eyes.

Gu Qianxue, who wears a bikini in modern times, feels that this dress is really nothing, but after wearing it, there is a sense of shyness and shame that cannot be ignored.

Can't help it, his hands want to pull the cloth on the chest.

Gu Qianxue suddenly admired Wan Ye Yunfei-she, a modern man, didn't twist in this dress very much, not to mention Wan Yi Yunfei, a native woman who was born and raised, although she had no martial arts, but she had the courage to say no good The only talk about this courage, Gu Qianxue is admired!

Li Wang, who was reviewing the document, heard the sound and looked up subconsciously, but his eyes were startled. Fortunately, Gu Qianxue did not notice that he quickly lowered his eyes and put his attention on the document again.

When I looked up and saw it, it seemed that everything hadn't changed, but in fact it had changed. It was just that Gu Qianxue, who had been arranging her clothes, didn't notice it.

"Wear it, let's see." Gu Qianxue repressed shyly and insisted on not caring.

King Li was slightly angry, and he looked up, "Gu Qianxue, as a woman, do you still have a heart of shame?"

Gu Qianxue sneered, "Hey, hey, you let me wear the clothes. If I don't wear them, you will help me wear them. Now that I wear them, you say that I have no heart for shame. Do you depend on the score?"

Li Wang didn't pay attention, and broke off the vermilion pen. "Gu Qianxue, don't pretend to be confused in front of this king. Didn't you design this dress?"

"No!" Gu Qianxue denied.

"You say it again?" Li Wang was angry.

"No." Gu Qianxue still said, "Why did the prince bite me to design it? Yes, the idea came from me, but I didn't design the clothes. When I designed the clothes, you looked beside ?"

Li Wang said nothing.

Gu Qianxue turned harder, "Now, you have to speak for evidence, but I can forgive you. There is an old saying, no hair on the mouth, and the speech is not strong." Then he looked at King Li with a playful look Smooth chin.

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