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328, is it a crush?

Thinking of being monitored by everyone, Gu Qianxue only felt as uncomfortable as if he had swallowed a fly.

She stepped on the car stool and got into the car, but when she was about to get into the car, she was surprised again. "Brother Jun, isn't it on Asahi today? The golden car came to pick me up. Did the guy take the other carriage?" That guy was referring to Li Wang naturally, and she was sure that today was early Asahi, because Gu Shangshu went out early in the morning.

Jun’an’s ears have filtered the word “that guy” and said, “Return to Qianxue County Lord, the prince is not in the early morning today.”

"Why?" She originally expected that Li Wang's guy was not in the palace. She could be comfortable for a day. As long as she thought she was in the same house with Li Wang, she was very uncomfortable.

"This, the villain will not know." Junan's voice was impatient, and silently urged Gu Qianxue to get on the carriage.

Gu Qianxue could only get into the carriage, with a disturbed and disgusted heart, to Li Wangfu.

After getting out of the carriage, Junan handed the car to Mending for parking, and followed Gu Qianxue into it.

Gu Qianxue's right eyelid jumped fiercely-her right eyelid, a good and ill spirited crow!

"Brother Jun, what are you doing with me?" Gu Qianxue stopped and saw Jun An, who was inseparable from himself, and said anxiously.

Junan’s handsome and tender cheeks were full of disdain that could not be concealed. “It’s not that the villain followed the lord, but the way. Also, the prince ordered that the lord go to the yard once before going to Nanshan Temple.”

"What do you do in the main yard?" Gu Qianxue immediately raised the precautions.

Junan gave her a white look, "This is the order of the prince, does the county master want to violate it?"

Gu Qianxue smiled, "Oh, a bite of a prince is quite admirable, isn't it..." As he said, his eyes were cumbersome and narrow, and his voice was lowered as if to say a secret. "Brother Jun, you have ignored such a love for women, and worshipped and obeyed your lord so much, wouldn't it be... crushing on him?"

Jun An didn’t respond for a while, "Crush? Lord Qianxue County, are you blind, the villain is a man, why do you..." Instantly understood, a handsome face was red and white and green, and his teeth were also teeth, "Master Qianxue, please don't... entertain the villain!"

Gu Qianxue also learned that scornful look, and white Junan glanced, "Who is entertaining you? Every time you see a woman, you are disgusted like seeing flies, what is not good for Longyang? Rest assured, you like your prince , I will help you chase him, and now it seems that you are attacking a ghost with a arrogant animal, which is quite worthy."

Although I don’t know what it means to be a ghost animal attack or what to be proud, but Junan knows that it’s definitely not a good thing, so he squeezes his fist tightly, “Master Qianxue, please don’t insult the villain.”

Gu Qianxue raised his arms and raised the corner of his mouth. The evil one said, "What about insulting you? Don’t forget, you bite yourself as a villain, but the posture is still very big. The lord is humble and the lord. You are also a servant no matter how bullish you are, what is there to be proud of?

Junan's face was blue and purple, "Villa...Dare not."

Gu Qianxue narrowed her eyes, "When you are blind or stupid, every time you meet, you look at me with contempt. You are a man, anyway, dare to say but dare not admit it," Gu Qianxue lowered his eyes to hide a certain conspiracy, "Since you don't look down on me like that, if you are a man, don't appear in front of the lord, hum!"

After snorting fiercely, Gu Qianxue ignored Jun'an half-turn and turned away quickly.

When he turned around, Gu Qianxue's calmness had completely disappeared, his eyes flicked behind him in horror, and he accelerated his pace more and more.

Although every time Jun An gave out a contemptuous expression, Gu Qianxue was unhappy, but it was not to the point of quarreling. After all, there were too many people who despised her and Gu Qianxue. If they quarreled one by one, she would quarrel all day.

There is a reason why Gu Qianxue finds a quarrel.

King Li’s Mansion is very big. From the gate to the Nanshan Temple, brisk walking requires a cup of tea, but now Gu Qianxue is almost a trot.

Seeing approaching Nanshan Institute, I felt a pain in my arm and was pulled by life. "Master Qianxue County, Lord please invite you over." It is Junan.

Gu Qianxue was miserable. Just now she deliberately quarreled with Jun An, not to vent her anger, just to distract her, and then ran to Nanshan courtyard to seek refuge in the air, but did not expect that she was finally caught.

"Jun'an, but now that I have arrived at the Nanshan Temple, how can I first ask the Queen Qin Fei and the Princess Yong'an if they are not?" Gu Qianxue reached out and pointed at the gate of the Nanshan Temple not far away. "Otherwise, I will go first Nanshanyuan stood on that foot and said a few words with the lady, and then went to see King Li, OK?"

Junan frowned, thinking.

"You stand at the door of Nanshanyuan and wait for me. I go in and say a few words," Gu Qianxue's smile was full of sincerity, but she said in her heart-it was strange that she came out after a few words, she absolutely held the empress Qin. The thigh, refused to leave.

Jun'an was almost shaken, but at the end refused, "Sorry, the prince has orders, Qianxue County Lord will see the lord immediately after arriving at the palace."

"Even if the prince has orders, I have to go to the Nanshan Academy to ask the Qin Fei empress for peace. Isn't it a big thing, and the Qin Fei empress is important?"

I haven’t ran two steps, I just felt a huge pain in the center of my right arm wrist. It was originally caught by Jun An again, but it was also locked the vein. The villain is not the opponent of the master of the county, so the prince advised that the villain could not refute the master of Qianxue, and he directly took the door back."

Gu Qianxue did not know what trick Junan used, but felt that after the wrist was buckled, the buckled place was extremely painful, and even the whole body was sore so that he could not work, "You let go, I... I will see Li Wang. "

Jun An was serious, "The Master of Qianxue County is sorry, the villain is afraid that you will run again."

Gu Qianxue really wanted to punch Junan fiercely, "You have martial arts, I don't have martial arts, how do I run? If you buckle it like this, my arm is probably going to be useless."

Jun An let go of his hand, "Ye Ye is right."

Gu Qianxue rubbed his wrist angrily, "What did that guy say?"

Junan Road, "The prince said, he will not show mercy to the master of Qianxue County. Qianxue County will love him the most and will never take his life."

Gu Qianxue only felt a sip of old blood spraying between his throats.

Reluctantly, Gu Qianxue, who can't twist her arms with her thighs, can only follow Junan to the main court obediently, but secretly swears that she will practice the martial arts cheats given by Wan Fei Yunfei 10,000 times, 10,000 times, no Dare to say that he can beat the king, at least to hang this arrogant little Junan!

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