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353, Wanbao reappears

Chu Yan said, "Master Xuexue, do you want her slave to stop her?" The voice was faintly angry.

Gu Qianxue smiled, "I want to stop her, I just let her play first."

Chu Yan seemed to understand its meaning and nodded.

Gu Qianxue was sad and said, "Will the first smoke girl think I'm a bitch? I also know I'm despicable, but I have no choice but to dance...I'm really innocent! She bet with Princess Yong'an, it has nothing to do with me, I am just an outsider. "Cry without tears!

Chu Yan was serious, "Not despicable, the master of Qianxue County is glorious."

Gu Qianxue took a thumbs-up, "Good thing, a serious nonsense!"

"..." Chu Yan.

Grandma Li at the door gave Gu Qianxue a deep look and then left.

Gu Qianxue didn't have time to watch Qiu Anran's dance, because her dance required many props, not only the ribbon and the porcelain ball on the ceiling, but also the lights on the ground!

I have to say that Su Lingxiao's ability, in just a few days, designed a light box. Like the principle of modern flashlights, the glazed crystal is plated with sterling silver on the back, and many small candles are placed in front. That candle is a special kind of deep sea. It is made of fish fat, which is hard to extinguish, and the light is especially great.

The light box is sealed and belongs to a semi-disposable product. There is a small switch at the top. When the switch is turned on, the Lin powder is released. The ignition point of the Lin powder is extremely low and burns immediately. The special candle in the light box is lit and the light box starts to work. . At the same time, there is another switch. When the switch is turned on, water containing special substances is ejected. When the fire meets the water, it immediately extinguishes.

In an ancient age without electricity, Gu Qianxue was so amazing to make such a light box. At the same time, she was sure that Su Lingxiao had a great relationship with the Northern Li Kingdom, and she was more interested in the Northern Li Kingdom, the country of skill. Fascinated.

At the same time as the Enron County Dancer, Gu Qianxue took out the drawing for the last time and determined the position with the palace. After the dance was over, the palace would move the light box.

In a few moments, the music stopped, Gu Qianxue knew that it was time for him to play.

Say no, it's bragging!

Gu Qianxue took a deep breath, and the back face smiled indifferently, slowly stepped forward.

The people of the palace were not idle. They moved the four huge light boxes and moved them to a specific location according to the requirements of the drawings.

What Gu Qianxue didn’t know was that she did successfully anger Qiu Anran. Qiu Anran did not perform well due to the unsteady emotions. If it is a solo dance, it will definitely show up, but fortunately, she has many skilled dance partners. Did not look foreign.

When Gu Qianxue slowly entered the center of Qianxi Hall, people bet their eyes on him.

This is not enough.

Gu Qianxue went to the center of the four light boxes and congratulated the emperor's birthday.

At the same time, Aunt Gu Qianrou was surprised in the seat.

"Why didn't she wear the dance clothes we prepared?" Gu Qianrou exclaimed in a low voice, because according to the plans of their mother and daughter, Gu Qianxue put on the dance clothes and started dancing. Seam, once the force is excessive, the cloth will tear immediately, Gu Qianxue naturally ugly.

Why didn't Gu Qianxue wear dance clothes?

Aunt Pei immediately realized that she gritted her teeth, "This slut, she played us!"

Gu Qianrou threw the cup in his hand on the table fiercely, "Cunning bitch, I'm so mad!" Because the movement was too big, it caused the eyes of the women around.

And Gu Qianrou was in a hurry, and no matter how good she looked, even if Aunt Pei kept pulling to remind her.

There were many discussions among the officials and women around, nothing more than auntie was unruly, the daughter taught by the auntie was not allowed to go on the table, etc. Aunt Pei listened, her face red and white, her teeth almost bitten, and if time could return, she vowed not to be a concubine.

On the high platform, the prince's hand holding the wine glass slightly, his eyes fixed on the white figure in the center of the field, his lips slowly raised, and then took a sip of the beautiful wine, but his eyes were not deep.

Although Su Lingxiao had seen Gu Qianxue wearing a forgotten life, he had not seen the face of "Wanbao". He could only say that the collection of world treasures had produced amazing effects. But no matter how beautiful the treasure is, it is not as good as the people who wear it.

Perhaps many people think that Gu Qianxue's beauty is because of her dazzling dress this week, but Su Lingxiao believes that Gu Qianxue is more shining and unique than the diamond.

Tang Xuan, the prince of Bei Liguo next to Su Lingxiao, turned his head and wanted to express some emotions to the woman in the center of the field, but he saw that Ling Xiaozi, who had never been frightened and always quiet, was dumbfounded, that pair of pale gray Not only is there stunning in his eyes, but there are many unspeakable emotions.

Due to Su Lingxiao's eye-catching look, Tang Xuanmei once again focused her gaze on the woman in the center of the field, but felt that the beauty was beautiful, and she could not find the reason why Ling Xiaozi could stare at him, secretly wondering.

Beside the prince's table is the table of Li Kun's palace, but his eyes are not on Gu Qianxue, but he looks at Su Lingxiao across several tables. Seeing Su Lingxiao's concentrated expression, Li Wang's ever sharp eyes are dark As soon as it was dark, he lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking about.

Gu Qianxue's precious line can be said to be a double-edged sword. If his dancing skills are amazing enough, the line will surely be more powerful. But if the dance skills are mediocre, this line of business will only become a result of Dong Shi!

Many knowledgeable women shook their heads again and again, thinking in their hearts that Gu Qianxue was going to lose. How can a single dance beat a group dance? From the visual impact, the solo dance has lost!

Yes, under the modern packaging with lighting, sound and smoke, and a strong background, solo dance can't be amazing, not to mention Nanyue.

The Queen heard from Grandma Li what happened in the lounge, and looked at Gu Qianxue with a hint of contempt, because she already thought Gu Qianxue was just a smart woman. Both are emperors, and they are very happy to encourage Gu Qianxue with a few words of expectation in his eyes. "So, I look forward to Qian Xue's dancing skills."

Gu Qianxue smiled shyly, "Qianxue will do his best to dedicate the best dance posture to the emperor, and once again wish the emperor a blessing like the East China Sea and Shoubi Nanshan." Then, he pointed at the palace guards at the four light boxes. Next, the four people simultaneously turned on the light box switch.

Suddenly, it was as if the stage lights were turned on instantly. This dazzling light will illuminate the forgotten life and Wanbao, especially Wanbao. The flashing light even makes it difficult for people to see clearly Gu Qianxue himself. The lights are average.

Suddenly, the quiet hall suddenly made no small exclamation.

The queen suddenly realized, "It was Wanbao!" A heart almost jumped out of her chest.

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