The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 333: , The new use of Lingxiao Pavilion

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333, New Use of Lingxiao Pavilion

Chu Yan was dumbfounded and couldn't help murmuring, "Miao, it's too second! It really feels like flying in the air."

Su Lingxiao also reversed his usual calmness, and his eyes were full of light gray eyes, and his eyes were full of surprise.

During the speech, Gu Qianxue flew from the ground and climbed the end of the rope without any traces. He reached for the branch and grabbed the branch. One jumped up and jumped on the branch. He crouched on the tall branch to speak with the two people on the ground. "The time of seven days is enough for me to compose a beautiful dance, slowly take off from the ground, fly in the air, and then slowly fall, even if the dance is not very beautiful, but that Qiu Enran's dance is the same thing. No surprise, I should be able to win."

Su Lingxiao looked up, "If you want me to make a decision, now declare that the winner is Gu Qianxue."

Gu Qianxue chuckled, "Yeah, it would be nice if you were the referee." He said he reached out and grabbed the rope, and then he planted it suddenly.

Su Lingxiao was surprised, "Qianxue!"

Chu Yan was also taken aback, just wanted to rush to save people, but found that Gu Qianxue did not fall and fell, but grabbed the rope, and then, it was a beautiful set of movements, but it was more skillful and beautiful than the previous movements.

The first smoke is an eye-opener. No wonder that the masters who are as unobtrusive as the young masters will love the master of Qianxue County. The original master of the county has such a good idea that it can always give people a refreshing and amazing.

Suddenly remembered the frankness and sincerity of Qianxue County Master, even Chu Yan had to admit that if he was a man, he would also like Qianxue County Master.

There are very few laymen in the courtyard of the Nuan Pavilion, but a few laymen are also very untrustworthy. At this time, they are kept in the dark. In this empty courtyard, it was almost silent.

There is no music, no lights, no conditions for any stage, but in Gu Qianxue's flying, an invisible stage is gradually formed.

I saw a woman who smiled and smiled beautifully, her clothes were fluttering, and the full moon in the sky was like a fairy coming from the moon palace.

There is no sound here, there is sound, here no music is better than music.

Gu Qianxue fell to the ground, but Su Lingxiao was still immersed in shocking visual enjoyment, and it was difficult to extricate himself for a long time.

Unlike Su Lingxiao, who is wearing fox fur and watching it, Gu Qianxue felt very cold. She held her arms in her hands and rubbed her arms. "It's cold, it's cold, this winter... Is it necessary to practice dancing outdoors like this? Why is my life so hard? It was not difficult for Qiu Anran to die, I also froze to death first."

Chu Yan looked at Gu Qianxue's funny look and lowered his head.

Instead, Su Lingxiao smiled, "This is easy to handle, we just need to find an indoor place."

"It's easy to say, and I will be on stage in seven days. Where can I find it?" Gu Qianxue said helplessly, "Which room has such a high ceiling for me to practice dancing?"

"Nature is there," Su Lingxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the light gray eyes were brighter than the starlight, and the gentle smile, but there was no beauty of allure, "Lingxiao Pavilion."

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized that he clapped his hands fiercely. "Yes, Lingxiao Pavilion!" Lingxiao Pavilion was originally a loft style. The whole room was round. The interior had a height of three floors. Even the ceiling of the palace hall in that palace had a fight! Practicing dancing in Lingxiao Pavilion is the most suitable!


Gu Qianxue was a little guilty. "Or... is it wrong? I've troubled you enough. First I changed your Nuan Pavilion into a dance hall, and now I want to change your Ling Xiao Pavilion. This kind of kindness is difficult for me to repay, no, no , I will find another way." Shaking hands refused.

It’s very strange in the world. It is often strange to abandon personal emotions and treat people’s favors; but on the contrary, those who are polite and deeply grateful can’t help but stretch out to her again and again. Helping hands.

Of course, even if Gu Qianxue did not refuse, and instead directly used the Lingxiao Pavilion directly, Su Lingxiao would not object.

"What kindness can be greater than life-saving grace? If you save me twice, don't you give me a chance to repay you?" Su Lingxiao said.

Gu Qianxue began to struggle, and two villains fought in his head—one named Greed. Greedy: Anyway, you are Su Lingxiao's life-saving benefactor. Don't use it for nothing. Besides, you can't really expect anyone else except Su Lingxiao. The other is called sanity. Reason says: People Su Lingxiao practice dancing with you day by day, isn't it enough to repay the life-saving grace? In the past, there were more people who were treated in the hospital. Thank you for not thanking you for not coming back to see you for medical troubles. What do you expect from others?

Su Lingxiao couldn't bear to see Gu Qianxue struggling with contradiction, directly to the first smoke, "You go find someone to transform Lingxiao Pavilion immediately, move all the books out, hang a rope at the top of the ceiling... No, find a strong ribbon, if you can't find it When you get to the ribbon, you will find someone to rush to make one overnight, and it must be gorgeous and firm."

"Yes, the slave-maid ordered people to do this." Chu Yan immediately ordered his life.

Su Lingxiao thought slightly, and said, "It should be white, and the texture should be as good as forgetting."

"Yes." At the beginning of the flue, and seeing that the master had no other arrangements, he quickly left.

"No... don't need it, like this... how embarrassed I am?" Gu Qianxue was shy.

Su Lingxiao smiled and shook his head, "Qian Xue don't have any burden, I don't do it for you, but also for myself, because I also want to enjoy a wonderful dance." While talking, he secretly thought-half A few months ago, the 50th birthday of Emperor Nanyue wrote an invitation to him personally, but he did not know where to throw the invitation. If he wanted to think about it, he should find it again.

The two returned to the Nuan Pavilion, but were not idle. Gu Qianxue continued to perfect the drawings.

A good dance requires music and lighting in addition to the superb dance skills of the dancers and the ingenious choreography.

The music is played first, and the tiger's head is well thought out, only the light.

The palace dedicated to banquets is called Qianxi Hall. Before the queen held a banquet, she had been there once. Although there were lights on both sides, but because of the huge hall, the house was raised high, even if there were hundreds of lamps, but Still slightly dim.

How to achieve the spotlight effect without electric lights? Gu Qianxue lay on the ground and thought about it, and began to draw a fan-shaped container, just like the lampshade of an old flashlight.

Su Lingxiao saw the drawing and immediately understood, "Is this the object used to gather light?"

Gu Qianxue raised his head and looked at Su Lingxiao in surprise, "Yes, can you understand this principle?" With emotion in his heart, it was indeed Su Lingxiao, who was really versatile.

Su Lingxiao nodded, "Yes, don't worry about this artifact, I will help you to perfect the rest."

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